liamfiddler / friendly-wizard

A class for managing steps in a wizard, and their responses.

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πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Friendly Wizard

A class for managing steps in a wizard, and their responses.

Quick start

Install this package:

npm install --save liamfiddler/friendly-wizard

Then import the Wizard class and start using it:

import Wizard from 'friendly-wizard/Wizard.js';

const wizard = new Wizard({
    steps: [
            id: 'step-1',
            type: 'text',
            data: {
                title: 'Step 1',
                body: 'Welcome to the first step',
            id: 'step-2',
            type: 'text',
            data: {
                title: 'Step 2',
                body: 'This is the second step',

// output the first step title

// navigate to the next step;

// output the second step title


The Wizard class constructor takes an object for configuration:

Param Type Description
steps Step[] An array of Step objects, representing the screens in the wizard flow
startAtId string The ID of the step which should initially be active (defaults to the first step if not supplied)
responses Map.<string, any> | Record.<string, any> The initial set of answers/responses to the wizard (defaults to an empty object if not supplied)

Defining steps

The steps value passed the Wizard class constructor is an array of Step objects.

Step objects are a generic javascript object with whatever keys you like, however the following keys have special functionality attached to them:


A unique identifier for the step. If it is not supplied a random string will be generated as the ID (note: this is randomly generated every time a new Wizard is created, it will be different every time and does not persist across multiple instantiations).


skip contains the logic for skipping the step. This could be a boolean, a function that returns a boolean, or a mongo-style object that compares against the wizard responses.

If you pass an object as the value for skip you can use mongo-style syntax to compare responses and response values. Under the hood it uses sift.js and supports a variety of operators. Refer to the list of supported operators in the sift.js documentation.

const wizard = new Wizard({
  steps: [
      id: 'step1',
      id: 'step2',
      // skip the step if 'something' === 'test'
      skip: {
        something: {
          $eq: 'test',
      id: 'step3',

// outputs 'step2', because the second step is not skipped

// set the response for 'something' to 'test'
wizard.responses.set('something', 'test');

// outputs 'step3' because the second step is now skipped


The Wizard class is an EventTarget. Event listeners can be added to the class, and will trigger functionality when certain circumstances occur in usage.

Event Description
step:change Triggered when the wizard moves to a different step
step:next Triggered when the wizard moves forward a step
step:previous Triggered when the wizard moves back a step
responses:change Triggered when a response value is created, updated, or deleted

The event listeners are particularly useful in Single Page Apps, they allow libraries and frameworks to listen for changes and render updates as they occur.

const wizard = new Wizard({
  steps: [{}, {}, {}, {}],

wizard.addEventListener('step:change', () => {
  console.log('hello world');

// Change to the next step, triggering the event listener and outputting 'hello world';

Usage in React

Example usage is demonstrated in the React example project in this repo.

A custom hook called useFriendlyWizard wraps the Wizard class for usage in React. It manages event listeners and updates the wizard step to component state when the step changes.

Usage in Vue

Example usage is demonstrated in the Vue example project in this repo.

The Wizard class is instantiated as a global property making it available inside any component template in the application, and also on this of any component instance.

Components accessing it can implement event listeners to render when the step changes. See App.vue for an example.

Reading/writing responses to localStorage or sessionStorage

A version of the Wizard class that is extended to automatically read/write the responses to/from browser storage is included in this repo.

To use it import from the WizardStorage.js file instead of Wizard.js:

- import Wizard from 'friendly-wizard/Wizard.js';
+ import Wizard from 'friendly-wizard/WizardStorage.js';

Additionally, two new options will be available when instantiating the class:

Name Type Description
[persist] boolean Whether the responses should persist when the window/tab is closed (localStorage), or not (sessionStorage). Defaults to true
[storageKey] string The key under which the responses should be stored. Defaults to "wizard"

API Documentation


A module for handling wizard data

module.exports ⏏

A class for handling the steps in a wizard-like flow, as well as the responses to questions in the flow

Kind: Exported class

new module.exports(options)

Construct a new Wizard

Param Type Description
options Object An object containing configuration for the wizard
options.steps Array.<Step> An array of Step objects, representing the screens in the wizard flow
[options.startAtId] string The ID of the step which should initially be active (defaults to the first step if not supplied)
[options.responses] Map.<string, any> | Record.<string, any> An object containing the initial set of answers/responses to the wizard

module.exports.isLastStep β‡’ boolean

Is the active step the last step?

Kind: instance property of module.exports

module.exports.isFirstStep β‡’ boolean

Is the active step the first step?

Kind: instance property of module.exports

module.exports.activeStep β‡’ Step

Get the active step

Kind: instance property of module.exports

module.exports.previousStep β‡’ Step

Get the previous step

Kind: instance property of module.exports

module.exports.nextStep β‡’ Step

Get the next step

Kind: instance property of module.exports

module.exports.stepNum β‡’ number

Get the active step number

Kind: instance property of module.exports

module.exports.stepTotal β‡’ number

Get the total number of steps

Kind: instance property of module.exports

module.exports.progressPercent β‡’ number

Get the percentage of progress through the steps

Kind: instance property of module.exports

module.exports.responses β‡’ Map.<string, any>

Get the responses to the wizard

Kind: instance property of module.exports

Sets the next step active

Kind: instance method of module.exports


Sets the previous step active

Kind: instance method of module.exports

module.exports.steps() β‡’ Iterable.<Step>

Iterable steps

Kind: instance method of module.exports


Add the values from a HTML form element to the responses

Kind: instance method of module.exports

Param Type
form HTMLFormElement

module.exports~Step : Object.<string, any>

An object representing a step in the wizard flow

Kind: inner typedef of module.exports

Name Type Description
[id] string A unique identifier for the step (a random string will be generated as the ID if not specified)
[skip] Object | boolean | function The logic for skipping a step (a boolean, a function that returns a boolean, or a mongo-style object)


A class for managing steps in a wizard, and their responses.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 86.7%Language:HTML 8.8%Language:Vue 4.6%