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An Identity-free Video Dataset for Micro-Gesture Understanding and Emotion Analysis (CVPR'21)

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iMiGUE: An Identity-free Video Dataset for Micro-Gesture Understanding and Emotion Analysis
Xin Liu1, Henglin Shi2, Haoyu Chen2, Zitong Yu2, Xiaobai Li2, Guoying Zhao2
1 School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University, China
2 Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis, University of Oulu, Finland


  1. Paper [Information about the paper.]
  2. Abstract
  3. Data [Some details about our dataset and download.]
  4. Method Zoo [Results of different methods on iMiGUE.]
  5. Citation


We introduce a new dataset for the emotional artificial intelligence research: identity-free video dataset for MicroGesture Understanding and Emotion analysis (iMiGUE). Different from existing public datasets, iMiGUE focuses on nonverbal body gestures without using any identity information, while the predominant researches of emotion analysis concern sensitive biometric data, like face and speech. Most importantly, iMiGUE focuses on micro-gestures, i.e., unintentional behaviors driven by inner feelings, which are different from ordinary scope of gestures from other gesture datasets which are mostly intentionally performed for illustrative purposes. Furthermore, iMiGUE is designed to evaluate the ability of models to analyze the emotional states by integrating information of recognized micro-gesture, rather than just recognizing prototypes in the sequences separately (or isolatedly). This is because the real need for emotion AI is to understand the emotional states behind gestures in a holistic way. Moreover , to counter for the challenge of imbalanced samples distribution of this dataset, an unsupervised learning method is proposed to capture latent representations from the micro-gesture sequences themselves. We systematically investigate representative methods on this dataset, and comprehensive experimental results reveal several interesting insights from the iMiGUE, e.g., micro-gesture-based analysis can promote emotion understanding. We confirm that the new iMiGUE dataset could advance studies of micro-gesture and emotion AI.


Dataset Statistics and Properties

We collected 359 videos of post match press conferences of Grand Slam tournaments. Here is the information of the iMiGUE. This dataset contains 72 players from 28 countries and regions covering very continent which enables MGs analysis from diverse cultures. iMiGUE comprises 36 female and 36 male players whose ages are between 17 and 38.

Micro-Gestures examples

The above four pictures are examples of Micro-Gestures, from top to bottom: Folding arms/Covering face/Scratching neck/Rubbing eyes.


Please go to this link.


Comparison of MG recognition accuracy (%) with state-of-the-art algorithms on the iMiGUE dataset.

Methods Model+Modality acc@top1 acc@top5
SVA-E RNN+Pose 27.38 60.44
LSTM RNN+Pose 32.36 72.93
BLSTM RNN+Pose 32.39 71.34
ST-GCN GCN+Pose 46.97 84.09
2S-GCN GCN+Pose 47.78 88.43
Shift-GCN GCN+Pose 51.51 88.18
GCN-NAS GCN+Pose 53.90 89.21
MS-G3D GCN+Pose 54.91 89.98
C3D 3DCNN+RGB 20.32 55.31
R3D-101 3DCNN+RGB 25.27 59.39
I3D 3DCNN+RGB 34.96 63.69
TSN 2DCNN+RGB 51.54 85.42
TRN 2DCNN+RGB 55.24 89.17
TSM 2DCNN+RGB 61.10 91.24
P&C Encoder-Decoder+Pose 31.67 64.93
U-S-VAE Z Encoder-Decoder+Pose 32.43 64.30

Comparison of emotion understanding accuracy (%) with methods on iMiGUE dataset

Methods Model+Modality Accuracy
TRN CNN + RGB 0.53
TSM CNN + RGB 0.53
I3D CNN + RGB 0.57
ST-GCN GCN+Pose 0.50
MS-G3D GCN+Pose 0.55
U-S-VAE + LSTM RNN + Micro-Gesture 0.55
TSM + LSTM RNN + Micro-Gesture 0.60


author = {Liu, Xin and Shi, Henglin and Chen, Haoyu and Yu, Zitong and Li, Xiaobai and Zhao, Guoying}, 
title = {iMiGUE: An Identity-Free Video Dataset for Micro-Gesture Understanding and Emotion Analysis}, 
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, 
month = {June}, 
year = {2021}, 
pages = {10631-10642} }


An Identity-free Video Dataset for Micro-Gesture Understanding and Emotion Analysis (CVPR'21)