lisaross / mjml-sendgrid-tutorial

Putting together MJML + Handlebars + Sendgrid

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MJML + Template System + Sendgrid

MJML, Handlebars & Sendgrid for building responsive mails


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Add your Sendgrid API Key in .env file
  4. Add your Recipent Email .env file
  5. Run node example.js

How it works

  1. The app loads .env environment configuration.
  2. The view in views/example.hbs is loaded.
  3. The loaded view (now as a string) is converted to an Handlebars Template.
  4. Then the template replaces the variables with the values in the userInfo object.
  5. The Handlebar Template is converted to HTML.
  6. The HTML is passed to Sendgrid to generate the email.


Putting together MJML + Handlebars + Sendgrid


Language:JavaScript 52.5%Language:HTML 47.5%