lin-honghui / data-competition-calendar


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Competition Date Bonus
“英特尔创新大师杯”深度学习挑战赛 赛道1:通用场景OCR文本识别任务 2021.05.24 - 2021.10.08 ¥20w
第三届Apache Flink 极客挑战赛暨AAIG CUP 电商推荐“抱大腿”攻击识别 2021.08.16 - 2021.11.09 ¥30w
“英特尔创新大师杯”冷冻电镜蛋白质结构建模大赛 2021.08.16 - 2021.11.11 ¥28w
2021 亚太眼科学会大数据竞赛 2021.09.01 - 2021.11.19 $1.5w
2021阿里云供应链大赛——需求预测及单级库存优化 2021.10.21 - 2021.11.30 ¥10w
Competition Date Bonus
Optiver Realized Volatility Prediction 2021.06.28 - 2021.09.27 $10w
G2Net Gravitational Wave Detection 2021.06.30 - 2021.09.29 $1.5w
Tabular Playground Series - Sep 2021 2021.09.01 - 2021.09.30 -
RSNA-MICCAI Brain Tumor Radiogenomic Classification 2021.07.13 - 2021.10.25 $3w
NFL Health & Safety - Helmet Assignment 2021.08.10 - 2021.11.02 $10w
Google Brain - Ventilator Pressure Prediction 2021.09.22 - 2021.11.03 $7.5k
LearnPlatform COVID-19 Impact on Digital Learning 2021.08.02 - 2021.11.11 $2w
chaii - Hindi and Tamil Question Answering 2021.08.11 - 2021.11.15 $1w
2021 Kaggle Machine Learning & Data Science Survey 2021.10.07 - 2021.11.28 $3w
Google Landmark Recognition 2021 2021.08.10 - 2021.12.08 -
Google Landmark Retrieval 2021 2021.08.10 - 2021.12.08 -
Wikipedia - Image/Caption Matching 2021.09.13 - 2021.12.09 -
Lux AI 2021.08.16 - 2021.12.21 $1w
Sartorius - Cell Instance Segmentation 2021.10.14 - 2021.12.30 $7.5w 2021.11.02 - 2022.01.01 $12.5w
NFL Big Data Bowl 2022 2021.09.23 - 2022.01.06 $10w - Pawpularity Contest 2021.09.23 - 2022.01.13 $2.5w
Competition Date Bonus
STAC Overflow: Map Floodwater from Radar Imagery - 2021.09.29 $2w
Facebook AI Image Similarity Challenge: Matching Track - 2021.10.27 $10w
Facebook AI Image Similarity Challenge: Descriptor Track - 2021.10.27 $10w
Deep Chimpact: Depth Estimation for Wildlife Conservation - 2021.11.15 $1w
Competition Date Bonus
IJCAI 2021 - WhoIsWho Task1 2021.05.21 - 2021.07.31 $1.5w
IJCAI 2021 - WhoIsWho Task2 2021.05.21 - 2021.07.31 $1.5w
Competition Date Bonus
2021 Datathon数智马拉松大赛 2021.07.13 - 2021.10.24 ¥30w
2021全球抗体亲和力预测大赛 2021.08.27 - 2021.12.31 ¥14w
超级传播者识别挑战赛 2021.09.28 - 2021.11.27 ¥ 6.3w
Competition Date Bonus
好未来表格识别技术挑战赛 2021.06.01 - 2021.09.05 ¥7w
Competition Date Bonus
千言-问题匹配鲁棒性评测 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥5w
基于飞桨实现花样滑冰选手骨骼点动作识别 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥10w
浙江省未来五年教育基础设施数量规划容量预测分析 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥2w
大规模金融仿真图数据中金融交易环路查询的设计与性能优化 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥5w
openLooKeng跨域数据分析性能提升 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥5w
POI名称生成 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥5w
基于UEBA的用户上网异常行为分析 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥5w
个贷违约预测 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥5w
产品评论观点提取 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥5w
基于MindSpore AI框架实现零售商品识别 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥5w
剧本角色情感识别 2021.09.16 - 2021.11.23 ¥4w

NIPS 2021

Competition Date Bonus
Learning By Doing: Controlling a Dynamical System using Control Theory, Reinforcement Learning, or Causality 2021.07.06 - 2021.09.26 $6k
NeurIPS 2021 BEETL Competition: Benchmarks for EEG Transfer Learning 2021.07.09 - 2021.10.01 -
MetaDL: Few Shot Learning Competition with Novel Datasets from Practical Domains 2021.08.02 - 2021.10.02 $2k
Visual Domain Adaptation Challenge 2021.06.23 - 2021.10.10 $2k
Traffic4cast 2021 – Temporal and Spatial Few-Shot Transfer Learning in Traffic Map Movie Forecasting 2021.06.15 - 2021.10.14 €2.8w
Diamond: A MineRL Competition on Training Sample-Efficient Agents 2021.06.09 - 2021.10.15 -
BASALT: A MineRL Competition on Solving Human-Judged Tasks 2021.07.07 - 2021.10.15 $1.1w
The NetHack Challenge 2021.06.09 - 2021.10.15 $2w
Machine Learning for Combinatorial Optimization 2021.07.01 - 2021.10.21 -
Billion-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Challenge 2021.07.11 - 2021.10.22 -
IGLU: Interactive Grounded Language Understanding in a Collaborative Environment 2021.07.26 - 2021.10.22 $1.4w
Image similarity challenge 2021.06.01 - 2021.10.27 $20w
HEAR 2021: Holistic Evaluation of Audio Representations 2021.05.10 - 2021.10.31 -
Shifts Challenge: Robustness and Uncertain­ty under Real-World Distributional Shift 2021.07.20 - 2021.10.31 $9k
Enhanced Zero-Resource Speech Challenge 2021: Language Modelling from Speech and Images 2021.05.01 - 2021.11.19 -
WebQA Competition 2021.09.07 - 2099.06.01 -

CVPR 2022 (TBD)

Competition Date Bonus



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