ligfx / pycreaturestools

Python tools for working with the Creatures series of games

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python tools for working with the Creatures series of games.

File types

File types supported:

  • ATT body data files (read only, including Creatures Village's i20a.att with notes)
  • Creatures 0 SPR images (read only, including 0–127.SPR)
  • SPR images (read+write, including back.spr)
  • S16 images (read+write, including back.s16)
  • C16 images (read+write)
  • BLK images (read+write, macOS big-endian version not supported)
  • Spritesheets (read+write)
  • COB/RCB files (read only)
  • COB2 files (read only)
  • GEN files (read only, version 3 only)
  • PRAY files (AGENTS, CREATURE, FAMILY, SEAMONKEYS, etc) (read+write)
  • PRAY source files (read+write)
  • CAOS2PRAY source files (read only)
  • MNG music files (read+write)
  • CreaturesArchive compression wrapper (read only)
  • NetBabel (read only, most message types except NET: WRIT)
  • PCAP files (read only, used for reading NetBabel packet captures)

Command-line Tools

This library also comes with a number of useful tools. Each tool lives under the creaturestools/bin/ directory and can be run like python creaturestools/bin/$

Some (eventually, all) of the tools are also configured as entry points, which means you can pip install this repository and then use them immediately, e.g.:

pip install git+
spritedumper my_sprite.c16

Available tools:

  • babeldump: Parses a PCAP file containing NetBabel messages
  • caos2praybuilder: Alias for praybuilder.
  • cobdumper: Takes a C1 COB/RCB or C2 COB and decompiles it
  • gen2json: Parses a GEN file and outputs a JSON representation
  • mngbuilder: Compiles a MNG script and associated WAV samples
  • mngdumper: Takes a MNG music file and outputs the descrambled script and WAV samples.
  • praybuilder: Parses a PRAY or CAOS2PRAY file and builds an AGENTS file. If any sprites or music files are missing, it will build them on-the-fly from images and MNG scripts.
  • praycrush: Recompresses a PRAY file to make it as small as possible
  • praydumper: Takes a PRAY file (.AGENTS, .FAMILY, .SEAMONKEYS, etc) and decompiles it
  • spritebuilder: Takes a spritesheet image and converts it into a C16 sprite file
  • spritecutter: Takes a spritesheet image and writes out the individual sprites as PNGs
  • spritedumper: Takes a sprite (SPR, S16, C16, BLK, or "Creatures 0" SPR) and writes out the frames as PNGs
  • caossyntaxdumper: Parses a caos.syntax file
  • creaturescavesdownloader: Downloads files from Creatures Caves
  • creaturescavesextractor: Extracts files downloaded from Creatures Caves
  • glstdumper: Parses a GLST block
  • gno_dumper: Parses genome notes (GNO) files
  • new_breed_installer_extract: Extracts files created by Kinnison's New Breed Installer
  • parse_2er: Parses 2ER files
  • parse_creaturesarchive: Parses CreaturesArchive files (poorly)
  • read_aphro: Parses Aphro, AphroBU, Health, and HealthBU files
  • read_pefile: Parses resources from Windows executables
  • sfcdumper: Parses SFC files
  • sfcdumperv2: Parses SFC files
  • szdd_dumper: Decompresses files compressed on old versions of MS-DOS
  • translate_voice: Converts a string of text into Creatures sounds

Library API


  • read_att_file(fname_or_stream) -> (List[List[(x, y)]], notes)


  • format_c1_caos(str) -> str
  • format_c2_caos(str) -> str


  • read_cob1_file(fname_or_stream) -> Cob1File
  • generate_caos2cob1_source(cob, rcb, Optional[filenamefunc]) -> str
  • is_cob2_file(fname_or_stream) -> bool
  • read_cob2_file(fname_or_stream) -> List[Union[Cob2AgntBlock, Cob2FileBlock, Cob2AuthBlock]]
  • generate_cob2_source(blocks, Optional[filenamefunc]) -> str


  • read_creatures0_spr_file(fname_or_stream, Optional[palette]) -> List[PIL.Image]
  • is_creatures0_sprite_file(fname_or_stream) -> bool
  • is_creatures0_sprite_background_piece(images) -> bool
  • stitch_creatures0_sprite_background(images) -> PIL.Image
  • CREATURES0_PALETTE: PIL.ImagePalette.ImagePalette (from PALETTE.DTA, Creatures 0 has additional palettes 0.PAL–4.PAL)


