litespeedtech / lscache-xf2

LSCache Plugin for XenForo 2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


LSCache Plugin for XenForo 2

Feature list:

  • Powerful defense against DDOS attacks.
  • Significantly reduce server load (and MySQL queries).
  • Guests pages are cached by LiteSpeed cache.


  1. Disable any other page caches as these will interfere with LSCXF2.
  2. Access the server hosting your XenForo installation, either directly or using ssh/sftp.
  3. From the unzipped LSCXF2 folder, copy all files under upload to the upload folder of your XenForo installation.
  4. In the XenForo control panel, navigate to the Add-ons section to complete the installation.


  • Add the following .htaccess rules, replacing 'xf_user' by the custom cookie prefix used if changed in XenForo's configuration, and '360' by the number of seconds the content should remain cached (Recommended < 10 mins):

      # LiteSpeed XenForo cache
      <IfModule litespeed>
          CacheLookup public on
          RewriteEngine On
           # cache
           RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !(xf_lscxf_logged_in|xf_user|xf_session_admin) [NC]
           RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/install/ [NC]
           RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:max-age=360,E="cache-vary:xf_style_id,xf_language_id"]
           # no cache
           RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} (xf_lscxf_logged_in|xf_user|xf_session_admin) [NC]
           RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:vary=loggedin,E=Cache-Control:no-cache]


LSCache Plugin for XenForo 2

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 100.0%