likern / vscode-workspace-explorer

VS Code extension for working with workspaces

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Workspace Explorer provides a convenient UI to quickly switch your workspace or open a workspace in a new window.

Getting Started

I should note before we dive into setup, VSCode currently allows you to only have one instance of a workspace open at a time, i.e. your node.code-workspace can only be open in one window of VSCode.

Five quick steps to get you up and running:

  1. Install the Workspace Explorer extension.
  2. Add a directory to the Workspace Explorer: Workspace Storage Directory setting.
    • On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings > search "Workspace Explorer".
    • On Mac - Code > Preferences > Settings > search "Workspace Explorer".
  3. Add your existing .code-workspace files or save a new workspace to the Workspace Storage Directory.
  4. Open the Workspace Explorer by clicking on the WORKSPACES title towards the bottom of the Explorer section of VSCode.
  5. Hit the refresh icon that appears when you hover over the WORKSPACES title.


Workspace Explorer allows you to have quick access to all your workspaces in one convenient UI.


Organize your .code-workspace files as much as you want within the Workspace Explorer: Workspace Storage Directory. Sub-folders will be listed in the Workspace Explorer. Click on the arrow to expand the directory and reveal any deeper sub-folders or workspaces.

Custom Icons

Workspace Explorer comes with two default icons. One for sub-folders and one for workspaces. Adding custom icons is a great way to further organize and quickly recognize your workspaces/sub-folders.

To add custom icons do the following:

OPTION ONE: Store icons in the Workspace Storage Directory and sub-folders.

  1. Enable custom icons in the Workspace Explorer settings.
    • Check the box for the Workspace Explorer: Enable Custom Icon Search setting.
      • On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings > search "Workspace Explorer".
      • On Mac - Code > Preferences > Settings > search "Workspace Explorer".
  2. Name the custom icon with the same name as the workspace or sub-folder. Ex: "Webserver Configs.code-workspace" ==> "Webserver Configs.svg".
  3. Add the .svg or .png files to the same location as your workspace file or sub-folder. Curently .svg and .png are the only support file types.
  4. Hit the refresh icon on the Workspace Explorer.

If you don't see your icons repeat the steps above to ensure that the images are in the exact same location as their respective .code-workspace file or sub-folder AND that they are named exactly the same minus the file extension.

OPTION TWO: Store icons in the Additional Custom Icon Directory

Workspace Explorer also allows you to add an additional custom icons directory. It first searches the Workspace Storage Directory. If it then cannot find the image file (see Option One for how to name images and where to put them) then it will search the Additional Custom Icon Directory. It will only search one level of the directory (no sub-directories). If no icon is found at that point, default icons are used.

Enabling the Additional Custom Icon Directory

  1. Ensure the Workspace Explorer: Enable Custom Icon Search setting is enabled. See OPTION ONE for details.
  2. Add a path to the Workspace Explorer: Additional Custom Icon Directory setting.
  3. Hit the refresh icon on the Workspace Explorer.


Workspace Explorer requires that code, code-insiders, code-oss, or vscodium be added to the $PATH environment variable.

  • When opening a new window or switching the workspace in the existing window it will use these key words to run the application via command-line.

If working on MacOS run the Command Palette Command Install code command in Path

Extension Settings

Workspace Explorer contributes the following settings:

  • workspaceExplorer.workspaceStorageDirectory

    The root directory containing your .code-workspace files. Workspace Explorer will show you any .code-workspace's in this directory and will also display any sub-folders. This will allow you to organize your workspaces into categories by sub-folder. Ex: C:\Users\appuser\workspaces

  • workspaceExplorer.enableCustomIconSearch

    Allow Workspace Explorer to search for .svg and .png files with the same name as your workspaces and folders. Then to use those as icons in the Workspace Explorer. The search path defaults to the same location as your workspace file. An additional search directory can be added in the Workspace Explorer: Additional Custom Icon Directory setting.

  • workspaceExplorer.additionalCustomIconDirectory

    Give Workspace Explorer an additional search directory for .svg and .png files with the same name as your workspaces and folders. Then use those as icons in the Workspace Explorer. Workspace Explorer will first look in the Workspace Storage Directory and then will look in the Additional Custom Icon Directory. Ex: C:\Users\appuser\icons

Known Issues


Release Notes


  • Additional Docs update for version 1.2


  • Added support for additional versions of VSCode.
    • VSCodium
    • VSCode OSS

Contributed by @stripedpajamas


  • Added support for symlinked directories.

Workspace Explorer will now follow symlinked directories to find .code-workspace files and image files. Thanks to @Xaryphon for providing the initial version of the code for this feature.


  • Updated .vscodeignore to not include animations.


  • Updated Documentation with proper animations.


  • Initial Release

0.0.1 to 1.0.0 Pre-release

  • Beta versions

Development Roadmap

Proposed Features:

  • Add the ability to save a new workspace.
    • A button would be added to the title bar indicating a new workspace.
    • Contents from the current Explorer section would be saved as the workspace.
    • The default location of the new workspace would be in the Workspace Storage Directory, but a sub-folder in the Workspace Explorer could be selected before clicking the button.
    • The workspace could be named and saved.
  • Add the ability to create a new sub-folder.
    • A button would be added to the title bar indicating a new folder.
    • The default location of the new folder would be in the Workspace Storage Directory, but a sub-folder in the Workspace Explorer could be selected before clicking the button.
  • Add the ability to add an icon to a workspace or subfolder directly in the explorer.
    • Right-click on a workspace or sub-folder to open a file dialog.
    • Support for .svg and .png files
    • File would be saved in the Workspace Storage Directory or sub-folder and renamed. Ex: "Node Testing.code-workspace" + nodejs.svg ==> "Node Testing.svg".
  • Add the ability to open the Workspace Storage Directory from the Workspace Explorer
    • Add a button the the title bar that would open a file explorer at the Workspace Storage Directory.
  • Add the ability to open the Additional Custom Icon Directory from the Workspace Explorer
    • Add a button the the title bar that would open a file explorer at the Additional Custom Icon Directory.
  • Add the ability for Workspace Explorer to search sub-folders for icons
    • Workspace Explorer would recursively search the Workspace Storage Directory for icons.
    • Workspace Explorer would recursively search the Additional Custom Icons Directory for icons.
  • Add the ability to use an ignore file to ignore specified sub-folders in the Workspace Storage Directory.
  • Add a warning message to the workspace explorer if the Workspace Storage Directory is not set.
    • Waiting on the proposed API to become stable in VSCode.
    • Will remove the notification message when this is implemented.
  • Add Expand all and Collapse all sub-folders ability.
    • Configuration in settings to auto expand sub-folders
    • Value in settings that indicates how many levels of subfolders to search.
    • Add collapse all button to collapse the sub-folders.
    • Add expand all button to expand all sub-folders.

Original project

This project is based on original vscode-workspace-explorer extension


  • Tom Saunders (original author, primary maintainer)
  • Xaryphon
  • stripedpajamas


Special thanks to the project testers.

  • Renaud Talon
  • Robert Tomcik
  • Ryan Gold

Additional Attribution

Some icons courtesy of Material Design.


VS Code extension for working with workspaces

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%