listato / okos

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One Kilobyte Operating System (OKOS)

Tiny OS for 1kB challenge.

Blurring the line between embedded system and general purpose computer. Inspired by all those wizardly tricks that brought computing to the masses on limited hardware.

OKOS is an operating system that allows the user to edit text or assembly source files code, assemble these into executables, and run their programs.


  • Runs on a PIC18f25k50, the MCU in the HaD SuperCon Badge!
  • Display driver and API
    • Supports SSD1306 OLED display with 128x64 pixels over i2c, with the font included that is 32x8 characters.
    • Minimal 3x5 tiny font (remember original Apple ][ uppercase only font?)
    • Line buffered text drawing api (write whole row at a time)
    • Optional lowercase font, with descender support 3x5.5! But it takes 10 more bytes to support :(
    • Check out git history for a full ascii compatible font + display driver in less than 400 bytes.
  • Filesystem (if you can call it that)
    • Actually just chopping 32k flash into 16 * 2k files.
    • 15 files available to user numbered 1-F. Can be either text files or programs.
  • Touch keyboard
    • Chainable capacitive keyboard controller in 106.75 bytes.
    • Can scan up to 256 keys, though OKOS uses only 44 w/ 6 chained controllers.
    • Normal sized sized qwerty keyboard (keyboard and controller Eagle files included)
  • Very basic command line interface lets you edit files, assemble them, and run programs
  • Minimal instruction set assembler for the PIC MCU
    • What kind of OS doesn't let you write code?!?
    • Minimal, but workable, instruction set support.
    • Writes executable machine code into another file. Not interpreted!
  • Visual Text Editor
    • Hopefully better than edlin
  • Run
    • User program takes over
    • Core API available
    • User program interrupts supported (ISR vector depends on what program is running)
  • OKOS is just ok because OKOS is just OK.

One Kilobyte Breakdown

Code usage by category

Visual Text Editor

Edit a text file with e <file> e.g. e 1 to edit the text file 1.

The current line will have an arrow in the left-side gutter. Arrow keys are not supported, but instead the keypad 8 (up) and 2 (down) keys are used for navigating. You can scroll through the file with these arrow keys.

The cursor is always at the end of the line. You can delete with backspace (including over newlines), or type to add more characters to a line. Pressing enter will append a newline.

Save the file with the F1 key.


Assemble a file with a <source> <out> e.g. a 1 2 assembles source code in file 1 writing the executable to file 2.

Minimal usable PIC instruction set.

3 character mnemonics to save space.

  • ; for comments, can be anywhere
  • . on a line alone to end the file/parsing. REQUIRED

User ISR starts at offset 0x04 or. This gives you enough room to jump away at the start of your program. Boilerplate program with an ISR:

bra 0012 ; jump past ISR
; insert your ISR code here
; ...
bra 000b ; execute a return
; at address 12. insert your code here
. ; EOF

User memory starts at address 0x3A, with the line buffer at 0x1A, anything before that is needed by the core API. If you don't use the API, feel free to reclaim this memory! Note that if you use ISRs, address 0x00 controls which file block the ISR jumps to.

Unfortunately, there wasn't enough room to support labels.

Instruction Set

PIC instruction short mnemonic args notes
bcf bcf f, b 1 instruction
bsf bsf f, b 1 instruction
btfsc btc f, b 1 instruction
btfss bts f, b 1 instruction
movlw mvl k 1 instruction
movwf mvw f 1 instruction
movf mvf f, d 1 instruction
addwf add f, d 1 instruction
andwf and f, d 1 instruction
iorwf ior f, d 1 instruction
xorwf xor f, d 1 instruction
rlcf rlc f, d 1 instruction
rrcf rrc f, d 1 instruction
goto bra k 2 instructions
target address is doubled. Think of them as instruction word addresses instead of byte addresses. File 1 starts at 0x400
call cal k 2 instructions. Same addressing as goto
Use bra b

NOTE return is not implemented, but a return instruction is placed at address 0x16 (word 0xb), jumping there will effect a return.

Core API

These API are available and potentially useful to user written programs.

Routine address cal address Notes
return_bra 0x000016 000B Use this to return.
oledDrawFlushLine 0x00012c 0096 write up to 32 characters to 0x1A. Filled with spaces on return.
readKey 0x00015c 00AE Waits for keypress, returns character in WREG, also in 0x03. Blocks until key is pressed. You probably want to write something better in an ISR.
openFile 0x0002d2 0169 Sets up TBLPTR for reading/writing to the given file in WREG
fputc 0x000294 014A Writes a byte in WREG, flushing pages as needed
flushLastPage 0x0002a2 0151 If bit 0 in memory 0x01 is set, you need to call this once to flush the last page, since pages are only flushed by fputc in 64b increments.

