liamca / noun-phrase-extraction

Noun Phrase Extraction of text (Key Phrase Extraction)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Noun Phrase Extraction of Text (Key Phrase Extraction)

This code will extract all of the single word nouns along with any noun phrases that can be found. These words and phrases are lemmatized and any stop words are removed.

It is based primarily on Spacy and NLTK libraries.

Extract Noun Phrase split by Sentence

import npe
text = "The quick brown foxes jumped over the lazy dogs. This is a second sentence with the phrase Azure Cognitive Search. "


[['dog', 'fox', 'quick', 'quick_brown_fox', 'brown', 'lazy', 'lazy_dog'],

Extract Noun Phrase split by Passage

import npe
text = "The quick brown foxes jumped over the lazy dogs. This is a second sentence with the phrase Azure Cognitive Search. "




Noun Phrase Extraction of text (Key Phrase Extraction)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%