lionelyoung / mkdocs-encryptcontent-plugin

A MkDocs plugin that encrypt/decrypt markdown content with AES

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This plugin allows you to have password protected articles and pages in MKdocs.

The content is encrypted with AES-256 in Python using PyCryptodome, and decrypted in the browser with Crypto-JS.

It has been tested in Python Python 3.5+


I want to be able to protect my articles with password. And I would like this protection to be as granular as possible.

It is possible to define a password to protect each article independently or a global password to encrypt all of them.

If a global password exists, all articles and pages are encrypted with this password.

If a password is defined in an article or a page, it is always used even if a global password exists.

If a password is defined as an empty character string, the page is not encrypted.


Install the package with pip:

pip install mkdocs-encryptcontent-plugin

Install the package from source with pip:

cd mkdocs-encryptcontent-plugin/
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
pip3 install dist/mkdocs_encryptcontent_plugin-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

Enable the plugin in your mkdocs.yml:

    - encryptcontent: {}

You are then able to use the meta tag password: secret_password in your markdown files to protect them.

Note: If you have no plugins entry in your config file yet, you'll likely also want to add the search plugin. MkDocs enables it by default if there is no plugins entry set, but now you have to enable it explicitly.

Using global password protection

Add global_password: your_password in plugin config variable, to protect by default your articles with this password

    - encryptcontent:
        global_password: 'your_password'

If a password is defined in an article, it will ALWAYS overwrite the global password.

NOTE Keep in mind that if the password: tag exists without value in an article, it will not be protected !

Extra vars customization

Optionally you can use some extra variables in plugin config to customize default messages.

    - encryptcontent:
        title_prefix: '[LOCK]'
        summary: 'another informational message to encrypted content'
        placeholder: 'another password placeholder'
        decryption_failure_message: 'another informational message when decryption fail'
        encryption_info_message: 'another information message when you dont have acess !'

Default prefix title is [Protected]

Default summary message is This content is protected with AES encryption.

Default password palceholder is Provide password and press ENTER

Default decryption failure message is Invalid password.

Defaut encryption information message is Contact your administrator for access to this page.

NOTE Adding a prefix to the title does not change the default navigation path !


HighlightJS support

If your theme use HighlightJS module to improve color, set highlightjs: true in your mkdocs.yml, to enable color reloading after decryption process.

When enable the following part of the template is add to force reloading decrypted content.

{% if hljs %}
document.getElementById("mkdocs-decrypted-content").querySelectorAll('pre code').forEach((block) => {
{% endif %}

Arithmatex support

Related to issue #12

If Arithmatex markdown extension is set in your markdown extensions to improve math equations rendering, reload rendering after decryption process.

When enable the following part of the template is add to force math equations rendering on decrypted content.

{% if arithmatex %}MathJax.typesetPromise(){% endif %}

NOTE It has been tested in Arithmatex generic mode only.

Tag encrypted page

Related to issue #7

You can add tag_encrypted_page: True in plugin config variable, to enable tagging of encrypted pages.

When this feature is enabled, an additional attribute encrypted with value True, is added to the mkdocs type object.

    - encryptcontent:
        tag_encrypted_page: True

It becomes possible to use this attribute in the jinja template of your theme, as a condition to perform custom modification.

{%- for nav_item in nav %}
    {% if nav_item.encrypted %}
        <!-- Do something --> 
    {% endif %}
{%- endfor %}

For example, in your template, you can use conditional check to add custom class :

<a {% if nav_item.encrypted %}class="mkdocs-encrypted-class"{% endif %}href="{{ nav_item.url|url }}">{{ nav_item.title }}</a>

Rebember password

Related to issue #6

⚠️ This feature is not really secure ! Password are store in clear text inside local cookie without httpOnly flag.

Instead of using this feature, I recommend to use a password manager with its web plugins. For example KeepassXC allows you, with a simple keyboard shortcut, to detect the password field mkdocs-content-password and to fill it automatically in a much more secure way.

If you do not have password manager, you can set remember_password: True in your mkdocs.yml to enable password remember feature.

When enabled, each time you fill password form and press Enter a cookie is create with your password as value. When you reload the page, if you already have an 'encryptcontent' cookie in your browser, the page will be automatically decrypted using the value of the cookie.

By default, the cookie is created with a path= relative to the page on which it was generated. This 'specific' cookie will always be used as first attempt to decrypt the current page when loading.

