liruihaod / calendar

A Custom calendar (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 自定义日历选择器,时间范围精确到日,可精准自定义设置每个日期的初始样式和点击后的回调,提供 "弹层模式" 和 "普通排列" 的两种模式。

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Calendar - A Flexible Calendar for Mobile


Calendar was born for several product requirements in the mobile. It’s free, cute and customized.

The Calendar was builded by protogenic JavaScript. So you can use it with jQuery,Vue, React, and so on.



Special Feature

  • User-defined time ranges. You can set any date with the precision of a date
  • Two kinds of layout -- “Popup Layout” & “Normal Layout”
  • User-defined “Chinese or English, "the Sequence of Sunday" and "Switch button display"
  • Controll the style of every day
  • Choose "a time point" or "a time range"
  • Controll the sensibility of user touches

Look at a demo:⬇️⬇️⬇️

Demo & NPM

How To Use

1. html中:

    <!-- You'll need  it in "Popup Layout".  The #target can be any other dom for your convenient-->
    <div id="target">Click me!Click me!Click me!</div>
    <!-- The #container must be the outermost dom below body --> 
    <div id="container"></div>

2. js中:

// mode 1
<script src="calendar.js"></script>
// mode 2
import Calendar from 'mob-calendar';
    new Calendar({
		clickTarget: 'target',
		container: 'container',
		angle: 0,
		isMask: true, 
		beginTime: [2017, 1, 1],
		endTime: [2018, 1, 13],
		recentTime: [2018, 1, 2],
		isSundayFirst: true, 
		isShowNeighbor: true, 
		isToggleBtn: true, 
		isChinese: true,
		monthType: 3, 
		canViewDisabled: false, 
		beforeRenderArr: [{
			stamp: 1512057600000,
			className: 'able',
		success: function (item, arr, cal) {
			console.log(item, arr);
		switchRender: function (year, month, cal) {
			var data = [{
				'stamp': 1507737600000,
				'className': 'able1',

How to generate a new instance,look at the arguments list:⬇️⬇️⬇️

Arguments List

Name Mean Type Value Must
clickTarget the id of the dom you touch {String} - ×
container the id of the container you ready to append dom {String} -
angle fix the sensibility of user touches by angle {Number} had better set it between 5 and 20 ×
isMask set layout {Boolean} true:“popup layout”, false:“normal layout
beginTime user-defined begin time points. {Array(Number)} an empty array means [1970, 1, 1]. every position sequent meas “year”, "month" and "date".
endTime user-defined end time points. {Array(Number)} the same to beginTime. an empty array means [nextYear, 12, 31]
recentTime user-defined current time points. {Array(Number)} the same to beginTime. an empty array means [currentYear, currentMonth, 1]
isSundayFirst the Sequence of Sunday {Boolean} true:Sunday at the first column, false:Sunday at the last column
isShowNeighbor controll the display of the adjacent months {Boolean} true: show the adjacent months, false: hide the adjacent months
isToggleBtn controll the display of the switch button {Boolean} true:show the switch button, false:hide the switch button
isChinese controll the language of week {Boolean} true:show Chinese week like ‘六’,false: show English week like ‘S’
monthType controll the type of month {Number 0-3} 0: 1月, 1:一月, 2:Jan, 3: January
canViewDisabled controll the display of the out-range months {Boolean} true: show the out-range months,false:hide the out-range months
beforeRenderArr rend the style of the specified date {unordered Array(Object)} every item of this array has two arguments: the specified date stamp{Number} & the specified classname className {String}, see below for details
success the callback of tap events {Fuction(item, array,cal)} there are 3 arguments,item: the time stamp of the target,array :the two targets after two tap events ,cal : the instance
switchRender the callback of switch events {Fuction(year, month, cal)} there are 3 arguments,year : the generating year,month: the generating month (from zero), cal : the instance


// the JSON example of the beforeRenderArr
beforeRenderArr: [{
	stamp: 1512057600000, // the specified date
	className: 'disable', // the specified classname map the STAMP


<!--  'li'  is a rectangle,'i'  is a circular -->
<li class="container-item-1512057600000 disable" data-stamp="1512057600000">
    <i data-stamp="1512057600000">2</i>
Proptype Function Effection Example
renderCallbackArr render an arry data for rending the specified style map the specified date. the data JSON is same to beforeRenderArr cal.renderCallbackArr(data)
prevent prevent default events. cal.prevent()
hideBackground in "popup layout",this function will help you to hide the popup. cal.hideBackground()



  • New Project -- Calendar, First Publish .


For questions and issues please use THIS WAY

I am Appian.