  • decompress_creaturesarchive_compressed_file(fname_or_stream) -> bytes


  • read_gen3_file(fname_or_stream) -> List[creaturestools.genetics.Gene]
  • svrule3_from_bytes(bytes[48]) -> List[str]
  • SVRULE3_OPCODES: Mapping[int, str]
  • SVRULE3_OPERAND_TYPES: Mapping[int, str]


  • read_mng_file(fname_or_stream) -> (script, Dict[str, sample_data])
  • write_mng_file(fname_or_stream, script, fileloaderfunc)
  • mngscript_get_wave_names(script) -> List[str]


  • parse_netbabel_client_message(f) -> NetBabelClientMessage
  • parse_netbabel_server_message(f) -> NetBabelServerMessage
  • parse_netbabel_header(f) -> NetBabelHeader
  • parse_netbabel_server9_pray(f, header) -> NetBabelServer9PrayMessage
  • parse_netbabel_server10_net_line_response(f, header) -> NetBabelServer10NetLineResponse
  • parse_netbabel_server13(f, header) -> NetBabelServer13Message
  • parse_netbabel_server14(f, header) -> NetBabelServer14Message
  • parse_netbabel_server15_net_unik_response(f, header) -> NetBabelServer15UnikResponse
  • parse_netbabel_server19_net_ulin_response(f, header) -> NetBabelServer19UlinResponse
  • parse_netbabel_server24_net_stat_response(f, header) -> NetBabelServer24StatResponse
  • parse_netbabel_server545_net_ruso_response(f, header) -> NetBabelServer545RusoResponse
  • parse_netbabel_server801_creature_history_response(f, header) -> NetBabelServer801CreatureHistoryResponse
  • parse_netbabel_client9_pray(f, header) -> NetBabelClient9PrayMessage
  • parse_netbabel_client15_net_unik_request(f, header) -> NetBabelClient15NetUnikRequest
  • parse_netbabel_client16(f, header) -> NetBabelClient16Message
  • parse_netbabel_client19_net_ulin_request(f, header) -> NetBabelClient19UlinRequest
  • parse_netbabel_client24_net_stat_request(f, header) -> NetBabelClient24StatRequest
  • parse_netbabel_client37_net_line_request(f, header) -> NetBabelClient37NetLineRequest
  • parse_netbabel_client545_net_ruso_request(f, header) -> NetBabelClient545RusoRequest
  • parse_netbabel_client801_creature_history(r, header) -> NetBabelClient801CreatureHistory


  • read_pcap_file(fname_or_stream) -> Dict[(source_addr, dest_addr): List[(timestamp, tcp_data)]]
  • TimestampedReader(List[(timestamp, tcp_data)]]) -> TimestampedReader


  • read_pray_file(fname_or_stream) -> List[(block_name, block_type, data)] (block data is either bytes or a dict[str, Union[int: str]])
  • write_pray_file(fname_or_stream, blocks, compression=9)


  • parse_pray_source_file(fname_or_stream) -> List[(block_name, block_type, data)] (block data is either a pathlib.Path or dict[str, Union[int: str, pathlib.Path]])
  • pray_load_file_references(blocks, fileloaderfunc) -> List[(block_name, block_type, data)] (replaces all pathlib.Path values with the result of fileloaderfunc, resulting block data is either bytes or a dict[str: Union[int, str]])
  • generate_pray_source(blocks, Optional[filenamefunc]) -> str


  • read_palette_dta_file(fname_or_stream) -> PIL.ImagePalette.ImagePalette
  • read_spr_file(fname_or_stream, Optional[palette]) -> List[PIL.Image]
  • read_s16_file(fname_or_stream) -> List[PIL.Image]
  • read_c16_file(fname_or_stream) -> List[PIL.Image]
  • read_blk_file(fname_or_stream) -> PIL.Image
  • write_s16_file(fname_or_stream, List[PIL.Image])
  • write_c16_file(fname_or_stream, List[PIL.Image])
  • write_spr_file(fname_or_stream, List[PIL.Image])
  • write_blk_file(fname_or_stream, PIL.Image)
  • stitch_to_sheet(images) -> PIL.Image
  • cut_sheet_to_sprites(image, *, colorkey) -> List[PIL.Image]
  • find_sprite_sheet_colorkey(image, *, width=5, height=5) -> Optional[colorkey]
  • CREATURES1_PALETTE: PIL.ImagePalette.ImagePalette


Python tools for working with the Creatures series of games

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%