If your password is a global password, you can fill in the mkdocs-content-password field, then use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ENTER instead of the classic ENTER. The cookie that will be created with a path=/ making it accessible, by default, on all the pages of your site.

The form of decryption remains visible as long as the content has not been successfully decrypted, which allows in case of error to modify the created cookie.

All cookies created with this feature have the default security options Secure and SameSite=Strict, just cause ...

However (optionally), its possible to remove these two security options by adding disable_cookie_protection: True in your mkdocs.yml.

Your configuration should look like this when you enabled this feature :

    - encryptcontent:
        remember_password: True
        disable_cookie_protection: True   # <-- Really a bad idea

Add button

Add password_button: True in plugin config variable, to add button to the right of the password field.

When enable, it allows to decrypt the content without creating a cookie (if remember password feature is activated)

Optionnally, you can add password_button_text: 'custome_text_button' to customize the button text.

    - encryptcontent:
        password_button: True
        password_button_text: 'custome_text_button'

Encrypt Something

Related to issue #9

You have to enable feature tag encrypt page for this feature to work properly.

Add encrypted_something: {} in the plugin configuration variable, to encrypt something else.

The syntax of this new variable MUST follow the yaml format of a dictionary. Child elements of encrypted_something are build with a key <unique name> in string format and a list as value. The list have to be contructed with the name of an HTML element <html tag> as first item and id or class as the second item.

    <uniq name>: [<html tag>, <'class' or 'id'>]

The <unique name> key identifies the name of a specific element of the page that will be searched by beautifulSoup. The first value of the <html tag> list identifies the type of HTML tag in which the name is present. The second value of the list, as string 'id' or 'class', specifies the type of the attribute which contains the unique name in the html tag.

Prefer to use an 'id', however depending on the template of your theme, it is not always possible to use the id. So we can use the class attribute to define your unique name inside html tag. BeautifulSoup will encrypt all HTML elements discovered with the class.

When the feature is enabled, you can use any methods (password, button, cookie) to decrypt every elements encrypted on the page.

By default every child items are encrypted and the encrypted elements have style=display:none to hide their content.

How to use it 🤯 ?! Examples

Use the page.encrypted conditions to add attributes of type id or class in the HTML templates of your theme. Each attribute is identified with a unique name and is contained in an html element. Then add these elements in the format of a yaml dictionary under the variable encrypted_something.

  1. For example, encrypt ToC in a theme where ToC is under 'div' element like this :
<div class=".." {% if page.encrypted %}id="mkdocs-encrypted-toc"{% endif %}>
    <ul class="..">
        <li class=".."><a href="{{ toc_item.url }}">{{ toc_item.title }}</a></li>
         <li><a href="{{ toc_item.url }}">{{ toc_item.title }}</a></li>

Set your configuration like this :

          mkdocs-encrypted-toc: [div, id]
  1. Other example, with multiples target. In you Material Theme, you want to encrypt ToC content and Footer.

Materiel generate 2 <nav> structure with the same template toc.html, so you need to use a class instead of an id for this part. The footer part, is generated by the footer.html template in a classic div so an id is sufficient

After modification, your template looks like this :

<nav class="md-nav md-nav--secondary {% if page.encrypted %}mkdocs-encrypted-toc{% endif %}" aria-label="{{ lang.t('toc.title') }}">
    <label class="md-nav__title" for="__toc"> ... </label>
    <ul class="md-nav__list" data-md-scrollfix> ... </ul>
<footer class="md-footer">
    <div class="md-footer-nav" {% if page.encrypted %}id="mkdocs-encrypted-footer"{% endif %}> ... </div>
    <div class="md-footer-meta md-typeset" {% if page.encrypted %}id="mkdocs-encrypted-footer-meta"{% endif %}>

Your configuration like this :

          mkdocs-encrypted-toc: [nav, class]
          mkdocs-encrypted-footer: [div, id]
          mkdocs-encrypted-footer-meta: [div, id]


From reporting a bug to submitting a pull request: every contribution is appreciated and welcome. Report bugs, ask questions and request features using Github issues. If you want to contribute to the code of this project, please read the Contribution Guidelines.



A MkDocs plugin that encrypt/decrypt markdown content with AES

License:MIT License


Language:Python 62.6%Language:HTML 36.6%Language:Nix 0.8%