Calendar - 用户自定义日历

Calendar - 自我介绍




  • 限制时间范围,精确到【日期】
  • 有【直接布局】和【弹层显示】两种不同调用样式
  • 自由设置【月份和星期的中英文显示】、【星期天的排序位置】和【切换操作】
  • 利用回调控制【每一个日期】的不同样式
  • 可以【选中】时间点,或【时间范围】
  • 可以根据实际需要,【调整预判手势的灵敏度】


Demo & NPM

How To Use

1. html中:

    <!-- 在弹层模式中会需要一个元素触发弹层,target 可以是任意html标签。-->
    <div id="target">我是一个点击区域,大家快来点我</div>
    <!-- 插入日历的容器 --> 
    <div id="container"></div>

2. js中:

// 方式一, 直接引用
<script src="calendar.js"></script>
// 方式二, 引入npm包
import Calendar from 'mob-calendar';
	// 实例化一个日历插件,具体参数意义可以看下文中的参数列表
    new Calendar({
		clickTarget: 'target',
		container: 'container',
		angle: 0,
		isMask: true, // 是否需要弹层
		beginTime: [2017, 1, 1],//如空数组默认设置成1970年1月1日开始,数组的每一位分别是年月日。
		endTime: [2018, 1, 13],//如空数组默认设置成次年12月31日,数组的每一位分别是年月日。
		recentTime: [2018, 1, 2],//如空数组默认设置成当月1日,数组的每一位分别是年月日。
		isSundayFirst: true, // 周日是否要放在第一列
		isShowNeighbor: true, // 是否展示相邻月份的月尾和月头
		isToggleBtn: true, // 是否展示左右切换按钮
		isChinese: true, // 是否是中文
		monthType: 3, // 0:1月, 1:一月, 2:Jan, 3: April
		canViewDisabled: false, // 是否可以阅读不在范围内的月份
		beforeRenderArr: [{
			stamp: 1512057600000,
			className: 'able',
		success: function (item, arr, cal) {
			console.log(item, arr);
		switchRender: function (year, month, cal) {
			console.log('计算机识别的 - 年份: ' + year + ' 月份: ' + month);
			var data = [{
				'stamp': 1507737600000,
				'className': 'able1',



参数名称 作用 类型 取值 是否必须
clickTarget 触发弹层的dom元素ID {String} - ×
container 日历容器的dom元素ID {String} -
angle 调整预判手势的灵敏度 {Number} 建议5-20 ×
isMask 布局是否使用弹层样式 {Boolean} true:弹层显示, false:正常布局
beginTime 开始时间点 {Array(Number)} 数组的每一位分别是年月日,空数组默认1970年1月1日
endTime 结束时间点 {Array(Number)} 数组的每一位分别是年月日,空数组默认次年12月31日
recentTime 当前时间点 {Array(Number)} 数组的每一位分别是年月日,空数组默认当前月1日
isSundayFirst 星期天是否要放在第一列 {Boolean} true:星期日在第一列, false:星期日在最后一列
isShowNeighbor 是否展示相邻月份的月尾和月头 {Boolean} true:显示相邻月份的月尾和月头, false:不显示
isToggleBtn 是否展示左右切换按钮 {Boolean} true:显示左右切换按钮, false:不显示
isChinese 是否展示中文星期 {Boolean} true:显示中文星期简写,false:显示英文星期简写
monthType 月份的展示字符 {Number 0-3} 0:1月, 1:一月, 2:Jan, 3: January
canViewDisabled 是否可以阅读不在范围内的月份 {Boolean} true:无限滑动,false:只查看时间范围内的月份
beforeRenderArr 初次渲染时给特殊日期指定样式 {无序Array(Object)} 数组元素有两个参数 指定时间戳stamp{Number}指定样式名字className {String},详见下文
success 点击某个日期的回调 {Fuction(item, array,cal)} 返回3个自带参数,item表示当前点击的时间戳,array表示连续两次点击的两个时间戳,cal 指向实例
switchRender 日历切换后的回调 {Fuction(year, month, cal)} 返回3个自带参数,year表示新生成的年份,month表示新生成的月份(从0开始), cal 指向实例


// 渲染时给特殊日期指定样式的数据格式
beforeRenderArr: [{
	stamp: 1512057600000, // 指定某个时间戳
	className: 'disable', //指定该时间戳渲染的样式


// 渲染后的效果如下
// li 是一个矩形,i 是圆形
<li class="container-item-1512057600000 disable" data-stamp="1512057600000">
    <i data-stamp="1512057600000">2</i>
原型链暴露的函数 作用 示例
renderCallbackArr 渲染传入的数组data,用于指定特定日期的特定样式, 数组databeforeRenderArr 的数据格式一致 cal.renderCallbackArr(data)
prevent 方便在回调中阻止默认事件 cal.prevent()
hideBackground 在弹窗模式中,可能需要用到的隐藏弹层的函数 cal.hideBackground()



  • 正式发布第一版日历


如果你遇到了什么神bug,请发起ISSUE联系我 ~



A Custom calendar (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 自定义日历选择器,时间范围精确到日,可精准自定义设置每个日期的初始样式和点击后的回调,提供 "弹层模式" 和 "普通排列" 的两种模式。


Language:JavaScript 74.9%Language:HTML 13.1%Language:CSS 12.0%