linslin / laravel-coffee-cache

☕ File based lever out cache for laravel. This cache hook in before composer autoload and Laravel boostrapping. It will push your application into light speed.

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☕ laravel-coffee-cache

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Store based lever out view cache for Laravel 4.x, 5.x 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x and 10.x. This cache hook in before composer autoload and Laravel bootstrapping. It will push your application into light speed. By default, all GET-Requests will be cached.

It's a coffee cache. You can drink more coffee instead of spending time to optimize your application or server environment. Mokka Mokka!

Why and when should I use laravel-coffee-cache?

Laravel getting bigger and bigger over the years. Today laravel is a very nice framework which helps you to speed up your software development and programming in its best way. On the other hand laravel is slow in handling requests and consumes a lot of memory per request, even if you use View or Database caches. The bootstrapping of laravel takes a bit time also it consumes a lot of memory. E.g. if you want to render an "imprint / disclaimer" page which doesn't have any dynamic data in its view. So, why you want to bootstrap laravel and all its dependencies just for returning a simple HTML page?

laravel-coffee-cache allows you to lever out laravel and composer autoload completely once a cache file has been generated for a specific route (Request URI). In this way it consumes so much less hardware resources (CPU, RAM, Hard Disk) for each request. It will be push your application into light speed.

The difference to existing cache systems for laravel is: You don't need to have a DB cache based on memcached or even a view file based cache placed in a laravel middleware. Hint: It's nice approach is to combine your DB Cache with laravel-coffee-cache. Use your DB Cache even if you have laravel-coffee-cache running in the foreground.

You will be able to create highly frequented web applications and save a lot of hardware resources (which also saves money) with ☕ laravel-coffee-cache. It makes to optimize your applications if your website is too slow or your server / server capacities (CPU, Memory) run at full load. Give it a try.


composer require --prefer-dist linslin/laravel-coffee-cache "*"

Register Facade

If you want to use the facade to handle the cache files, add this to your facades in config/app.php in the alias array:

'CoffeeCache' => linslin\CoffeeCache\Facades\CoffeeCache::class,

Example ./config/coffeeCache.php config file

return [

     * Cache driver: 'file' or 'redis'
    'driver' => 'file',

     * Redis connection
    'redis' => [
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'port' => 6000,
        'password' => '', //leave empty if no password is given
        'timeout' => 0.5

API Documentation

Initialize instance

Should be placed in your app/public/index.php file.

$coffeeCache = new CoffeeCache(__DIR__);

Configure enabled hosts for caching [optional]

Matching hosts which should be cached. Default: Cache all domains

$coffeeCache->enabledHosts = [

Configure enabled hosts with sessions for caching [optional]

Matching hosts which should be cached only if a cookie cached=1 is set. Default: Cache all domains

$coffeeCache->enabledCacheHostsWithSession = [

Configure query parameters to exclude from request uri [optional]

Matching query parameters are excluded from the request uri. A request uri with an excluded query param is treated like if the parameter is not set. Default: no query parameter is exclude

$coffeeCache->excludeQueryParam  = [

Enable / disable the whole cache [optional|default:true]

Flag for easy disabling the cache.

$coffeeCache->cacheEnabled = true;   

Configure the cache driver (file, redis) [optional|default:'file'|'redis']

$coffeeCache->cacheDriver = 'redis';
$coffeeCache->redisConnection = [
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 6000,
    'password' => '',
    'timeout' => 0.5

Configure HTTP-Status codes which should be cached [optional]

List of HTTP-Status codes which should be cached. Default: Cache "200" only.

$coffeeCache->enabledHttpStatusCodes = [

Exclude URL patterns from being cached. [optional]

URL patterns of URLs which should not be cache. This example will exclude URLS which have "/admin" somewhere in the URL.

$coffeeCache->excludeUrls = [

Enable minify cache data [optional]

Strip whitespaces after tags, except space. Strip whitespaces before tags, except space. Shorten multiple whitespace sequences. Remove HTML comments

$coffeeCache->minifyCacheFile = true;

Enable cookie handled cache [optional]

The cache only will work if a cookie named "cached" is available and hold the value "1". This is for handling user sessions while running coffeeCache. It allows you to enable / disable cache for logged in users. Create a cookie with cached=1 if a user is not logged in. Create a cookie with cached=0 if a user is logged in.

