litetex / CustomNuGetBuilder

Creates nuget packages for projects and distributes them

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


⚠️ This project got completely obsolete, when GitHub introduced Package Registry and Actions. It is now archived ⚠️
⚠️ The code is not validated

Creates nuget packages for projects and distributes them



  • Visual Studio (17+)

Get the files

Download them.

In the example a build folder is used in the repo

For the programs that are used:

  • VSPostBuildParameterCollector.exe → build/prog/VSPostBuildParameterCollector
  • CustomNuGetBuilder.exe → build/prog/CustomNuGetBuilder
    • lib/* → build/prog/CustomNuGetBuilder/lib/*

Generate the config

  • Create a build/config folder
  • Open a CLI and navigate into your build/prog/CustomNuGetBuilder folder
    cd <PathToYourVSSolutionLocation>/build/prog/CustomNuGetBuilder
  • Create a config.json
    CustomNuGetBuilder.exe -genconf config.json
  • Copy the build/prog/CustomNuGetBuilder/config.json into build/config/config.json

Now you should have something like that:

  "Username": "CustomNuGetBuilder", //Username that is used by the program e.g. BuildTool-<YourUsernam>
  "Email": "example@example.example", //Email that is uesd by the programm e.g. [github]@<YourUsername>
  "BuildNugetConfig": {
    "ExeDownloadPath": "", //Update and download-location of nuget.exe
    "ExePath": "nuget.exe", //Path for Execution
    "AutoUpdate": true,
    "ExecCommand": "nuget pack \"$(ProjectPath)\" -Properties Configuration=$(ConfigurationName) -IncludeReferencedProjects -Verbosity detailed -ForceEnglishOutput", //Command to create the nugetfile
    "LatestBuildDir": "builds\\latest", //Output directory
    "ArchiveBuildDir": "builds\\archiv" //Archiv for old output files
  "AppendToGitRepoConfig": {
    "Enabled": false, //true - Append created nuget-file into a git repo and push it
    "CredsPrincipal": null, // Username or Token
    "CredsPassword": null, // Password (if you use a token let this filed empty)
    "LocalGitDir": "git\\repo", //Localpath
    "RemoteGitPath": null //Remote path e.g. https://<hosturl>/<ownername>/<reponame>.git
  "GitHubReleaseConfig": {
    "Enabled": false, //true - Automatically create a Github that contains the created files
    "GitHubPersonalAccessToken": "", // GitHub Personal Access Token
    "LocalRepoPath": null, //null - Program is executed inside a repo
    "CheckIfLocalRepoIsDirty": false, //Throws an exception if the (local) repo contains uncommited changes
    "RemoteHead": "origin", //Head that is used too connect to GitHub-Remote
    "AllowedReleaseBranches": null, //e.g. [ "master", "develop" ] --> if the current build doesn't occurs on one of the given branches, a exception will be thrown
    "IsPreRealease": true, //create the release as pre release
    "IsDraft": true, //create the release as draft
    "AssetUploadTimeOut": "00:05:00" //Max UploadTime per Asset - throws an Exception if it takes to long

Syntax for embedding and building automatically into VS-Studio:


cd $(SolutionDir)build
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('prog\VSPostBuildParameterCollector\VSPostBuildParameterCollector.exe --OutDir "$(OutDir)\" --ConfigurationName "$(ConfigurationName)" --ProjectName "$(ProjectName)" --TargetName "$(TargetName)" --TargetPath "$(TargetPath)" --ProjectPath "$(ProjectPath)" --ProjectFileName "$(ProjectFileName)" --TargetExt "$(TargetExt)" --TargetFileName "$(TargetFileName)" --DevEnvDir "$(DevEnvDir)\" --TargetDir "$(TargetDir)\" --ProjectDir "$(ProjectDir)\" --SolutionFileName "$(SolutionFileName)" --SolutionPath "$(SolutionPath)" --SolutionDir "$(SolutionDir)\" --SolutionName "$(SolutionName)" --PlatformName "$(PlatformName)" --ProjectExt "$(ProjectExt)" --SolutionExt "$(SolutionExt)"') do set PARVAR=%%i 
prog\CustomNuGetBuilder\CustomNuGetBuilder.exe -c "conf\config.json" -p %PARVAR%

How it works

Structure Diagram

Context: Archived and now OSS

This is an old project which was created some time ago.
It was migrated to NET Core (should work now properly) and is now archived as OSS, so everyone can learn from it 📖


Creates nuget packages for projects and distributes them

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%