linkrb / twig-image-extension

An extension to facilitate the integration of responsive images' markup in Twig templates.

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UmanIT - Twig Image Extension

This Twig extension facilitate the integration of responsive images' markup in Twig templates.

It use LiipImagineBundle and his filters to generate HTML markup with all you need to handle responsive images.

It also provide a javascript module to automatically instantiate yall.js on rendered images.


Use the package manager composer to install the extension.

composer require umanit/twig-image-extension

Load the bundle into your Symfony project.


# config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    Umanit\TwigImage\UmanitTwigImageBundle::class => ['all' => true],

(Optionnal) Install bundle assets if you want to use the javascript module for yall.js:

bin/console assets:install --symlink


Some functions render HTML markup with ability to use lazy loading on images. It's possible to customize the classes used.

You just need to create a file config/packages/umanit_twig_image.yaml:

    class_selector: lazy
    placeholder_class_selector: lazy-placeholder
    blur_class_selector: lazy-blur
If you customize classes, you can not use anymore the javascript module and CSS which relies on them


The following Twig functions are available in your templates.

  1. umanit_image_figure_lazy_load
  2. umanit_image_figure
  3. umanit_image_picture_lazy_load
  4. umanit_image_picture
  5. umanit_image_srcset
  6. (Optional) Javascript module to instantiate yall.js
  7. (Optional) Import CSS files for blur effect on yall.js lazy images

When a LiipImagine filter is used, the extension will read his configuration and automatically takes the right width or height to apply in the markup. If it's not possible, the extension try to get the original image dimensions instead. In both case, the result is saved in cache to avoid multiple process for the same image.

When the used function is for lazy load, lazy and lazy-placeholder classes are used but can be customized as explained in the Configuration part.

List of supported filters:

With the use of Thumbnail Filter, width and height attributes are added in the <img> tag (since they are provided in the LiipImagine Filter). By doing this, sudden layout shifts are avoided for a better user experience.


Generates a figure tag with an img inside and his noscript version. The lazy, lazy-placeholder and lazy-blur classes are add to facilitate the integration with yall.js for example.


Name Explanation
path Path to the image, used to generated the browser path with LiipImagine
srcFilter Name of the LiipImagine filter used to generate the path for data-src
placeholderFilter Name of the LiipImagine filter used to generate the path for src
srcsetFilters A list of LiipImagine filters used to generate the data-srcset
alt The text to put in the alt attribute of the img
imgClass Classes to add on the img
sizes Value of the sizes attribute (100vw if not defined)
figureClass Classes to add on the figure
figcaptionText Text of the figcaption (if nothing is passed, no figcaption will be rendered
figcaptionClass Classes to add on the figcaption


Click to show
      ['thumbnail', 'large_thumbnail'],
      'image alt',
      'img img--cover img--zoom',
      '(min-width: 768px) 33.3vw, 100vw',
      'Figcaption text',

HTML generated

<figure class="class-figure">
    alt="image alt"
    class="lazy lazy-placeholder lazy-blur img img--cover img--zoom"
    sizes="(min-width: 768px) 33.3vw, 100vw"
    data-srcset="https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 2880w"
    width="600" height="400"
      class="img img--cover img--zoom"
      sizes="(min-width: 768px) 33.3vw, 100vw"
      srcset="https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 2880w"
      width="600" height="400"
  <figcaption class="class-figcaption">Figcaption text</figcaption>


Generates a figure tag with an img inside.


Name Explanation
path Path to the image, used to generated the browser path with LiipImagine
srcFilter Name of the LiipImagine filter used to generate the path for src
srcsetFilters A list of LiipImagine filters used to generate the srcset
alt The text to put in the alt attribute of the img
imgClass Classes to add on the img
sizes Value of the sizes attribute (100vw if not defined)
figureClass Classes to add on the figure
figcaptionText Text of the figcaption (if nothing is passed, no figcaption will be rendered
figcaptionClass Classes to add on the figcaption


Click to show
      ['thumbnail', 'large_thumbnail'],
      'image alt',
      'img img--cover img--zoom',
      '(min-width: 768px) 33.3vw, 100vw',
      'Figcaption text',

HTML generated

<figure class="class-figure">
    alt="image alt"
    class="lazy lazy-placeholder lazy-blur img img--cover img--zoom"
    sizes="(min-width: 768px) 33.3vw, 100vw"
    srcset="https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 2880w"
    width="600" height="400"
  <figcaption class="class-figcaption">Figcaption text</figcaption>


Generates a picture tag with an img inside and X source. Each source can have a media and sizes attribute if needed. The lazy and lazy-placeholder classes are add to facilitate the integration with yall.js for example.


