lincont / Predictive-Analytics

Alteryx and Tableau

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Great resources, visuals, or notes that I can reference in the future.

Project 1: Predict Sales for a Catalog Launch

Linear Regression

Project 2: Select the Next Location for a Store

Linear Regression

Project 3: Visualize Loan Data Customer Segments

Data Discovery

Project 4: Predict Loan Default Risk

Logistic Regression, Stepwise Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Boosted Model
Model comparison and scoring methods

Project 5: Market Analysis

A/B Test

Project 6: Forecast Demand

Time Series - ETS and ARIMA

Project 7: Demographic Data Analysis

Variable Reduction with PCA and K-Means, K-Median, and Neural Gas Cluster Analysis

Project 8: Capstone