liquibase / liquibase-oracle

Liquibase extension to add improved Oracle support

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liquibase-oracle Build and Test Extension

This extension adds Oracle-specific change tags to Liquibase. More details on these can be found in the Liquibase Confluence site, in the Oracle Extensions page.

Oracle Extensions Overview

This repository contains specific extensions for Liquibase related to the Oracle database. These extensions allow you to work with Oracle-specific features during schema migration.

Key Features

  1. Oracle Check Constraints:
    • The following tags, not supported by Liquibase Core, were added:
      • AddCheck
      • AddDeferredPrimaryKey
      • RenameTrigger
      • CreateMaterializedView
      • CreateTrigger
      • DisableConstraint
      • DropCheck
      • DropTrigger
      • EnableConstraint
      • EncapsulateTableWithView
      • LongUpdate
      • Merge
      • Truncate
      • DropMaterializedView
      • EnableTrigger
      • DisableTrigger
      • SplitTable


To use these extensions:

  1. Include the oracle-extensions.jar file in your classpath.
  2. Add the ora namespace to your XML root node:

Available Commands/Tags

Add Check

Adds a check constraint to an existing table.

Sample usage:

<ora:addCheck tableName="person"
    condition="id between 0 and 5"

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Available Attributes

Attribute Description
tableName Name of the table to add the check constraint to (required)
schemaName Name of the table schema
tablespace Specify the tablespace in which the check constraint is to be created
condition True/false expression (required)
constraintName Name of the check constraint
deferrable Indicates whether the check is deferrable
initiallyDeferred Indicates whether the check is initially deferred
disable Indicates whether the check is disabled
validate Indicates whether the check is validated
rely Indicates whether the check is relied upon

Automatic Rollback Support: YES

Add Deferred Primary Key

Adds a deferred primary key out of an existing column or set of columns.



Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
tableName Name of the table to create the primary key on (required)
schemaName Name of the table schema
columnNames Name of the column(s) (comma separated if multiple) to create the primary key on (required)
constraintName Name of the primary key constraint (required)
deferrable Set DEFERRABLE (deferrable="true") to indicate that in subsequent transactions you can use the SET CONSTRAINT clause to defer checking of this constraint until after the transaction is committed
initiallyDeferred Set INITIALLY DEFERRED (initiallyDeferred="true") to indicate that Oracle should check this constraint at the end of subsequent transactions

Automatic Rollback Support: YES

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Can disable, enable, or rename a trigger.


<ora:renameTrigger triggerName="myTrigger" newName="RenamedMyTrigger"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
triggerName Name of the trigger (required)
schemaName Name of the schema
newName New name of the trigger (required)

Automatic Rollback Support: NO


Creates a new materialized view.


<ora:createMaterializedView subquery="select * from Table1" viewName="myView"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
viewName Name of the view (required)
subquery Oracle Database executes this subquery and places the results in the materialized view (required)
columnAliases You can specify a column alias for each column of the materialized view
objectType The objectType clause lets you explicitly create an object materialized view of type objectType
reducedPrecision Specify to authorize the loss of precision that will result if the precision of the table or materialized view columns do not exactly match the precision returned by the subquery, or to require that the precision of the table or materialized view columns match exactly the precision returned by the subquery, or the create operation will fail
usingIndex Specify "no" to suppress the creation of the default index
tableSpace Specify the tablespace in which the materialized view is to be created
forUpdate Specify FOR UPDATE to allow a subquery, primary key, object, or rowid materialized view to be updated
queryRewrite Specify "enable" to enable the materialized view for query rewrite or "disable" to disable it

Automatic Rollback Support: NO

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Creates a new trigger.


    procedure="DECLARE v_username varchar2(10); BEGIN SELECT pierwsza INTO v_username FROM TriggerTest; :new.created_by := v_username; END;"

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
triggerName Name of the trigger (required)
afterBeforeInsteadOf Specify "before" to cause the database to fire the trigger before executing the triggering event. Specify "after" to cause the database to fire the trigger after executing the triggering event. Specify "insteadOf" to cause Oracle Database to fire the trigger instead of executing the triggering event (required)
procedure Specify the PL/SQL block that Oracle Database executes to fire the trigger or call a stored procedure rather than specifying the trigger code inline as a PL/SQL block (required)
schemaName Name of the schema
replace Re-create the trigger if it already exists
delete Specify DELETE if you want the database to fire the trigger whenever a DELETE statement removes a row from the table or removes an element from a nested table
insert Specify INSERT if you want the database to fire the trigger whenever an INSERT statement adds a row to a table or adds an element to a nested table
update Specify UPDATE if you want the database to fire the trigger whenever an UPDATE statement changes a value in any column of the table or nested table
updateOf Specify if you want the database to fire the trigger whenever an UPDATE statement changes a value in one of the columns specified in columnNames
tableName Name of the table
columnNames Name of columns required for updateOf
whenCondition Specify the trigger condition, which is an SQL condition that must be satisfied for the database to fire the trigger
nestedTableColumn Specify the nested_table_column of a view upon which the trigger is being defined
viewName Name of the view
forEachRow Specify to designate that the trigger is a row-level trigger (required)

Automatic Rollback Support: NO

Certainly! Here's the content converted from HTML to Markdown:

Disable Constraint

Disables an existing constraint.


