lincomatic / open_evse

Firmware for Open EVSE

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Tore calibration and error margin depending on calibration value

mathieucarbou opened this issue · comments


Default calibration for ampmeter coming with OpenEVSE box is $SA 220 0. Which is perfect for normal / high charge current.

But when using solat diver, lower charge current are completely of by 0.25A and I need to set $SA 190 0 to calibrate.

Here is a comparison with a Shelly EM which was confirmed being accurate:


is there a way to set a sort of factor so that 190 is used for lower current and then 220 ?

Right now, in Home Assistant I am using an automation that is setting the right calibration value depending if I am using AUTO mode with solar divert (which means low charge currents) or Manual mode (which mean high charge current)

  - alias: "OpenEVSE: Bugfix Calibration"
      - platform: state
          - select.openevse_charge_control
          - switch.openevse_solar_divert
    condition: []
      - if:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: switch.openevse_solar_divert
            state: "on"
          - condition: state
            entity_id: select.openevse_charge_control
            state: Auto
          - service: mqtt.publish
              topic: "openevse/rapi/in/$SA"
              payload: "190 0"
          - service: mqtt.publish
              topic: "openevse/rapi/in/$SA"
              payload: "220 0"
    mode: single