lionelbarrow / atomist-sample-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains the commit event automation example described in Custom Slack Notifications with Atomist Event Handlers. This example demonstrates use of the Atomist API via the @atomist/automation-client node module.


Enroll the Atomist bot in your Slack team

Add to Slack


You will need to have Node.js installed. To verify that the right versions are installed, please run:

$ node -v
$ npm -v

Cloning the repository and installing dependencies

To get started run the following commands to clone the project, install its dependencies, and build the project:

$ git clone
$ cd event-handler
$ npm install
$ npm run build

Configuring your environment

If this is the first time you will be running an Atomist API client locally, you should first configure your system using the atomist-config script:

$ `npm bin`/atomist-config [SLACK_TEAM_ID]

The script does two things: records what Slack team you want your automations running in and creates a GitHub personal access token with "read:org" scope.

You must run the automations in a Slack team of which you are a member. You can get your Slack team ID by typing team in a DM to the Atomist Bot. If you do not supply the Slack team ID on the command line, the script will prompt you to enter it.

The atomist-config script will prompt you for your GitHub credentials. It needs them to create the GitHub personal access token. Atomist does not store your credentials and only writes the token to your local machine.

The Atomist API client sends GitHub personal access token when connecting to the Atomist API. The Atomist API will use the token to confirm you are who you say you are and are in a GitHub org connected to the Slack team in which you are running the automations.

Starting up the automation-client

To start the client, run the following command:

$ npm run autostart

See Event Automation in Action

To see the event automation in action, you should make a commit in a repository that is linked to a Slack channel. The commit message should include the word "Crushed" followed by a reference to an issue in the form #N, replacing N with the number of the issue. Once you push that commit, the bot should message you letting you know you crushed it!


General support questions should be discussed in the #support channel in our community Slack team at

If you find a problem, please create an issue.


You will need to install node to build and test this project.

Build and Test

Command Description
npm install to install all the required packages
npm start to start the Atomist automation client
npm run autostart run the client, refreshing when files change
npm run lint to run tslint against the TypeScript
npm run compile to compile all TypeScript into JavaScript
npm test to run tests and ensure everything is working
npm run autotest run tests continuously
npm run clean remove stray compiled JavaScript files and build directory


To create a new release of the project, simply push a tag of the form M.N.P where M, N, and P are integers that form the next appropriate semantic version for release. The version in the package.json must match the tag. For example:

$ git tag -a 1.2.3
$ git push --tags

The Travis CI build (see badge at the top of this page) will publish the NPM module and automatically create a GitHub release using the tag name for the release and the comment provided on the annotated tag as the contents of the release notes.

Created by Atomist. Need Help? Join our Slack team.



Language:TypeScript 100.0%