Running Programs

Once you've written and assembled an executable, you can run with with r <file> e.g. r 2 to run file 2.

Your program takes over until the computer is reset.

In main.asm, a define can be set to write an example program to flash. Both the assembler version and the text file are included.


OKOS was written on and designed to run on the PIC MCU in the HaD SuperCon badge. The badge exposes a few GPIO, with i2c support.

Originally OKOS was written with PS2 keyboard support, though later this was replaced with a capacitive touch keyboard so that all code could be accounted for. A define can be set to re-enable PS2 keyboard support without having to make your own keyboard hardware.

The keyboard is regular sized, and the solder joints were sanded down for a smooth surface before it was coated with polyurethane. It has a nice feel to it!

Touch qwerty keyboard

The capacitive touch keyboard is scanned with a handful of daisy chained pic16f1574 wired to a qwerty touch keyboard. Each runs exactly the same copy of code and scans 8 keys, passing messages from other controllers in the chain.

Schematic of touch controller

6 of these controllers chained together make up the keyboard controller. Assembled controller chain Controller chain attached to keyboard

There is also a board for placing the OLED display and doing level shifting to support PS2 keyboards. This connects to the expansion port on the badge. Schematic diagram


Character set

Supports 0-9, a-z, period, semicolon, space, newline, esc, F1, backspace, Keypad 2,8,6

Maps directly to hex, such that 0x0 => '0', 0xa => 'A'.


Supports PS2 keyboards, decode scancodes into character set.

  • simple protocol
  • can ignore keyup.
  • ignore most special keys.


  • pic18f25k50 has 32k flash. Split into 16 "files" of 2k each. file 0 (half of it anyway) contains OKOS.
  • There wasn't enough space to do much else


  • the 128x64 oled needs very little setup.
  • could get 10 lines of text (+ 4 pixels spare), but requires extra bit shifting. 8 lines of 8 pixels is easy w/ the displays 8 bit tall row x 128 segments.
  • Each font face is 15 bits. To save space, only uppercase is supported, though the code can support lowercase and even use the 16th bit to shift down for lowercase descenders with 10 more bytes of code.
  • Originally it rendered characters on the fly and send to display, but positioning and redraw was difficult. Now uses a line buffer and draws one row at a time, and is faster.


Microchip PIC18f25k50

  • uses 16-bit instruction words, and can store 2-8bit bytes per word easily.
  • has 32k of flash, leaving plenty for filesystem
  • Has almost enough RAM to fit entire 2k "file" into memory.
  • Also happens to be in the HaD SuperCon Badge.

A Comment on Interrupts

First of all, I love interrupts. It's why I added some hooks that allow user programs to have ISRs at all.

However, when I went to write the i2c display stuff and the keyboard handling code, the ISR quickly consumed a lot of program space just saving and restoring registers. On top of that, the state machine, timers/timeouts, checking flags, etc. all took more space than I had.

1K Mapfile evidence

The main controller OS program code weighs in at 912 bytes. The keyboard controller is 106.75 bytes (61 14-bit instructions).

Main controller & OS

Full mapfile here

Note that configuraton fuses on the main PIC are located at 0x300000 and are not actually program flash, the programm usage calculation is flawed! Main controller program memory ends (and includes) address 0x00038f - 912 bytes. Also .cinit is a bug/feature of MPLAB that could be removed with a custom linker file or by switching to absolute mode (as was done for the keyboard controller).

Here's the relevant bit from the mapfile:

                              Program Memory Usage 
                               Start         End      
                           ---------   ---------      
                            0x000000    0x00038f      
                            0x300000    0x300003      
                            0x300005    0x300006      
                            0x300008    0x30000d      
            924 out of 33048 program addresses used, program memory utilization is 2%

Keyboard controller

Full mapfile here

Note that configuraton fuses on the keyboard controller PIC are located at 0x008007 and are not actually program flash, the programm usage calculation is flawed! The program memory ends (and includes) address 0x00003c - 61 x 14-bit instructions or 854 bits = 106.75 bytes.

Here's the relevant bit from the mapfile:

                              Program Memory Usage 
                               Start         End      
                           ---------   ---------      
                            0x000000    0x00003c      
                            0x008007    0x008008      
            63 out of 4103 program addresses used, program memory utilization is 1%



Language:Eagle 94.2%Language:Assembly 4.3%Language:JavaScript 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.6%Language:Objective-C 0.1%Language:OpenSCAD 0.1%