lissarubi / dalton-discord

A Dark blue and saturate theme to help mainly colorblind people (Deutan)

Repository from Github https://github.comlissarubi/dalton-discordRepository from Github https://github.comlissarubi/dalton-discord

Dalton Discord

Dalton Discord is a Discord port of Dalton Theme, check out Dalton Website to get more dalton theme ports.

Dalton Discord is a Dalton Theme to Better Discord.

Better Discord

BetterDiscord is a client modification for Discord. This allows you to add plugins and themes to your personal copy of Discord. BetterDiscord also adds a number of other features out of the box. install instructions here


clone this repository with git clone, and move dalton.css to your Better Discord themes folder.


A Dark blue and saturate theme to help mainly colorblind people (Deutan)

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 100.0%