lifei176 / Single-cell-atlas-of-sex-differences-and-androgen-effects

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repository contains analysis codes used for the publication: Sex-differences-orchestrated-by-androgens-at-single-cell-resolution

Codes provided here are to define the DEGs, AASB-DEGs and significantly enriched biological pathways of each cell type across the 17 tissues.

  1. Cellranger_pipeline: The code script in Shell for cellranger pipeline which is executed on Linux system.
  2. Data_processing: The code in R to perform QC and construct seurat object for downstream analysis.
  3. DEG_definition: The code in R to define the DEGs between two different conditions (p-adjust < 0.05 and |Log2FC| > 0.5).
  4. AASB-DEG_definition: The code in R to define androgen-associated sex-biased DEGs (AASB-DEGs) for each cell type across the 17 tissues, which comprises positive AASB-DEGs (the expression levels of which are male-biased and positively associated with androgens) and negative AASB-DEGs (the expression levels of which are female-biased and negatively associated with androgens).
  5. Pathway_enrichment: The code in R to definine the significantly enriched biological pathways based on DEGs and AASB-DEGs respectively (p < 0.01 & q < 0.01).

Downloading the data

Operation systems

  • Linux version 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64
  • Windows 10 64-bit

Hardware requirements

The pipeline requires only a standard computer with enough RAM to support the operations. For optimal performance, we recommended and used a computer with the following specs for testing: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X 16-Core Processor 3.50 GHz and RAM 128 GB.

Installation guide

R packages required for the pipeline can be installed from CRAN ( using the install.packages() function, or from Bioconductor ( using the BiocManager::install() function. The three packages in “05. Pathway_enrichment” should take approximately 11 minutes on a recommended computer for installing.


  • Cell Ranger (version 6.0.2)
  • Seurat (version 4.0.3)
  • DropletUtils (version 1.18.1)
  • DoubletFinder (version 2.0.3)
  • ggsci (version 2.9)
  • RColorBrewer (version 1.1-3)
  • ggplot2 (version 3.4.2)
  • dplyr (version 1.0.8)
  • BiocParallel (version 1.28.3)
  • clustertree (version 0.5.0)
  • future (version 1.33.0)
  • clusterProfiler (version 3.12.0)
  • (version 3.8.2)
  • biomaRt (version 2.40.5)


  1. AASB-DEG_definition: The pipeline to define AASB-DEGs
  • Input: required input data files
  • Output: expected output results
  • The pipeline should take approximately 7 seconds on a recommended computer
  1. Pathway_enrichment: The pipeline to perform pathway enrichment analysis of DEGs
  • Input: required input data files
  • Output: expected output results
  • The pipeline should take approximately 4 hours to finish all the analyses on a recommended computer
  1. Users can also directly provide their own input files with the format required, and perform analysis by modifying our codes


License:MIT License


Language:R 97.4%Language:Shell 2.6%