liangli053 / Purchase-Analytics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Based on Instacart orders, calculate, for each department, the number of times a product was requested, number of times a product was requested for the first time and a ratio of those two numbers.

Table of Contents

  1. Implementation
    1.1 Libraries required
    1.2 Explanation of classes and functions
    1.3 Execution Procedure
  2. Time and Space Complexities Analysis
  3. Unit Testing
  4. Instruction to Run Code


Libraries required

sys library is needed in

from sys import argv

For unit testing, unittest, os and purchase_analytics are needed in

import unittest
import os
from purchase_analytics import Department, Report, get_prod_dept_map, process_order_prod

Explanation of classes and functions

Two classes Department and Report are defined:

Department: Stores the data associated with each department that need to be written to the output file

  • def __init__
    • self.ID: int
      • department ID
    • self.orders: int
      • total number of orders
    • self.first_orders: int
      • number of first-time orders
    • self.percentage: float
      • ratio between self.first_orders and self.orders

Report: Stores a dict in which each Department object is indexed by department id, as well as a list of sorted Department objects. Several methods to sort objects and write output.

  • def __init__
    • self.departments: dict {int : Department}
      • mapping department ID to Department object
    • self.depts_sorted: list [Department]
      • Department objects sorted based on department ID
  • def get_dept(self, dept_ID)
    • return the Department object that needs to be updated
  • def update_percentage(self)
    • calculate the percentage attribute of each Department object
  • def sort_depts(self)
    • sort all Department objects by department ID
  • def write_to_file(self, output_path)
    • write the output to output_path

Three functions are defined:

get_prod_dept_map(products_path): read products.csv file and return a dict that maps product id to department id

  • Arguments:
    • products_path: str, path to file products.csv
  • Returns:
    • mapping: dic{int : int}, a hash map product_id : department_id

process_order_prod(order_products_path, mapping, report): read order_products.csv and update Department and Report objects

  • Arguments:
    • order_products_path: str, path to file order_products.csv
    • mapping: dic{int : int}, hash map returned by get_prod_dept_map
    • report: A Report object
  • Returns: None

main: main function

Execution procedure

  1. Read the paths of input and output files.
  2. Declare a Report object named report that stores all Department objects.
  3. Parse products.csv and generate prod_dept_map, a hash table that maps product id to department id.
  4. Parse order_products.csv, read each order entry, update the orders and first_order attributes of the corresponding Department object.
  5. After processing entire order_products.csv file, calculate the percentage atrribute of each Department object.
  6. Sort all Department objects based on department ID, store the sorted list in reprot.depts_sorted, and then write to the output file.

Time and Space Complexities Analysis

Time complexity

get_prod_dept_map: O(M), M: length of the products.csv file
process_order_prod: O(N), N: length of the order_products.csv file
Report.sort_depts: O(nlogn), n: number of departments
Report.write_to_file: O(n), n: number of departments

Since order_products.csv typically has millions of lines, procoess_order_prod is the time-limiting step.

Space complexity

Files are read line by line, so this does not take much of memory.
The hashmap prod_dept_map, which maps product id to department id, grows linearly with the number of products. So the overall space complexity is O(M), with M being the length of the products.csv file (number of products).

Unit Testing

A few test cases are provided.
test_get_prod_dept_map: Test if the {product id : department id} hash map constructed from products.csv file is correct.

test_process_order_prod: Test if the orders data can be correctly read and calculated, and if less-than-zero number of orders would raise the correct error.

test_output: Test the output file content and format. In particular, A department_id should be listed only if number_of_orders is greater than 0

Instruction to Run Code

  1. Clone the git repository and go to the work directory.
git clone
cd Purchase-Analytics
  1. [optional] To run unit test, uncomment the following in file.
#python3 ./src/
  1. Make executable.
chmod u+x
  1. Run code.

Output is written to ./output/report.csv



Language:Python 84.2%Language:Shell 15.8%