linwenbang / cz-customizable

A customizable commitizen adapter for

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


新增:根据 git config 读取配置文件中对应的 auditors 添加到 commit message 。

可以配置 forceAuditors: {boolean, default false} 标识是否强制要求 Auditors 。


  1. 安装 Commitizennpm install -g commitizen
  2. 初始化 package.json :npm init --yes (如果已经存在请忽略)
  3. 安装 cz-ppmoney-changelog: npm install cz-ppmoney-changelog --save-dev
  4. 配置 commitizen 使用 cz-ppmoney-changelog 作为 adapter。添加如下配置到 package.json:
"config": {
  "commitizen": {
    "path": "node_modules/cz-ppmoney-changelog"
  1. package.json 中声明配置文件:
"config": {
  "commitizen": {
    "path": "node_modules/cz-ppmoney-changelog"
  "cz-customizable": {
    "config": "config/path/to/my/config.js"
  1. 如果在上述配置文件中声明了强制要求 Auditors:forceAuditors: true,需要在 package.json 中声明 auditors 文件:
  "config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "node_modules/cz-ppmoney-changelog"
    "cz-customizable": {
      "config": "config/path/to/my/config.js",
      "auditors": "path/to/my/repoAuditors.json"
  1. 此后,凡是用到git commit命令,一律改为使用git cz


forceAuditors: {boolean, default false}: 标识是否强制要求 Auditors,如果为 true,需要在 package.json 中声明 auditors 文件;如果没有声明,会尝试读取 repoAuditors.json 。auditors 文件示例:

  "Rm1210": ["Mike", "Jim"],
  "Mike": ["Luthi", "Alex"],

cz-ppmoney-changelog 会根据 git config 匹配对应的 Auditors 。


  1. 如果需要预置 scopes,在配置文件中添加如下配置:
scopes: [
    {name: 'accounts'},
    {name: 'admin'},
    {name: 'exampleScope'},    
    {name: 'changeMe'}
  1. 如果需要预置针对不同的 commit type 预置不同的 scopes,可以在配置文件中添加如下配置:
scopeOverrides: {
    fix: [
      {name: 'merge'},
      {name: 'style'}
    docs: [
      {name: 'graph'},
      {name: 'markdown'},

更多信息请查阅原 README ☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟


The customizable Commitizen plugin to help achieve consistent commit messages like the AngularJS team.


Suitable for large teams working with multiple projects with their own commit scopes. When you specify the scopes in your .cz-config.js, cz-customizable allows you to select the pre-defined scopes. No more spelling mistakes embarrassing you when generating the changelog file.

Commitizen friendly Build Status semantic-release npm monthly downloads


  • install commitizen in case you don't have it: npm install -g commitizen. Make sure you have the latest version of commitizen installed globally.

  • install the cz-customizable: npm install cz-customizable --save-dev

  • configure commitizen to use cz-customizable as plugin. Add those lines to your package.json:

    "config": {
      "commitizen": {
        "path": "node_modules/cz-customizable"


  • Config block in your package.json:
    "config": {
      "commitizen": {
        "path": "node_modules/cz-customizable"
      "cz-customizable": {
        "config": "config/path/to/my/config.js"
    Note: option one allows you to have your config away from root directory. It also gives you a change to define any name to your cz-config.js.


  • you should commit your .cz-config.js file to your git.

From now on, instead of git commit you type git cz and let the tool do the work for you.

Hopefully this will help you to have consistent commit messages and have a fully automated deployemnt without any human intervention.


Here are the options you can set in your .cz-config.js:

  • scopes: {Array of Strings}: Specify the scopes for your particular project. Eg.: for some banking system: ["acccounts", "payments"]. For another travelling application: ["bookings", "search", "profile"]
  • scopeOverrides: {Object where key contains a Array of String}: Use this when you want to override scopes for a specific commit type. Example bellow specify scopes when type is fix:
  scopeOverrides: {
    fix: [
      {name: 'merge'},
      {name: 'style'},
      {name: 'e2eTest'},
      {name: 'unitTest'}
  • allowCustomScopes: {boolean, default false}: adds the option custom to scope selection so you can still typea scope if you need.
    • allowBreakingChanges: {Array of Strings: default none}. List of commit types you would like to the question breaking change prompted. Eg.: ['feat', 'fix']
    • appendBranchNameToCommitMessage: If you use cz-customizable with cz-customizable-ghooks, you can get the branch name automatically appended to the commit message. This is done by a commit hook on cz-customizable-ghooks. This option has been added on cz-customizable-ghooks, v1.3.0. Default value is true.

Related tools


  • backticks If you wish to have backticks in your content, for example "feat: `string`", the commit preview will be "feat: \\string\\\\". Don't worry because on your git log will be "feat: `string`" as desired.

  • multiline contents on the body of the message Body is the only place where you can use a pipe to break lines. E.g.: you type this: my items are:| - item01| - item 02, which will become:

my items are:
 - item01
 - item 02


Please refer to:

Leonardo Correa


A customizable commitizen adapter for

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%