linkmast3r / prtscr-photo-scrapper

A script to scrape photos from lightshot site. Only for educational purposes, do not try to leak any personal data with this program

Repository from Github https://github.comlinkmast3r/prtscr-photo-scrapperRepository from Github https://github.comlinkmast3r/prtscr-photo-scrapper


!! I am not responsible for sensitive information that may be leaked with this script.

With this script you can scrappe screen captures from lightshot


Install the requirements from the file. You will need also python3.

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use the script

  • Without proxies
python3 <number of captures you want to scrape> 
  • With proxies (specify the proxy file as argument is optional) !! Only socks4 are valid.
python3 <number of captures you want to scrape> -proxy <csv file>


A script to scrape photos from lightshot site. Only for educational purposes, do not try to leak any personal data with this program

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 52.7%Language:Jupyter Notebook 47.3%