lin380 / project_orientation_5

Project orientation steps

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  • Reflect on your interests in language and linguistics
  • Review the concepts on identifying a research problem and developing a research statement in TAD Chapter 4 "Framing"
  • Familiarize yourself with how to search for academic articles which use text analysis methods
  • Consult Recipes 1 and 2 and Labs 1 and 2 for guidance on using R Markdown


  • Explore the literature on a topic and/or area of interest in language and linguistics which employs text analysis methods
  • Hone the ability to skim an article from the primary literature to identify:
    • the aim(s) of a study and the main finding(s)
    • the data and dataset(s) used and how they relate to the research aim(s)
    • the analysis approach and statistical methods used in the research
  • Identify a research problem (gap) based on the existing literature
  • Develop a research statement that aims to address this problem (gap)
  • Continue to apply your growing knowledge of R Markdown



  1. Create a new R Markdown document. Title it "Project: Orientation #5" and provide add your name as the author.
  2. Delete all the material below the front matter
  3. Add your Zotero API key to this RStudio Cloud project through the Tools > Global Options... > R Markdown > Citations menu.


In this project orientation you will be putting into practice the skills you have been developing in the previous project orientation steps (1, 2, 3, and 4): identifying aim(s) and finding(s), evaluating data and dataset(s), and recognizing the analysis approach and methods used in journal articles from the primary literature. You will be using these skills to aid in the development of your own research project.

Using the process outlined in Text as Data Chapter 4 "Framing research" in sections 4.1 and 4.2 you will produce four statements:

  • Research area
  • Research problem
  • Research aim
  • Research question

To develop these statements you will produce a 5-7 article annotated bibliography that supports the aforementioned statements. An annotated bibliography contains a list of references which include a short statement summarizing each of the article you choose and deem to be relevant to frame your research statements. The statement should include: (1) the stated goal(s) of the research, (2) the data source(s) used, (3) the information drawn from the data source(s), (4) the analysis approach employed, and (5) the main finding(s) of the research as they pertain to the stated goal(s). You will include this annotated bibliography at the end of your document just before the 'References' section.

Note: The statements and articles you include in this project orientation should not be seen as a set-in-stone commitment to a research project topic/question/etc. The statements will likely change in the coming weeks, but it is important to make a concerted effort to develop a research blueprint at this point if nothing else but to give you a point of reference. We will workshop the ideas that surface from the work on this project orientation step and discuss collective and individual questions to continue to develop and hone our projects so that they show the most promise for being viable.


  1. Knit your R Markdown document as a PDF or Word document
  2. Download this file.
  3. Go to the Canvas submission page for "Project orientation #5" and submit your file.


Project orientation steps