lightbend / kalix-ws-loan-application-spring

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kalix Workshop - Loan application - Spring

Not supported by Lightbend in any conceivable way, not open for contributions.


Java 17
Apache Maven 3.6 or higher
Kalix CLI
Docker 20.10.8 or higher (client and daemon)
Container registry with public access (like Docker Hub)
Access to the container registry
IDE / editor

Create kickstart maven project

mvn \
archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=io.kalix \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=kalix-spring-boot-archetype \

Define value for property 'groupId': io.kx
Define value for property 'artifactId': loan-application-spring
Define value for property 'version' 1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
Define value for property 'package' io.kx: : io.kx.loanapp

Import generated project in your IDE/editor

Update main class

  1. Move io.kx.Main to io.kx package
  2. Change default annotation for ACL to: @Acl(allow = @Acl.Matcher(principal = Acl.Principal.ALL))

##Update pom.xml In pom.xml:

  1. In <mainClass>io.kx.Main</mainClass> replace io.kx.Main with io.kx.Main
  2. In <dockerImage>my-docker-repo/${project.artifactId}</dockerImage> replace my-docker-repo with the your dockerId

Loan application service

Define persistence (domain)

  1. Create package io.kx.loanapp.doman
  2. Create enum LoanAppDomainStatus
  3. Create Java Record LoanAppDomainState and add parameters
  4. Create Java Interface LoanAppDomainEvent and add Java records for events Submitted, Approved, Declined and Jackson annotations for polymorph serialization
  5. In LoanAppDomainState Java Record implement empty, onSubmitted, onApproved and onDeclined methods

Tip: Check content in loan-app-step-1 git branch

Define API data structure and endpoints

  1. Create package io.kx.loanapp.api
  2. Create Java Interface LoanAppApi and add Java Records for requests and responses
  3. Create class LoanAppService extending EventSourcedEntity<LoanAppDomainState>
    1. add class level annotations (event sourcing entity configuration):
    1. add class level annotations (path prefix):
    1. Override emptyState and return LoanAppDomainState.empty(), set loanAppId via EventSourcedEntityContext injected through the constructor
    2. Implement each request method and event handlers

Tip: Check content in loan-app-step-1 git branch

Implement unit test

  1. Create src/test/java
  2. Create io.kx.loanapp.LoanAppServiceTest class
  3. Implement happyPath Tip: Check content in loan-app-step-1 git branch

Run unit test

mvn test

Implement integration test

  1. Edit io.kx.loanapp.IntegrationTest class
  2. Implement happyPath Tip: Check content in loan-app-step-1 git branch

Run integration test

mvn -Pit verify

Note: Integration tests uses TestContainers to span integration environment so it could require some time to download required containers. Also make sure docker is running.

Run locally

In project root folder there is docker-compose.yaml for running kalix proxy and (optionally) google pubsub emulator. Tip: You can comment out google pubsub emulator from docker-compose.yaml because it is not used here

docker-compose up

Start the service:

mvn exec:exec

Test service locally

Submit loan application:

curl -XPOST -d '{
  "clientId": "12345",
  "clientMonthlyIncomeCents": 60000,
  "loanAmountCents": 20000,
  "loanDurationMonths": 12
}' http://localhost:9000/loanapp/1/submit -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Get loan application:

curl -XGET http://localhost:9000/loanapp/1 -H "Content-Type: application/json"


curl -XPOST http://localhost:9000/loanapp/1/approve -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Register for Kalix account or Login with existing account


kalix CLI

Login (need to be logged in the Kalix Console in web browser):

kalix auth login

Create new project:

kalix projects new loan-application --region gcp-us-east1

Note: Replace <REGION> with desired region

List projects:

kalix projects list

Set project:

kalix config set project loan-application

Package & Deploy

Note: Make sure you have replaced my-docker-repo with the your dockerId in <dockerImage>my-docker-repo/${project.artifactId}</dockerImage>

mvn deploy

Expose service

kalix services expose loan-application-spring

Result: Service 'loan-application' was successfully exposed at: <some_host>

Test service in production

Submit loan application:

curl -XPOST -d '{
  "clientId": "12345",
  "clientMonthlyIncomeCents": 60000,
  "loanAmountCents": 20000,
  "loanDurationMonths": 12
}' https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Get loan application:

curl -XGET https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"


curl -XPOST https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Loan application processing service

Create loan application processing packages

Create package io.kx.loanproc in main and test

Define persistence (domain) data structure (GRPC)

  1. Create package io.kx.loanproc.doman
  2. Create enum LoanProcDomainStatus
  3. Create Java Record LoanProcDomainState
  4. Create Java Interface LoanProcDomainEvent and add Java records for events ReadyForReview, Approved, Declined and Jackson annotations for polymorph serialization
  5. In LoanProcDomainState Java Record implement empty, onReadyForReview, onApproved and onDeclined methods

Tip: Check content in loan-proc-step-2 git branch

Define API data structure and endpoints (GRPC)

  1. Create package io.kx.loanproc.api
  2. Create Java Interface LoanProcApi and add Java records for requests and responses
  3. Create class LoanProcService extending EventSourcedEntity<LoanProcDomainState>
    1. add class level annotations (event sourcing entity configuration):
    1. add class level annotations (path prefix):
    1. Override emptyState and return LoanProcDomainState.empty(), set loanAppId via EventSourcedEntityContext injected through the constructor
    2. Implement each request method and event handlers

Tip: Check content in loan-proc-step-2 git branch

Implement unit test

  1. Create src/test/java
  2. Create io.kx.loanproc.LoanProcServiceTest class
  3. Create happyPath Tip: Check content in loan-proc-step-2 git branch

Run unit test

mvn test

Implement integration test

  1. Edit io.kx.loanproc.IntegrationTest class

Tip: Check content in loan-proc-step-2 git branch

Run integration test

mvn -Pit verify

Note: Integration tests uses TestContainers to span integration environment so it could require some time to download required containers. Also make sure docker is running.