Name Explanation
path Path to the image, used to generated the browser path with LiipImagine
srcFilter Name of the LiipImagine filter used to generate the path for data-src
placeholderFilter Name of the LiipImagine filter used to generate the path for src
srcsetFilters A list of LiipImagine filters used to generate the data-srcset
sources A list of LiipImagine filters used to generate the sources tags. The key of the array is the path to the image and the value can be a list of filters name or, if you need to define a media or sizes attribute on the source, an array with filters and media and/or sizes key.
alt The text to put in the alt attribute of the img
imgClass Classes to add on the img
pictureClass Classes to add on the picture


Click to show
    ['thumbnail', 'large_thumbnail'],
      (image.path): {
        'media': '(min-width: 768px)',
        'sizes': '(min-width: 1400px) 25vw, 50vw',
        'filters': ['thumbnail', 'large_thumbnail']
      (image2.path): ['thumbnail', 'large_thumbnail']
    'alt img',
    'img img-fluid',

HTML generated

<picture class="class-picture">
  <source media="(min-width: 768px)" sizes="(min-width: 1400px) 25vw, 50vw" srcset="https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 2880w" width="600" height="400">
  <source srcset="https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg2 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg2 2880w" width="300" height="200">
    class="img img-fluid"
    alt="alt img"
    data-srcset="https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 2880w"
    width="600" height="400"


Generates a picture tag with an img inside and X source. Each source can have a media and sizes attribute if needed.


Name Explanation
path Path to the image, used to generated the browser path with LiipImagine
srcFilter Name of the LiipImagine filter used to generate the path for src
srcsetFilters A list of LiipImagine filters used to generate the srcset
sources A list of LiipImagine filters used to generate the sources tags. The key of the array is the path to the image and the value can be a list of filters name or, if you need to define a media or sizes attribute on the source, an array with filters and media and/or sizes key.
alt The text to put in the alt attribute of the img
imgClass Classes to add on the img
pictureClass Classes to add on the picture


Click to show
    ['thumbnail', 'large_thumbnail'],
      (image.path): {
        'media': '(min-width: 768px)',
        'sizes': '(min-width: 1400px) 25vw, 50vw',
        'filters': ['thumbnail', 'large_thumbnail']
      (image2.path): ['thumbnail', 'large_thumbnail']
    'alt img',
    'img img-fluid',

HTML generated

<picture class="class-picture">
  <source media="(min-width: 768px)" sizes="(min-width: 1400px) 25vw, 50vw" srcset="https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 2880w" width="600" height="400">
  <source srcset="https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg2 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg2 2880w" width="300" height="200">
    class="img img-fluid"
    alt="alt img"
    srcset="https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 2880w"
    width="600" height="400"


Generates the content of a srcset attribute if you wan to use it in your own markup.


Name Explanation
path Path to the image, used to generated the browser path with LiipImagine
filters A list of LiipImagine filters used to generate the srcset


Click to show
umanit_image_srcset(image.path, ['thumbnail', 'large_thumbnail'])

HTML generated

https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 260w, https://domain.tld/media/cache/resolve/large_thumbnail/99/30/c1f268bbf1487fb88734f2ba826b.jpeg 2880w

(Optional) Javascript module to instantiate yall.js

If you want to use yall.js to manage the lazy load of your images, the bundle provides a javascript module that can be called in your application.

yall.js needs to be installed manually: yarn add yall-js

Then you need to import the module and instantiate it by passing the yall library. An optional argument loadEventCallback is available if you want to add more customization. It will be called in the load event of yall.js.

import yall from 'yall-js';
import umanitImageLazyLoad from '../../public/bundles/umanittwigimage/js/umanit-image-lazy-loading';


(Optional) Import CSS files for blur effect on yall.js lazy images

You can import the CSS file for adding a blur effect on lazy images.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/umanittwigimage/css/umanit-image-lazy-loading.css') }}">

Example in webpack

import '../../public/bundles/umanittwigimage/css/umanit-image-lazy-loading.css';

⚠ For a best usage for the users without javascript you should add a no-js class on the html element

<html class="no-js">

Finally, add this one line <script> before any <link> or <style> elements in the document <head>

<!-- Remove the no-js class on the <html> element if JavaScript is on -->

See for more details.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




An extension to facilitate the integration of responsive images' markup in Twig templates.


Language:PHP 94.9%Language:JavaScript 3.2%Language:CSS 1.9%