liamf / photon-rgb-lamp

Code for the Particle Photon, to control an RGB lamp

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Code for the Particle Photon, to control an RGB lamp - assumes that the RGB lamp is PWM controlled via particular device ports, see the code for details.

You can power an arbitrarily powerful RGB LED or LED array like this, with the correct circuit design.

Exposes a number of APIs to the Particle cloud to allow you to control your lamp.

(NB: this readme might not be 100% up to date with the latest source, so read that too ...)

REST endpoints:


where deviceid is the particular device identifier for your particular device. See "Getting Online" later to see how to retrieve your device ID.

The Particle REST API accepts an optional single argument, assumed a string of up to 63 characters max, for each REST endpoint. There follows a short description of each.

Each of these in turn:


Sets the colour of the lamp.
Either the arg "SET" followed by the word RED, GREEN or BLUE with an integer number This will set the RED, GREEN or BLUE colour only leaving the others unchanged.

or SET followed by 3 integers, assumed to be the RED, GREEN and BLUE colours.

The range for colour setting is set by the bits per pixel (default 12 bits, so 0 - 4095)

arg to pass:
SET r g b

An alternative to setting the RGB colour directly, is to use one of the built-in colour ranges to choose the colour:

RAMP val vMin vMax
SPECTRUM val vMin vMax

These two functions set the RGB colour to a point on either of two built-in colour ranges, given a value, and a min/max range. e.g. RAMP 200 0 1000 sets the RGB colour to a colour which represents the 20% of the way between 0 and 1000


"Pulses" the currently set lamp colour from on->off and back, with a default period of 5 seconds

arg to pass:

ON turns on the Pulse function (default: off)
OFF turns it back off again
PERIOD x sets the pulse period time, a floating point number is allowed (allowed range: 0.5 - 1000 seconds)

e.g. PERIOD 0.5


Contains a number of admin commands.

arg to pass:

CLEAR deletes all stored WiFi credentials in the Photon. On reboot, the Photon will go into Listening mode and await credentials
LIST prints out to the USB serial port (if it is enabled, see later) the list of networks stored currently
SERIAL ON or OFF turns ON or OFF the USB serial port
DEBUG ON of OFF turns on or off some debug tracing to the USB serial port, if this port is enabled
LED AUTO forces the lamp to follow the colour of the Photon on-board LED. This is useful if you are going to flash the Photon with new firmware and want to see the progress. LED MANUAL returns to normal mode, where the lamp can be controlled via the REST API.

The ADD command allows you to send the core WiFi credentials via API. This is useful to setup the Photon for a different network to the one it is connected to, or a network which is not currently available or is at a different location.

UNSEC sets up access to an Open network (SSID only required, no password)
WEP sets up access to a WEP network, and required SSID and PASSWORD.
WPA2 is the normal WPA2 network. SSID and PASSWORD are required. For a network which is hidden or offline, the cipher must be specified (TKIP, AES, or AES_TKIP)

Getting online

To get online for the first time, or when there is no available network, the Photon needs to be in listening mode. The Photon will go into listening mode automatically when

  • it is powered on, and it has no stored credentials
  • it has stored credentials, but it fails to connect to one of the stored networks for 120 seconds

When the Photon is trying to connect to a stored network, the onboard LED will flash green (and the main lamp will flash green too).

When the Photon is in listening mode, the onboard LED will flash blue, and the main lamp will flash blue too.

When the Photon is in listening mode, it will also create a local access point, with a name like Photon-JX23

If you connect a computer or phone to this AP, and enter into a browser on the computer or phone, a setup page will be presented which you can use to scan for and enter credentials for a WiFi network. When you have entered the credentials, the Photon will attempt to connect to this network. This page also gives you the DeviceID for this Photon, which you'll need to claim the device and control it. When you claim the device, you give it a name to use for device control.

If it succeeds in connecting, the lamp will pulse cyan briefly, and quickly cycle through some colours, before switching off and awaiting commands.


Code for the Particle Photon, to control an RGB lamp


Language:C++ 56.7%Language:JavaScript 17.7%Language:Python 12.3%Language:Arduino 11.6%Language:C 1.7%