lisabpink / webtesting-i-challenge

Web Testing I Module Challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Testing I

In this project, you will demonstrate proficiency by writing unit tests and production code to satisfy the Minimum Viable Product described below.

Some of the topics covered were:

  • introduction to automated testing.
  • using Jest as a test runner.
  • writing unit tests for JavaScript functions.
  • the Test Driven Development (TDD) workflow.


Read these requirements carefully. Understand exactly what is expected before starting.

You are allowed, and encouraged, to collaborate with your peers while working on this assignment. Remember to follow the twenty-minute rule and post questions to your cohort's help channel before seeking support from your PM and Instructor.


Please push your code often and use descriptive commit messages, this helps you and your project manager.

Project Description

In this project, you will write unit tests and the implementation code for a module that helps players see the results of a success or failure when trying to enhance their in-game items. The requirements are listed under the Minimum Viable Product section below.

Project Set Up

Follow these steps to setup your git fork and branch.

  • Fork this repository.
  • Use GitHub's website to add your project manager as collaborator on your fork.
  • Clone your forked version of the repository (Not Lambda's!).
  • Create a new branch: git checkout -b <firstName-lastName>.
  • Commit changes to your <firstName-lastName> branch.
  • Push often to your branch: git push origin <firstName-lastName>.

Follow these steps for completing your project.

  • Submit a Pull-Request to merge the <firstName-lastName> branch into the master branch on your fork. Please don't merge your own pull request
  • Use GitHub's website to add your project manager as a reviewer on the pull-request.
  • Your project manager will count the project as complete by merging the branch back into the master branch of your forked repository.

Minimum Viable Product

After a set of interviews with the potential users of the solution, we gathered the following information about the functionality of the game's enhancing system. Your job is to add tests to ./enhancing/enhancer.spec.js and code to ./enhancing/enhancer.js to implement the requirements; ./enhancing/enhancer.js exports an object that has the following methods:

  • a repair(item) method that accepts an item object and returns a new item with the durability restored to 100. This method is the simplest of the three and would be a good starting point on this project.
  • a success(item) method that accepts an item object and returns a new item object modified according to the rules defined by the client for enhancement success.
  • a fail(item) method that accepts an item object and returns a new item object modified according to the rules defined by the client for enhancement failure.
  • a get() method for use when working on the stretch problem.

The following sections list information provided by the client about items and the game's enhancing system.


  • Items have name, durability and enhancement.
  • The item's enhancement it's a number from 0 to 20.
  • The item's durability it's a number from 0 to 100.

When enhancement succeeds

  • The item's enhancement increases by 1.
  • If the item enhancement level is 20, the enhancement level is not changed.
  • The durability of the item is not changed.

When enhancement fails

  • If the item's enhancement is less than 15, the durability of the item is decreased by 5.
  • If the item's enhancement is 15 or more, the durability of the item is decreased by 10.
  • If the item's enhancement level is greater than 16, the enhancement level decreases by 1 (17 goes down to 16, 18 goes down to 17).

Stretch Problem

This section is optional and not counted towards MVP. Start working on it after you're done with the main assignment.

  • Add a get() method to the enhancer object that takes an item and returns a new item with the name property modified according to the following rules:
    • if the enhancement level is 0, the the name is not modified.
    • if the enhancement level is greater than 0, change the name to include the enhancement level, preceded by a plus sign ( + ), between square brackets before the item's name. Example: the name of a "Iron Sword" enhanced to 7 would be "[+7] Iron Sword".
  • Design and build a Web Application to test the enhancing module you implemented for the MVP.
  • Work on this repository for extra practice testing JavaScript Functions.


Web Testing I Module Challenge


Language:JavaScript 100.0%