lineldcosta / use-select

⚛️ A react-hook for building enhanced input components.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


⚛️ Hooks for building enhanced input components in React


  • Headless
  • Multi-Select
  • Taggable
  • Extensible
  • 4kb gzipped



yarn add use-select
# or
npm i -s use-select

Basic Usage

import React, { useRef } from 'react'
import useSelect from 'use-select'

// Create your select component
function MySelect({
  pageSize = 10,
  itemHeight = 40
}) {
  // Create a ref for the options container
  const optionsRef = useRef()

  // Use useSelect to manage select state
  const {
  } = useSelect({

  // Build your select component
  return (
      {multi ? (
          { => (
            <div key={option.value}>
              {option.value}{' '}
                onClick={() => onChange(value.filter(d => d !== option.value))}
      ) : null}
      <input {...getInputProps()} placeholder="Select one..." />
        {isOpen ? (
          <div ref={optionsRef}>
            {!visibleOptions.length ? (
              <div>No options were found...</div>
            ) : null}
            { => {
              return (
                    style: {
                      background: `${props =>
                        highlightedOption === option
                          ? 'lightblue'
                          : selectedOption === option
                          ? 'lightgray'
                          : 'white'}`
        ) : null}



useSelect accepts a single object of options. Some options are required.

Option Required Type Description
multi Boolean When true, multi-select mode is used
create Boolean When true, create mode is used.
duplicates Boolean When true, allows options with duplicate values to be selected in multi-mode
options true Array[{value, lable}) An array of option objects. Each object should contain a value and label property
value true `any
onChange true Function(value) The function that will be called with the new value(s) when the select is updated. This function will be passed a single value eg. onChange(newValue) when using single mode, or an array of values, with the newly added value as the second parameter eg. onChange([...values], newValue) when using multi mode
scrollToIndex Function(optionIndex) A function that is called when the highlighted option index changes and should be scroll to. This is useful for custom windowing libraries like react-window or react-virtualized.
shiftAmount Number The amount of options to navigate when using the keyboard to navigate with the shift key. Defaults to 5
filterFn Function(options, searchValue) => Options[] A custom function can be used here to filter and rank/sort the options based on the search value. It is passed the options array and the current searchValue and should return the filtered and sorted array of options to be displayed. By default a basic filter/sort function is provided. This function compares lowercase versions of the labels and searchValue using String.contains() and String.indexOf() to filter and sort the options. For a more robust ranking, we recommend using match-sorter
getCreateLabel Function(searchValue) => String A custom function can be used here to format and return the label that is used to create new values in create mode
optionsRef true React.createRef() or useRef() instance This ref is used to track outside clicks that close the options panel. Though not strictly required, it is highly recommended. You are then required to place this ref on the React element or compoenent that renders your options.
stateReducer Function(oldState, newState, action) => state A function that can be used to reduce the internal state of hook. Action types are available at useSelect.actions


useSelect returns an object of values and functions that you can use to build your select component:

Property Type Description
visibleOptions Array --
selectedOption Option --
highlightedOption Option --
searchValue String --
isOpen Bool --
highlightIndex Function(Int) --
selectOption Function(Option) --
removeValue Function(Int) --
setOpen Function(Bool) --
setSearch Function(String) --
Prop Getters
getInputProps Function(userProps) => inputProps --
getOptionProps Function(userProps) => optionProps --
optionsRef React Ref --

Custom Windowing and Styles

useSelect is built as a headless hook so as to allow you to render and style your select component however you'd like. This codesandbox example shows a simple example of using react-window and styled-components to do that.

How was use-select built?!

Watch this two-part series on how I built it from the ground up using React hooks!

Contribution and Roadmap

  • Improve Accessibility (Hopefully to the level of Downshift)
  • Write Tests
  • Continuous Integration & Automated Releases

Open an issue or PR to discuss!

Inspiration and Thanks

This library was heavily inspired by Downshift. Thank you to all of its contributors!


⚛️ A react-hook for building enhanced input components.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%