lianglili / video_feature_extraction


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Multi-GPU Extraction of Video Features

This is a PyTorch module that does a feature extraction in parallel on any number of GPUs. So far, I3D (RGB + Flow), R(2+1)D (RGB-only), and VGGish features are supported as well as ResNet-50 (frame-wise). Now, it also supports optical flow frame extraction using RAFT and PWC-Net.

I3D (RGB + Flow)

The Inflated 3D (I3D) features are extracted using a pre-trained model on Kinetics 400. Here, the features are extracted from the second-to-the-last layer of I3D, before summing them up. Therefore, it outputs two tensors with 1024-d features: for RGB and flow streams. By default, it expects to input 64 RGB and flow frames (224x224) which spans 2.56 seconds of the video recorded at 25 fps. In the default case, the features will be of size Tv x 1024 where Tv = duration / 2.56.

Please note, this implementation uses either PWC-Net (the default) and RAFT optical flow extraction instead of the TV-L1 algorithm, which was used in the original I3D paper as it hampers speed. Yet, it might possibly lead to worse peformance. Our tests show that the performance is reasonable. You may test it yourself by providing --show_pred flag.

Set up the Environment for I3D

Depending on whether you would like to use PWC-Net or RAFT for optical flow extraction, you will need to install separate conda environments – conda_env_pwc.yml and conda_env_torch_zoo, respectively

# it will create a new conda environment called 'pwc' (or/and `torch_zoo`) on your machine
conda env create -f conda_env_pwc.yml
# or/and
conda env create -f conda_env_torch_zoo.yml


Start by activating the environment

conda activate pwc

The following will extract I3D features for sample videos using 0th and 2nd devices in parallel. The features are going to be extracted with the default parameters.

python --feature_type i3d --device_ids 0 2 --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4

The video paths can be specified as a .txt file with paths

python --feature_type i3d --device_ids 0 2 --file_with_video_paths ./sample/sample_video_paths.txt

It is also possible to extract features from either rgb or flow modalities individually (--streams) and, therefore, increasing the speed

python --feature_type i3d --streams flow --device_ids 0 2 --file_with_video_paths ./sample/sample_video_paths.txt

To extract optical flow frames using RAFT approach, specify --flow_type raft. Note that using RAFT will make the extraction slower than with PWC-Net yet visual inspection of extracted flow frames suggests that RAFT has a better quality of the estimated flow

# make usre to activate the correct environment (`torch_zoo`)
python --feature_type i3d --flow_type raft --device_ids 0 2 --file_with_video_paths ./sample/sample_video_paths.txt

The features can be saved as numpy arrays by specifying --on_extraction save_numpy. By default, it will create a folder ./output and will store features there

python --feature_type i3d --device_ids 0 2 --on_extraction save_numpy --file_with_video_paths ./sample/sample_video_paths.txt

You can change the output folder using --output_path argument.

Also, you may want to try to change I3D window and step sizes

python --feature_type i3d --device_ids 0 2 --stack_size 24 --step_size 24 --file_with_video_paths ./sample/sample_video_paths.txt

By default, the frames are extracted according to the original fps of a video. If you would like to extract frames at a certain fps, specify --extraction_fps argument.

python --feature_type i3d --device_ids 0 2 --extraction_fps 25 --stack_size 24 --step_size 24 --file_with_video_paths ./sample/sample_video_paths.txt

A fun note, the time span of the I3D features in the last example will match the time span of VGGish features with default parameters (24/25 = 0.96).

If --keep_tmp_files is specified, it keeps them in --tmp_path which is ./tmp by default. Be careful with the --keep_tmp_files argument when playing with --extraction_fps as it may mess up the frames you extracted before in the same folder.


  1. An implementation of PWC-Net in PyTorch
  2. The Official RAFT implementation (esp. ./
  3. A port of I3D weights from TensorFlow to PyTorch
  4. The I3D paper: Quo Vadis, Action Recognition? A New Model and the Kinetics Dataset.


The wrapping code is MIT and the port of I3D weights from TensorFlow to PyTorch. However, PWC Net (default flow extractor) has GPL-3.0 and RAFT BSD 3-Clause.

