lilyball / raku-nix

Build Raku modules with Nix! Also includes Nix derivations for community modules from CPAN and GitHub.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository houses Nix support for Raku.


In the ecosystem directory you can find Nix expressions for existing Raku packages. These are exported from default.nix as well.

These are generated by tools/, using information collected by CRAI.

Note: CRAI appears to be gone, so autocreation isn't happening anymore.


Currently these instructions assume you are experienced with Nix. More handholding may follow later (also: PRs welcome).

Obtain raku-nix using fetchTarball as usual, and import it:

    pkgs = /* … */;
    raku-nix = import /* … */ {inherit pkgs;};
    /* … */

Now you can define your project with the raku-nix.rakuPackage function. For an example, see example/default.nix.


Build Raku modules with Nix! Also includes Nix derivations for community modules from CPAN and GitHub.


Language:Nix 98.8%Language:Perl 0.7%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Raku 0.1%