<ora:disableConstraint tableName="test" constraintName="tom_check"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
constraintName Name of the constraint to disable (required)
tableName Name of the table to disable the constraint for (required)
schemaName Name of the table schema
tablespace Specify the tablespace in which the constraint is to be disabled

Automatic Rollback Support: YES

Drop Check

Drops a check constraint from an existing table.


<ora:dropCheck tableName="test" constraintName="tom_check"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
constraintName Name of the constraint to drop (required)
tableName Name of the table to drop the check constraint for (required)
schemaName Name of the table schema
tablespace Specify the tablespace in which the check constraint is to be dropped

Automatic Rollback Support: NO

Drop Trigger

Removing the specific trigger.


<ora:dropTrigger triggerName="myTrigger"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
triggerName Name of the trigger (required)
schemaName Name of the schema

Automatic Rollback Support: NO

Enable Constraint

Enables an existing constraint.


<ora:enableConstraint tableName="test" constraintName="tom_check"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
constraintName Name of the constraint to enable (required)
tableName Name of the table to enable the constraint for (required)
schemaName Name of the table schema
tablespace Specify the tablespace in which the constraint is to be enabled

Automatic Rollback Support: YES

Encapsulate Table With View

Renames table named 'tableName' to 'TtableName' and creates view named 'tableName'.


<ora:encapsulateTableWithView tableName="test"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
tableName Name of the table to encapsulate (required)
schemaName Name of the table schema

Automatic Rollback Support: YES

Long Update

Performs long-running update in time intervals


<ora:longUpdate commitInterval="5" sleepSeconds="1" updateSql="UPDATE LongUpdateTest SET name='checked' where name='test'" />

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
commitInterval Number of updated rows in one commit (required)
sleepSeconds Time between commits (required)
updateSql Update procedure [required]

Automatic Rollback Support: NO


Selects rows from source table or view for update or insertion into a target table or view. You can specify conditions to determine whether to update or insert into the target table or view. (from Oracle Database SQL Reference)


<ora:merge targetTableName="myTable2 m"
sourceTableName="myTable d"

Available Attributes:

Certainly! Here's the content converted from HTML to Markdown:

Available Attributes

Attribute Description
sourceTableName Name of the source table (required)
sourceSchemaName Name of the source table schema
targetTableName Name of the target table (required)
targetSchemaName Name of the target table schema
onCondition OnCondition clause (required)
updateCondition UpdateCondition clause for the update statement
insertCondition InsertCondition clause for the insert statement
deleteCondition DeleteCondition clause for the delete statement
updateList List of 'name=value' pairs separated by ',' for the update statement
insertColumnsNameList List of column names for the insert statement
insertColumnsValueList List of column values for the insert statement

Automatic Rollback Support: NO


Truncates all data from an existing table or cluster.


<ora:truncate tableName="truncatetest" purgeMaterializedViewLog="true" reuseStorage="true"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
tableName Name of the table to truncate (required)
clusterName Name of the cluster to truncate
schemaName Name of the table/cluster schema
purgeMaterializedViewLog Whether a materialized view log defined on the table is to be purged when the table is truncated (from Oracle Database SQL Reference).
reuseStorage Retain the space from the deleted rows allocated to the table or cluster (from Oracle Database SQL Reference).

Automatic Rollback Support: NO

Drop Materialized View

Drops a materialized view.


<ora:dropMaterializedView viewName="myView"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
viewName Name of the view to drop (required)
schemaName Name of the view schema

Automatic Rollback Support: NO

Enable Trigger

Enables a trigger.


<ora:enableTrigger triggerName="myTrigger"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
triggerName Name of the trigger (required)
schemaName Name of the schema

Automatic Rollback Support: NO

Disable Trigger

Disables a trigger.


<ora:disableTrigger triggerName="myTrigger"/>

Available Attributes:

Attribute Description
triggerName Name of the trigger (required)
schemaName Name of the schema

Automatic Rollback Support: NO


The SplitTable operation allows you to split a table into two separate tables, using a surrogate key. Here's how it works:

  1. Sample Initial Table Creation:

    <changeSet author="Tomek" id="0">
        <createTable tableName="TABLE1">
            <column name="one" type="integer"></column>
            <column name="two" type="varchar(10)"></column>
            <column name="three" type="number"></column>
            <column name="four" type="number"></column>

    This creates an initial table named TABLE1 with columns one, two, three, and four.

  2. Splitting the Table:

    <changeSet author="tomek" id="1" context="transition">

** Available attributes **

Attribute Description
splitTableName Name of the split table (required)
splitTableSchemaName Name of the split table schema
newTableName Name of the new table (required)
newTableSchemaName Name of the new table schema
columnNameList List of column names to move to the second table (required)
primaryKeyColumnName Name of the primary key column in the new table (only surrogate key) (required)

Automatic Rollback Support: No

Rolling Upgrade Support: YES

splitTable tag supports rolling upgrades through changeSet contexts. There are 3 available contexts:

  • basic - no context, refeactoring without rolling upgrade
  • transition - move database to transition state (two version of aplication work on the same database)
  • resulting - move databese to resulting (final) state from transition state

NOTE "rolling upgrade" - the process of incrementally taking down parts of the system for upgrade, without affecting the overall functionality. (


Liquibase extension to add improved Oracle support

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%