R(2+1)D (RGB-only)

The extraction of an 18-layer R(2+1)D (RGB-only) network is borrowed from torchvision models. Similar to I3D, R(2+1)D is pre-trained on Kinetics 400. The features are extracted from the pre-classification layer of the net. Therefore, it outputs a tensor with 512-d features for each stack. By default, according to torchvision docs, it expects to input a stack of 16 RGB frames (112x112), which spans 0.64 seconds of the video recorded at 25 fps. Specify --step_size and --stack_size to change the default behavior. In the default case, the features will be of size Tv x 512 where Tv = duration / 0.64. The augmentations are similar to the proposed in torchvision training scripts.

Set up the Environment for R(2+1)D

Setup conda environment. Requirements are in file conda_env_torch_zoo.yml

# it will create a new conda environment called 'torch_zoo' on your machine
conda env create -f conda_env_torch_zoo.yml


Start by activating the environment

conda activate torch_zoo

It will extract R(2+1)d features for sample videos using 0th and 2nd devices in parallel. The features are going to be extracted with the default parameters.

python --feature_type r21d_rgb --device_ids 0 2 --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4

See I3D Examples. Note, that R(2+1)d only supports RGB stream.


  1. The TorchVision implementation.
  2. The R(2+1)D paper: A Closer Look at Spatiotemporal Convolutions for Action Recognition.


The wrapping code is under MIT, yet, it utilizes torchvision library which is under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.

ResNet-50 (frame-wise)

The ResNet-50 features are extracted frame-wise for a provided video. The ResNet-50 is pre-trained on the 1k ImageNet dataset. We extract features from the pre-classification layer. The implementation is based on the torchvision models. The extracted features are going to be of size num_frames x 2048. We additionally output timesteps in ms for each feature and fps of the video. We use the standard set of augmentations.

Set up the Environment for ResNet-50

Setup conda environment. Requirements are in file conda_env_torch_zoo.yml

# it will create a new conda environment called 'torch_zoo' on your machine
conda env create -f conda_env_torch_zoo.yml


Start by activating the environment

conda activate torch_zoo

It is pretty much the same procedure as with other features.

python --feature_type resnet50 --device_ids 0 2 --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4

If you would like to save the features, use --on_extraction save_numpy – by default, the features are saved in ./output/ or where --output_path specifies. In the case of frame-wise features, besides features, it also saves timestamps in ms and the original fps of the video into the same folder with features.

python --feature_type resnet50 --device_ids 0 2 --on_extraction save_numpy --file_with_video_paths ./sample/sample_video_paths.txt

Since these features are so fine-grained and light-weight we may increase the extraction speed with batching. Therefore, frame-wise features have --batch_size argument, which defaults to 1.

python --feature_type resnet50 --device_ids 0 2 --batch_size 128 --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4

If you would like to extract features at a certain fps, add --extraction_fps argument

python --feature_type resnet50 --device_ids 0 2 --extraction_fps 5 --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4


  1. The TorchVision implementation.
  2. The ResNet paper


The wrapping code is under MIT, yet, it utilizes torchvision library which is under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.

RAFT (Optical Flow, frame-wise)

Recurrent All-Pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow (RAFT) frames are extracted for every consecutive pair of frames in a video. The implementation follows the official implementation. RAFT is pre-trained on FlyingChairs, fine-tuned on FlyingThings3D, then it is finetuned on Sintel or KITTI-2015 (see the Training Schedule in the Experiments section in the RAFT paper). By default, the frames are extracted using the Sintel model – you may change this behavior in ./models/raft/ Also, check out and this issue to learn more about the shared models.

The optical flow frames have the same size as the video input or as specified by the resize arguments. We additionally output timesteps in ms for each feature and fps of the video.

Set up the Environment for RAFT

Setup conda environment. Requirements for RAFT are similar to the torchvision zoo, which uses conda_env_torch_zoo.yml

# it will create a new conda environment called 'torch_zoo' on your machine
conda env create -f conda_env_torch_zoo.yml


Start by activating the environment

conda activate torch_zoo

A minimal working example: it will extract RAFT optical flow frames for sample videos using 0th and 2nd devices in parallel.

python --feature_type raft --device_ids 0 2 --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4

Note, if your videos are quite long, have large dimensions and fps, watch your RAM as the frames are stored in the memory until they are saved. Please see other examples how can you overcome this problem.

