linesd / Image-Classification

Image classification with PyTorch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is a PyTorch implementation of an image classifier based on the LeNet-5 CNN architecture.


  • Tested for python >= 3.6
  • Only tested for CPU

Table of Contents:

  1. Install
  2. Run
  3. Data
  4. Results


# clone repo
pip install -r requirements.txt


Use python to run the preset configuration to train and evaluate the model. The preset configuration can be found in hyperparams.ini.

To run a custom experiment use python <experiment name> <params>. For example:

python -n test_fashion_1 -d fashion -b 32 --lr 0.0001 

You can evaluate a pre-trained model with the following:

python -n test_fashion_1 --is-eval-only


Running will create a directory results/<saving-name>/ which contains:

  • The trained model.
  • specs.json: The parameters used to run the program (default and those modified with the CLI)


usage: [-h] [-d {mnist,fashion}] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR] [-e EPOCHS]
               [-m {Lenet5}] [-n NAME] [-s SEED] [--is-eval-only] [--no-test]

PyTorch implementation of convolutional neural network for image

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Training specific options:
  -d, --dataset {mnist,fashion}
                        Path to training data. (default: fashion)
  -b, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for training. (default: 64)
  --lr LR               Learning rate. (default: 0.0005)
  -e, --epochs EPOCHS   Maximum number of epochs to run for. (default: 15)

Model specific options:
  -m, --model-type {Lenet5}
                        Type of encoder to use. (default: LeNet5)

General options:
  -n, --name NAME       Name of the model for storing and loading purposes.
                        (default: fashion_1)

Evaluation specific options:
  --is-eval-only        Whether to only evaluate using precomputed model
                        `name`. (default: False)
  --no-test             Whether or not to compute the test losses.` (default:


Current datasets that can be used (these will download by themselves):

Adding your data

To use your own data you should package it as a PyTorch dataset constructor. For more information see the link:

You can do this by adding your data to the YourData class at the bottom of the file


Pre-trained models for fashionMNIST and MNIST can be found in the results folder.

The following results were achieved on the fashionMNIST dataset:

  • Epochs: 15
  • learning rate: 5e-4
  • batch_size: 64
*            Evaluating Train Accuracy            *

Train accuracy of the network on the 60000 test images: 98 %

Accuracy of T-shirt/top : 96 %
Accuracy of Trouser : 100 %
Accuracy of Pullover : 95 %
Accuracy of Dress : 98 %
Accuracy of  Coat : 98 %
Accuracy of Sandal : 99 %
Accuracy of Shirt : 95 %
Accuracy of Sneaker : 99 %
Accuracy of   Bag : 99 %
Accuracy of Ankle boot : 96 %

*            Evaluating Test Accuracy             *

Test accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 91 %

Accuracy of T-shirt/top : 81 %
Accuracy of Trouser : 100 %
Accuracy of Pullover : 81 %
Accuracy of Dress : 95 %
Accuracy of  Coat : 88 %
Accuracy of Sandal : 97 %
Accuracy of Shirt : 78 %
Accuracy of Sneaker : 97 %
Accuracy of   Bag : 96 %
Accuracy of Ankle boot : 92 %

And for the MNIST dataset:

  • Epochs: 10
  • learning rate: 5e-4
  • batch_size: 64
*            Evaluating Train Accuracy            *

Train accuracy of the network on the 60000 test images: 99 %

Accuracy of 0 - zero : 100 %
Accuracy of 1 - one : 100 %
Accuracy of 2 - two : 99 %
Accuracy of 3 - three : 99 %
Accuracy of 4 - four : 99 %
Accuracy of 5 - five : 99 %
Accuracy of 6 - six : 100 %
Accuracy of 7 - seven : 99 %
Accuracy of 8 - eight : 99 %
Accuracy of 9 - nine : 99 %

*            Evaluating Test Accuracy             *

Test accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 99 %

Accuracy of 0 - zero : 100 %
Accuracy of 1 - one : 100 %
Accuracy of 2 - two : 99 %
Accuracy of 3 - three : 98 %
Accuracy of 4 - four : 98 %
Accuracy of 5 - five : 100 %
Accuracy of 6 - six : 100 %
Accuracy of 7 - seven : 99 %
Accuracy of 8 - eight : 99 %
Accuracy of 9 - nine : 98 %


Image classification with PyTorch

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%