linhuic99 /

AElf java SDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a Java client library, used to communicate with the AElf API.

Getting Started

You should build the "AElfClient" project

System Requirement

JDK1.8+ Log4j2.6.2

Basic usage

private static final String httpUrl="";

// get client instance
AElfClient AElfClient = new AElfClient(httpUrl);
long blockHeight = client.getBlockHeight();



    public AElfClient(String url);
    public AElfClient(String url,String version);
    public TransactionDto generateTransaction(String from, String to, String methodName, String params) throws Exception;
    public TransactionDto signTransaction(String privateKeyHex,TransactionDto transaction);
    public String getGenesisContractAddress() throws Exception;
    public String getAddressFromPrivateKey(String privateKey);
    public String GetSignatureWithToHex(String privateKey, byte[] txData) throws Exception;
    public boolean isConnected();
    public BlockDto getBlockByHash(String blockHash, boolean includeTransactions) throws Exception;
    public BlockDto getBlockByHeight(long blockHeight, boolean includeTransactions) throws Exception;
    public BlockStateDto getBlockState(String blockHash) throws  Exception;
    public ChainstatusDto getChainStatus() throws Exception;
    public byte[] getContractFilCeDescriptorSet(String address) throws  Exception;
    public List<TaskQueueInfoDto> getTaskQueueStatus() throws Exception;
    public TransactionPoolStatusOutput getTransactionPoolStatus() throws Exception;
    public KeyPairInfo generateKeyPairInfo() throws Exception;
    public String executeTransaction(ExecuteTransactionDto input) throws Exception;
    public CreateRawTransactionOutput createRawTransaction(CreateRawTransactionInput input) throws Exception;
    public String  executeRawTransaction(ExecuteRawTransactionDto input) throws Exception;
    public SendRawTransactionOutput sendRawTransaction(SendRawTransactionInput input) throws Exception;
    public SendTransactionOutput sendTransaction(SendTransactionInput input) throws Exception;
    public List<String> sendTransactions(SendTransactionsInput input) throws Exception;
    public TransactionResultDto getTransactionResult(String transactionId) throws Exception;
    public List<TransactionResultDto>  getTransactionResults(String blockHash, int offset,int limit) throws Exception;
    public MerklePathDto getMerklePathByTransactionId(String transactionId) throws Exception;
    public List<TransactionResultDto>  getTransactionResults(String blockHash) throws Exception;
    public BlockDto getBlockByHeight(long blockHeight) throws Exception;
    public BlockDto getBlockByHash(String blockHash) throws Exception;
    public int getChainId() throws Exception;
    public Boolean addPeer(AddPeerInput input) throws Exception;
    public Boolean removePeer(String address) throws Exception;
    public List<PeerDto> getPeers(Boolean withMetrics) throws Exception;
    public NetworkInfoOutput getNetworkInfo() throws Exception;

ProtoBuff Build

Compile protobuff before secondary development.

You need to go to the resource directory.

Windows ./protobuff.bat

Linxu Or Mac ./


This module contains tests for all services provided by client. You can see how to properly use services provided by AElf_SDK here.

You need to firstly set necessary parameters to make sure tests can run successfully.

  1. Set baseUrl to your target url.

    String httpUrl="";
  2. Give a valid privateKey of a node.

    String privateKey="09da44778f8db2e602fb484334f37df19e221c84c4582ce5b7770ccfbc3ddbef";


You need to run a local or remote AElf node to run the unit test successfully. If you're not familiar with how to run a node or multiple nodes, please see Running a node / Running multiple nodes for more information.


AElf java SDK


Language:Java 98.4%Language:Batchfile 0.8%Language:Shell 0.8%