limonovthesecond2 / vela-ai

Advanced Vela attack logic for Mindustry

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vela Attack logIc

Units are automatically repaired near the closest working repair turret, if it is not too far away. They will approach to the nearest enemy core if there are no enemy units with max health more than 600, turrets, cores or generators around them. If a unit is unable to land and open fire on an enemy building, it goes into 'kamikaze' mode. This means that it will not repair until it lands or explodes above an enemy. You can select the desired type of bombs in the sorter or place an unassigned one. Also, you can tell units where to fly and shoot from the arc turret if they are idle. Simply enter this turret to take control of them.

How to run

The easiest way is to download vela-ai-scheme.msch and import it from mindustry's Schematics menu.

  • Open vela-ai-scheme.msch file
  • Download the file. To do this, click on the download icon on the right


Once the file is downloaded, go to Mindustry. Open Schematics (from the main window Database then Schematics), click Import Schematics, Import File and select the downloaded file. Now you can use this schematic from your Schematics.


There is also a scheme for the Eradication Rapid server named vela-ai-scheme-rapid.msch


The source code is written in MindCode, so, please, read the documentation first if you are not already familiar with it. For syntax highlighting, you can use VSCode with Mindcode extension.

The scheme consists of 2 Main hyperprocessors and 1 Message microprocessor.

Their purpose:

  • Main: All logic related to units, including repair, bomb loading, attack, approach etc
  • Message: Writes messages, defines the item in the unloader/item source and enables the switch if the player controls the arc turret

You may notice a lot of "unnecessary" variable declarations like

arcx = arc1.shootX
arcy = arc1.shootY
isNear = within(arcx, arcy, arcRange)

instead they can be replaced with

isNear = within(arc1.shootX, arc1.shootY, arcRange)

However, in the compiled code you will then notice several unnamed __temp* variables. It is not very easy to track which one is responsible for what during debugging. Therefore, all possible variables are declared to make debugging easier, since this does not affect performance in any way.

Compilation after code changes

  • Copy all changed code of the processor
  • Go to MindCode Online Compiler:
  • Paste the code on the left
  • Click the Compile button
  • If there are no errors and warnings, copy compiled code from the right
  • Go to your processor in Mindustry
  • Click in the processor Edit
  • Click Import from clipboard


Advanced Vela attack logic for Mindustry