lingling2012 / retry-1

♻️ The most advanced interruptible mechanism to perform actions repetitively until successful.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

♻️ retry

The most advanced interruptible mechanism to perform actions repetitively until successful.

Build Quality Documentation Coverage Awesome

💡 Idea

The package based on but fully reworked and focused on integration with the 🚧 breaker package.

Full description of the idea is available here.

🏆 Motivation

I developed distributed systems at Lazada, and later at Avito, which communicate with each other through a network, and I need a package to make these communications more reliable.

🤼‍♂️ How to


var response *http.Response

action := func(uint) error {
	var err error
	response, err = http.Get("")
	return err

if err := retry.Retry(breaker.BreakByTimeout(time.Minute), action, strategy.Limit(3)); err != nil {
	if err == retry.Interrupted {
		// timeout exceeded
	// handle error
// work with response


var response *http.Response

action := func(uint) error {
	var err error
	response, err = http.Get("")
	return err

// you can combine multiple Breakers into one
interrupter := breaker.MultiplexTwo(
defer interrupter.Close()

if err := retry.Try(interrupter, action, strategy.Limit(3)); err != nil {
	if err == retry.Interrupted {
		// timeout exceeded
	// handle error
// work with response

or use Context

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(request.Context(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()

if err := retry.Try(ctx, action, strategy.Limit(3)); err != nil {
	if err == retry.Interrupted {
		// timeout exceeded
	// handle error
// work with response


var response *http.Response

action := func(ctx context.Context, _ uint) error {
	req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	req = req.WithContext(ctx)
	response, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	return err

// you can combine Context and Breaker together
interrupter, ctx := breaker.WithContext(request.Context())
defer interrupter.Close()

if err := retry.TryContext(ctx, action, strategy.Limit(3)); err != nil {
	if err == retry.Interrupted {
		// timeout exceeded
	// handle error
// work with response

Complex example

import (


func main() {
	what := func(uint) (err error) {
		defer func() {
			if r := recover(); r != nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected panic: %v", r)
		return SendRequest()

	how := retry.How{
		func(attempt uint, err error) bool {
			if network, is := err.(net.Error); is {
				return network.Temporary()
			return attempt == 0 || err != nil

	ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
	if err := retry.Try(ctx, what, how...); err != nil {

func SendRequest() error {
	// communicate with some service

🧩 Integration

The library uses SemVer for versioning, and it is not BC-safe through major releases. You can use go modules or dep to manage its version.

$ go get -u    # inside GOPATH and for old Go versions

$ go get -u # inside Go module, works well since Go 1.11

$ dep ensure -add

🤲 Outcomes

Console tool for command execution with retries

This example shows how to repeat console command until successful.

$ retry -timeout 10m -backoff lin:500ms -- /bin/sh -c 'echo "trying..."; exit $((1 + RANDOM % 10 > 5))'


See more details here.

made with ❤️ for everyone


♻️ The most advanced interruptible mechanism to perform actions repetitively until successful.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 96.2%Language:Makefile 3.8%