liabru / matter-js

a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■

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1.7.0 "stats & performance" demo on my local have much bigger stats value than office demo site

lancety opened this issue · comments

I saw 1.7 release on top of this issues list, so I tried checkout my local branch to 1.7.0, but the 2nd "ut" time after "fps" is 6 - 7 times longer than the same demo on 1.7.0 official site (, I can see the lagging issue when my local demo page just refreshed (when the balls start falling down).

I tried reopen browser (chrome 90.0.4430.72), re-installed whole node_modules folder, could reproduce the issue.
Below screenshot is taken from same PC side by side, left is official demo site, right side is my local demo running "dev" npm task.

Is there anything from my local webpack dev server will affect it?
Thanks for help.


Thanks for reporting, I actually noticed this too while I've been working on some performance improvements.

It turns out that the default devtool config in Webpack severely impacts performance in development builds.

Adding the line devtool: 'source-map' (or similar, but not an eval mode) to the Webpack config and restarting the dev server drastically improves this on my machine

For example stress3 example goes from 30ms per update to 6.5ms per update on my machine.

I'd recommend anybody using Webpack with Matter.js to make this change in their own config to get the correct performance in development builds, but also check your production builds too. It's now default on the development server in this project's own config too, but releases themselves should not have been affected.

Let me know if this resolves for you, I'll likely have to make note of this in the readme I think.

hi @liabru , adding dev-tool to the webpack.demo.config.ts fixed the issue. Thanks :)

Now just wondering if prod will be affected by this. I can see the demo webpack config is resolve"matter-js" from src folder. It will be helpful to let demo to use "build" min file so we know the build file doesnt have this issue.

Hello :)

I have terrible performances running matter-js on a Vue-JS 2 project.
If I profile the page without running matter-js everything's fine, the project actually does nothing, which suggest it's not source of these performances issues.

I added the devtool:'source-map' option and I went from 5-6fps to 11-12fps on the "Stress 2 demo" which is better but still quite bad :/ (the online demo works smoothly tho :
Is there anything else I could try ?

Have a good day :)

Ok nevermind i found out the issue !

It seems to be due to Vue adding watchers !
I was storing a renderer's reference as a public prop of my class (using Typescript) which tells Vue that it should make the value reactive.

If I set it as private to remove the reactivity things run fine !

That may help others knowing this :)

@Durss thanks for the update, that will probably help some Vue users I'm sure.

If you use the Vue 3 you need to use the shallowRef() for the engine, runner, bodies, etc (everything that has heavy and deep modifications). It avoid deep reactivity.