$coffeeCache->cookieHandledCacheEnabled = true;

Enable compression [optional]

Enable gzip compression for cache data. Default is false.

$coffeeCache->gzipEnabled = true;

Filter content types from being minified. [optional]

Response content types which will be ignored and not minified.

$coffeeCache->minifyIgnoreContentTypes = [

Global replacements [optional]

Will replace some string marker in our cached file. Which allows you to globally manipulate the cache data. You can parse a string or filepath. The file contents will replace the marker string.

$coffeeCache->globalReplacements = [
        'type' => 'string',
        'marker' => '###marker1####',
        'value' => 'hallo welt'
    ], [
        'type' => 'file',
        'marker' => '###marker2####',
        'filePath' => __DIR__.'/../public/test.txt'
    ], [
        'type' => 'file',
        'marker' => '###start_marker####',
        'markerEnd' => '###end_marker####',
        'filePath' => __DIR__.'/../public/test.txt'

Facade API Documentation

Delete all cache files


Manually delete cache files

CoffeeCache::clearCacheFile(route('', [], false));

Check if cache file exist

CoffeeCache::cacheFileExists(route('', [], false));

Get creation date (file driver only)

CoffeeCache::getCacheFileCreatedDate(route('', [], false));

Example: Manually delete cache a specific file

E.g. inside a controller - example:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Shop;

use App\Models\Shop;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use linslin\CoffeeCache\Facades\CoffeeCache;

 * Class EntryController
 * @package App\Http\Controllers\Admin
class EntryController extends ShopBaseController

     * @param Request $request
     * @param Shop $shop
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View
    public function update(Request $request, Shop $shop)
        //manually delete cache file for a route (if exists)
        CoffeeCache::clearCacheFile(route('', ['shop' => $shop->slug], false));

        return view('',[
            'shop' => $shop,

Setup and usage

  • Create a cache folder name coffeeCache in app/storage/. So you have this folder created: /storage/coffeeCache.

  • Add a .gitignore in /storage/coffeeCache and put this contents into.

  • Edit your app/public/index.php and add this lines on the top of your PHP script:

    require_once './../vendor/linslin/laravel-coffee-cache/CoffeeCache.php';
    $coffeeCache = new CoffeeCache(__DIR__);
    $coffeeCache->cacheTime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1; //Default is one day. 60 * 60 * 24 * 1 = 1 day
    $coffeeCache->minifyCacheFile = true;
    $coffeeCache->enabledHosts = [
    ]; // optional, leave this array empty if you want to cache all domains.
    $coffeeCache->enabledHttpStatusCodes = [
    ]; // list of HTTP-Status codes which should be cached.
    $coffeeCache->excludeUrls = [
    ]; // URL pattern of URLs which should not be cache. This example will exclude URLS which have "/admin" somewhere in the URL. 

    Replace all code lines under $kernel = $app->make('Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel'); with this lines:

    /** @var Illuminate\Http\Response $response */
    $response = $kernel->handle(
        $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()
    if ($coffeeCache->isCacheAble()) {
        $coffeeCache->httpStatusCode = $response->status();
        $coffeeCache->contentType = $response->headers->get('content-type');
        echo $response->content();
    } else {
    $kernel->terminate($request, $response);

    You can also compare your edits with this example index.php.

    In the end your app/public/index.php should look like this:

    require_once './../vendor/linslin/laravel-coffee-cache/CoffeeCache.php';
    $coffeeCache = new CoffeeCache(__DIR__);
    $coffeeCache->cacheTime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1; //Default is one day. 60 * 60 * 24 * 1 = 1 day
    $coffeeCache->minifyCacheFile = true;
    $coffeeCache->enabledHosts = [
    ]; // optional, leave this array empty if you want to cache all domains.
    $coffeeCache->enabledHttpStatusCodes = [
    ]; // list of HTTP-Status codes which should be cached.
    $coffeeCache->excludeUrls = [
    ]; // URL pattern of URLs which should not be cache. This example will exclude URLS which have "/admin" somewhere in the URL. 
    require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
    $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
    $kernel = $app->make('Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel');
    /** @var Illuminate\Http\Response $response */
    $response = $kernel->handle(
        $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()
    if ($coffeeCache->isCacheAble()) {
        $coffeeCache->httpStatusCode = $response->status();
        $coffeeCache->contentType = $response->headers->get('content-type');
        echo $response->content();
    } else {
    $kernel->terminate($request, $response);
  • laravel-coffee-cache should now start to cache your GET Requests and creating cache files in app/storage/coffeeCache.