If you would like to save the frames, use --on_extraction save_numpy – by default, the frames are saved in ./output/ or where --output_path specifies. In the case of RAFT, besides frames, it also saves timestamps in ms and the original fps of the video into the same folder with features.

python --feature_type raft --device_ids 0 2 --on_extraction save_numpy --file_with_video_paths ./sample/sample_video_paths.txt

Since extracting flow between two frames is cheap we may increase the extraction speed with batching. Therefore, you can use --batch_size argument (defaults to 1) to do so. A precaution: make sure to properly test the memory impact of using a specific batch size if you are not sure which kind of videos you have. For instance, you tested the extraction on 16:9 aspect ratio videos but some videos are 16:10 which might give you a mem error. Therefore, I would recommend to tune --batch_size on a square video and using the resize arguments (showed later)

python --feature_type raft --device_ids 0 2 --batch_size 16 --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4

Another way of speeding up the extraction is to resize the input frames. Use --side_size to specify the target size of the smallest side (such that min(W, H) = side_size) or of the largest side if --resize_to_larger_edge is used (such that max(W, H) = side_size). The latter might be useful when you are not sure which aspect ratio the videos have.

python --feature_type raft --device_ids 0 2 --side_size 256 --resize_to_larger_edge --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4

If the videos have different fps rate, --extraction_fps might be used to specify the target fps of all videos (a video is reencoded and saved to --tmp_path folder and deleted if --keep_tmp_files wasn't used).

python --feature_type raft --device_ids 0 2 --extraction_fps 1 --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4

Finally, if you would like to test, if the extracted optical flow frames are meaningful or to debug the extraction, use --show_pred – it will show the original frame of a video along with the extracted optical flow. (when the window will pop up, use your favorite keys on a keyboard to show the next frame)

python --feature_type raft --device_ids 0 --show_pred --extraction_fps 5 --video_paths ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4


  1. The Official RAFT implementation (esp. ./
  2. The RAFT paper: RAFT: Recurrent All Pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow.


The wrapping code is under MIT, but the RAFT implementation complies with BSD 3-Clause.

PWC-Net (Optical Flow, frame-wise)

PWC-Net: CNNs for Optical Flow Using Pyramid, Warping, and Cost Volume frames are extracted for every consecutive pair of frames in a video. PWC-Net is pre-trained on Sintel Flow dataset. The implementation follows sniklaus/pytorch-pwc@f61389005.

Set up the Environment for PWC

Setup conda environment. conda_env_pwc.yml

# it will create a new conda environment called 'pwc' on your machine
conda env create -f conda_env_torch_pwc.yml


Start by activating the environment

conda activate pwc

Please see the examples for RAFT optical flow frame extraction. Make sure to replace --feature_type argument to pwc.


  1. The PWC-Net paper and official implementation.
  2. The PyTorch implementation used in this repo.


The wrapping code is under MIT, but PWC Net has GPL-3.0


The VGGish feature extraction mimics the procedure provided in the TensorFlow repository. Specifically, the VGGish model was pre-trained on AudioSet. The extracted features are from pre-classification layer after activation. The feature tensor will be 128-d and correspond to 0.96 sec of the original video. Interestingly, this might be represented as 24 frames of a 25 fps video. Therefore, you should expect Ta x 128 features, where Ta = duration / 0.96.

The extraction of VGGish features is implemeted as a wrapper of the TensorFlow implementation. See Credits.

Set up the Environment for VGGish

Setup conda environment. Requirements are in file conda_env_vggish.yml

# it will create a new conda environment called 'vggish' on your machine
conda env create -f conda_env_vggish.yml
conda activate vggish
# download the pre-trained VGGish model. The script will put the files in the checkpoint directory
wget -P ./models/vggish/checkpoints


python --feature_type vggish --device_ids 0 2 --video_paths ./sample/v_ZNVhz7ctTq0.mp4 ./sample/v_GGSY1Qvo990.mp4

See python --help for more arguments and I3D Examples.


  1. The TensorFlow implementation.
  2. The VGGish paper: CNN Architectures for Large-Scale Audio Classification.


The wrapping code is under MIT but the tf implementation complies with the tensorflow license which is Apache-2.0.



License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%