Run locally

In project root folder there is docker-compose.yaml for running kalix proxy and (optionally) google pubsub emulator. Tip: You can comment out google pubsub emulator from docker-compose.yaml because it is not used here

docker-compose up

Start the service:

mvn exec:exec

Test service locally

Start processing:

curl -XPOST http://localhost:9000/loanproc/1/process -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Get loan processing:

curl -XGET http://localhost:9000/loanproc/1 -H "Content-Type: application/json"


curl -XPOST -d '{"reviewerId":"9999"}' http://localhost:9000/loanproc/1/approve -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Package & Deploy

mvn deploy

Test service in production

Start processing:

curl -XPOST https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Get loan processing:

curl -XGET https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"


curl -XPOST -d '{"reviewerId":"9999"}' https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"


Create a view

  1. Create package io.kx.loanproc.view
  2. Create Java Interface io.kx.loanproc.view.LoanProcViewModel with Java records for ViewRecord and ViewRequest
  3. Create io.kx.loanproc.viewLoanProcByStatusView class extending View
    1. Add class level annotation for table name: @Table("loanproc_by_status")
    2. Implement getLoanProcByStatus with @Query and @PostMapping annotations
    3. Implement event handler methods for each domain event

Tip: Check content in views-step-3 git branch

##Unit test Because of the nature of views only Integration tests are done.

Create integration tests for view

In io.kx.loanproc.IntegrationTest copy loanProcHappyPathWith test to loanProcHappyPathWithView and add view query via webClient Tip: Check content in views-step-3 git branch

Run integration test

mvn -Pit verify

Package & Deploy

mvn deploy

Test service in production

curl -XPOST -d {"statusId":"STATUS_APPROVED"} https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Eventing - Event driven communication

Action for submitted event (Loan application service -> Loan application processing service)

  1. Create package io.kx.loanapp.action
  2. Create io.kx.loanapp.action.LoanAppToLoanProcEventingAction class extending Action
  3. Add class level annotation: @Subscribe.EventSourcedEntity(value = LoanAppService.class, ignoreUnknown = true)
  4. Inject KalixClient via constructor
  5. Implement onSubmitted event handler method

Tip: Check content in eventing-step-4 git branch

Action for approved & declined processing event (Loan application processing service -> Loan application service)

  1. Create package io.kx.loanproc.action
  2. Create io.kx.loanproc.action.LoanProcToLoanAppEventingAction class extending Action
  3. Add class level annotation: @Subscribe.EventSourcedEntity(value = LoanProcService.class, ignoreUnknown = true)
  4. Inject KalixClient via constructor
  5. Implement onApproved and onDeclined event handler methods

Tip: Check content in eventing-step-4 git branch

Create integration tests for eventing (end-to-end test)

Update io.kx.IntegrationTest and add endToEndHappyPath and endToEndHappyPathWithDecline test Tip: Check content in eventing-step-4 git branch

Run integration test

mvn -Pit verify

Package & Deploy

mvn deploy

Test service in production

Submit loan application:

curl -XPOST -d '{
  "clientId": "12345",
  "clientMonthlyIncomeCents": 60000,
  "loanAmountCents": 20000,
  "loanDurationMonths": 12
}' https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Check loan processing status:

curl -XPOST -d {"statusId":"STATUS_READY_FOR_REVIEW"} https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Approve loan processing:

curl -XPOST -d '{"reviewerId":"9999"}' https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Get loan application:

curl -XGET https://<somehost> -H "Content-Type: application/json"


##Creating config

  1. Create class io.kx.loanproc.LoanProcConfig
  2. Add class level annotation:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "loanproc")
  1. Add parameter Integer timeoutMillis with getter and setter
  2. In src/main/resources/ add loanproc.timeoutMillis = 600000
  3. Create folder src/it/resources
  4. Create file src/it/resources/ and add loanproc.timeoutMillis = 5000 ##Action for managing timer for timeout
  5. Create io.kx.loanproc.action.LoanProcTimeoutAction class extending Action
  6. Add class level annotation @Subscribe.EventSourcedEntity(value = LoanProcService.class, ignoreUnknown = true)
  7. Inject KalixClient kalixClient and LoanProcConfig config via constructor
  8. Implement getTimerName method
  9. Implement event handler methods for onReadyForReview, onApproved and onDeclined

Tip: Check content in timers-step-5 git branch

Create integration tests for eventing (end-to-end test)

  1. Update io.kx.IntegrationTest and add endToEndProcessingDeclinedByTimeout test
  2. Add class level annotation: @TestPropertySource(locations="") Tip: Check content in timers-step-5 git branch

Run integration test

mvn -Pit verify

Package & Deploy

mvn deploy

Action as a controller (API gateway)


  1. Create io.kx.loanapp.action.LoanAppServiceGatewayAction class extending Action
  2. add class level annotations (path prefix):
  3. add submit method Tip: Check content in controller-action-step-6 git branch

Integration test

Add new test case endToEndHappyPathWithGw and use loanapp-gw instead of loanapp for submitting. Set loanAppId from the response.
Tip: Check content in controller-action-step-6 git branch

Run integration test

mvn -Pit verify

Package & Deploy

mvn deploy



Language:Java 100.0%