  • Create a config file in ./config/coffeeCache.php. An example config can be found in this repository.



  • SpaceLeftOnDevice now works as expected.


  • SpaceLeftOnDevice statement moved into write on disc part.


  • Fixed space left on device statement.


  • Shrinked max disk space allowed to use from 95% to 90%.


  • Fixed hostDisabled[] handling.


  • Added hostDisabled[] configuration to prevent specific domains from caching.


  • Fixed a bug where excludeQueryParam() did not his job.


  • Fixed minify whitespace issue.


  • Added option for HTML comments to keep them in the minified cached file version. <!--noremove some comment -->.


  • Second mini fix for globalReplacements which will keep the markers in the template after replace.


  • Mini fix for globalReplacements which will keep the markers in the template after replace.


  • Made globalReplacements markers optional work with end and start markers.


  • Added globalReplacements option.


  • Added redis connection close


  • Added mobile detect library for detection of mobile devices


  • Fixed mobile detection for tablet devices.
  • Added out increment for expire time on redis driver. Each time a key was hit the expire will be increased by $coffeeCache->cacheTime.


  • Added the detected user agent into the response header state.


  • Fixed clear cache facade function for mobile cache data.


  • Function spaceLeftOnDevice is now only executed if cacheDriver is set to "file".


  • Fixed spaceLeftOnDevice permission issue.


  • Added gzipEnabled option.


  • Added enabledCacheHostsWithSession option.
  • Added excludeQueryParam option.
  • Many thanks to Marcos (@delacruzsippel)


  • Facade fix for mobile/desktop split.


  • Added mobile / desktop detection and split for cached files.
  • 0 byte / empty responses will be not cached anymore. An empty response body will be ignored.
  • Fixed regex '/(\s)+/s' on minifyCacheFile for massive whitespace chars.


  • Now: Added isset validation on some global vars.


  • Added isset validation on some global vars.


  • Added a file and redis driver to laravel facade.
  • Added option $coffeeCache->cookieHandledCacheEnabled to handle the cache via cookies. This can be used to disable the cache for user sessions.


  • Fixed content type ignore for minify.


  • Added "redis" driver. CoffeeCache now works with 'file' and 'redis' drivers.
  • Added a "cacheEnabled" to easy enable and disable coffeeCache.


  • Added option for minify to ignore special content types from being minified.


  • Added minify option for cache files


  • Syntax fix


  • Ensured that spaceLeftOnDevice() using the route volume to measure space left on the device.
  • Clear or delete cache functions will now also delete empty cache directories.


  • Fixed facade functions


  • Added $coffeeCache->cacheEnabled flag to disable the whole caching via software switch. Default is true.
  • Added $coffeeCache->diskSpaceAllowedToUse disk space percentage used in float on which coffeeCache will stop writing cache files. Default is 95.00.
  • Added folder handling for cache files.


  • Fixed writing empty files on file system.


  • Catching exception when cache file was not writeable.


  • Added cookie handler to disable cache on a request: setcookie("disable-cache", "1", time() + (3600*24), "/", $request->getHost());. If disable-cache isset as cookie, the request will no respond the cached file and will not create a cache file for this request.


  • Added helper function to delete all cache files (clear cache).


  • Added more helper functions to facade.


  • Added facade to take control of cache files inside the laravel application. E.g. delete cache files.


  • Added option to exclude URL patterns from caching. E.g. URLs which include "/admin".


  • Added option to enable caching for specific HTTP-Status codes. Default is "200 Ok".


  • Added option to enable caching for specific domains. This also works on reverse proxies if "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST" isset.


  • First stable release


Thanks to robre21 and delacruzsippel!


☕ File based lever out cache for laravel. This cache hook in before composer autoload and Laravel boostrapping. It will push your application into light speed.


Language:PHP 100.0%