lilactown / helix-spec-alpha

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clojure.spec.alpha support for React components defined using helix.


Using git deps

town.lilac/helix-spec {:git/url ""
                       :git/sha "46873bde22a7b1d25644b98a0aa650268f614d83"}

or via maven Clojars Project


  • Define specs for props
  • Instrumenting components
  • Explain props
  • Conform props
  • Unform props
  • Generators for props
  • Error boundary component for catching and explaining component spec errors
  • Guidance and support for reducing code size


(ns app.feature
   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
   [helix.core :refer [defnc]]
   [helix.spec.alpha :as helix.spec]))

(defnc my-comp
  "Just a typical component"
  [{:keys [::foo ::bar]}]
  (d/div (str foo ", " bar)))

;; define our individual prop keys as normal specs
(s/def ::foo string?)
(s/def ::bar string?)

;; define our props map using regular specs like s/keys, s/merge, s/map-of, etc.
(s/def ::my-comp-props-map (s/keys :req [::foo ::bar]))

;; and pass it to the `helix.spec.alpha/props` spec
(s/def ::my-comp-props (helix.spec/props ::my-comp-props-map))

(s/fdef my-comp
  :args (s/cat :props ::my-comp-props
               :ref object?))

;; we can also do all of the above inline
(s/fdef my-comp
  :args (s/cat :props (helix.spec/props
                       (s/keys :req [::foo ::bar]))
               :ref object?))


Components can be instrumented just like any other function.

Recommended usage is to combine this with an error boundary that will catch and print the spec error in a human-readable way.

  ;; instrument, which will cause an error to be thrown during render if props
  ;; do not pass the spec
  (require '[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as stest])
  (stest/instrument `my-comp))

Code size


helix.spec.alpha gives no consideration to code size. Specs defined using clojure.spec.alpha will add to your bundle whether you use the specs at runtime or not in your production build.

There are other libraries, like Guardrails which provide the ability to remove the specs at build time, but Guardrails has its own custom syntax. I have not tried using it in practice.


The library can be developed using a simple browser REPL.

With Emacs, run M-x cider-jack-in-cljs and select shadow-cljs as the REPL type. Once connected, select browser-repl.

Code in dev/user.cljs contains code to run to verify functionality.

Tests can be run from the command line using clojure -M:test.


Licensed under EPL 2.0. Copyright Will Acton.


License:Eclipse Public License 2.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%