lishali / STGAN

STGAN: A Unified Selective Transfer Network for Arbitrary Image Attribute Editing

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Tensorflow implementation of STGAN: A Unified Selective Transfer Network for Arbitrary Image Attribute Editing

Overall architecture of our STGAN. Taking the image above as an example, in the difference attribute vector $\mathbf{att}_\mathit{diff}$, $Young$ is set to 1, $Mouth\ Open$ is set to -1, and others are set to zeros. The outputs of $\mathit{D_{att}}$ and $\mathit{D_{adv}}$ are the scalar $\mathit{D_{adv}}(\mathit{G}(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{att}_\mathit{diff}))$ and the vector $\mathit{D_{att}}(\mathit{G}(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{att}_\mathit{diff}))$, respectively

Exemplar Results

  • See for more results

  • Facial attribute editing results

    Facial attribute editing results on the CelebA dataset. The rows from top to down are results of IcGAN, FaderNet, AttGAN, StarGAN and STGAN.

    High resolution ($384\times384$) results of STGAN for facial attribute editing.

  • Image translation results

    Results of season translation, the top two rows are $summer \rightarrow winter$, and the bottom two rows are $winter \rightarrow summer$.


  • Prerequisites

    • Tensorflow (r1.4 - r1.12 should work fine)
    • Python 3.x with matplotlib, numpy and scipy
  • Dataset

    • CelebA dataset (Find more details from the project page)
      • Images should be placed in DATAROOT/img_align_celeba/*.jpg
      • Attribute labels should be placed in DATAROOT/list_attr_celeba.txt
      • If google drive is unreachable, you can get the data from Baidu Cloud
    • We follow the settings of AttGAN, kindly refer to AttGAN for more dataset preparation details
  • pre-trained model

Quick Start

Exemplar commands are listed here for a quick start.


  • for 128x128 images

    python --experiment_name 128
  • for 384x384 images (please prepare data according to HD-CelebA)

    python --experiment_name 384 --img_size 384 --enc_dim 48 --dec_dim 48 --dis_dim 48 --dis_fc_dim 512 --n_sample 24 --use_cropped_img


  • Example of testing single attribute

    python --experiment_name 128 [--test_int 1.0]
  • Example of testing multiple attributes

    python --experiment_name 128 --test_atts Pale_Skin Male [--test_ints 1.0 1.0]
  • Example of attribute intensity control

    python --experiment_name 128 --test_slide --test_att Male [--test_int_min -1.0 --test_int_max 1.0 --n_slide 10]

The arguments in [] are optional with a default value.


  • You should give the path of the data by adding --dataroot DATAROOT;
  • You can specify which GPU to use by adding --gpu GPU, e.g., --gpu 0;
  • You can specify which image(s) to test by adding --img num (e.g., --img 182638, --img 200000 200001 200002), where the number should be no larger than 202599 and is suggested to be no smaller than 182638 as our test set starts at 182638.png.
  • You can modify the model by using following arguments
    • --label: 'diff'(default) for difference attribute vector, 'target' for target attribute vector
    • --stu_norm: 'none'(default), 'bn' or 'in' for adding no/batch/instance normalization in STUs
    • --mode: 'wgan'(default), 'lsgan' or 'dcgan' for differenct GAN losses
    • More arguments please refer to


  • Train with AttGAN model by

    python --experiment_name attgan_128 --use_stu false --shortcut_layers 1 --inject_layers 1


If you find STGAN useful in your research work, please consider citing:

  title={STGAN: A Unified Selective Transfer Network for Arbitrary Image Attribute Editing},
  author={Liu, Ming and Ding, Yukang and Xia, Min and Liu, Xiao and Ding, Errui and Zuo, Wangmeng and Wen, Shilei},
  booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


The code is built upon AttGAN, thanks for their excellent work!


STGAN: A Unified Selective Transfer Network for Arbitrary Image Attribute Editing


Language:Python 100.0%