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Deep Learning for Video Retrieval by Natural Language

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Deep Learning for Video Retrieval by Natural Language

Videos are everywhere. Video retrieval, i.e., finding videos that meet the information need of a specific user, is important for a wide range of applications including communication, education, entertainment, business, security etc. Among multiple ways of expressing the information need, a natural-language text is the most intuitive to start a retrieval process. For instance, to find video shots showing a person in front of a blackboard talking or writing in a classroom. Such a query can be submitted easily, by typing or speech recognition, to a video retrieval system. Given a video as a sequence of frames and a query as a sequence of words, a fundamental problem in video retrieval by natural language is how to properly associate visual and linguistic information presented in sequential order.

This page maintains an (incomplete) list of state-of-the-art open-source methods and datasets, with the TRECVID Ad-hoc Video Search (AVS) benchmark evaluation as the test bed.

Open-source methods




Method infAP
Dual Encoding (Dong et al. CVPR'19) 0.159
W2VV++ (Li et al. MM'19) 0.151
VSE++ (Faghri et al. BMVC'18, produced by Li et al. MM'19) 0.123
VideoStory (Habibian et al. PAMI'16) 0.087
Markatopoulou et al. ICMR'17 0.064
Le et al. TRECVID'16 0.054
Markatopoulou et al. TRECVID'16 0.051
W2VV (Dong et al. T-MM'18, produced by Li et al. MM'19) 0.050


Method infAP
W2VV++ (Li et al. MM'19) 0.213
Dual Encoding (Dong et al. CVPR'19) 0.208
Snoek et al. TRECVID'17 0.206
Ueki et al. TRECVID'17 0.159
VSE++ (Faghri et al. BMVC'18, produced by Li et al. MM'19) 0.154
VideoStory (Habibian et al. PAMI'17) 0.150
Nguyen et al. TRECVID'17 0.120
W2VV (Dong et al. T-MM'18, produced by Li et al. MM'19) 0.081


Method infAP
Dual Encoding (Dong et al. CVPR'19) 0.126
Li et al. TRECVID'18 0.121
W2VV++ (Li et al. MM'19) 0.106
Huang et al. TRECVID'18 0.087
Bastan et al. TRECVID'18 0.082
VSE++ (Faghri et al. BMVC'18, produced by Li et al. MM'19) 0.074


work in progress ...


  • [Bastan et al. TRECVID'18] M. Bastan, X. Shi, J. Gu, Z. Heng, C. Zhuo, D. Sng, and A. Kot. NTU ROSE Lab at TRECVID 2018: Ad-hoc Video Search and Video to Text. TRECVID 2018
  • [Dong et al. CVPR'19] J. Dong, X. Li, C. Xu, S. Ji, Y. He, G. Yang, and X. Wang. Dual Encoding for Zero-Example Video Retrieval. CVPR 2019
  • [Dong et al. TMM'18] J. Dong, X. Li, and C. Snoek. PredictingVisualFeaturesfromTextfor Image and Video Caption Retrieval. T-MM 20, 12 (2018), 3377–3388
  • [Faghri et al. BMVC'18] F. Faghri, D. J. Fleet, J. R. Kiros, and S. Fidler. VSE++: Improving Visual- Semantic Embeddings with Hard Negatives. BMVC 2018
  • [Habibian et al. T-PAMI'17] A. Habibian, T. Mensink, and C. G. M. Snoek. Video2vec Embeddings Recognize Events When Examples Are Scarce. T-PAMI 39, 10 (2017), 2089–2103
  • [Huang et al. TRECVID'18] P.-Y. Huang, J. Liang, V. Vaibhav, X. Chang, and A. Hauptmann. Informedia@TRECVID 2018: Ad-hoc Video Search with Discrete and Continuous Representations. TRECVID 2018
  • [Le et al. TRECVID'16] D.-D. Le, S.Phan, V.-T. Nguyen, B. Renoust, T. Nguyen, V.-N. Hoang, T. Ngo, M.-T. Tran, Y. Watanabe, M. Klinkigt, et al. NII-HITACHI-UIT at TRECVID 2016. TRECVID 2016
  • [Li et al. MM'19] X. Li, C. Xu, G. Yang, Z. Chen, and J. Dong. W2VV++: Fully Deep Learning for Ad-hoc Video Search, ACMMM 2019
  • [Li et al. TRECVID'18] X. Li, J. Dong, C. Xu, J. Cao, X. Wang, G. Yang. Renmin University of China and Zhejiang Gongshang University at TRECVID 2018: Deep Cross-Modal Embeddings for Video-Text Retrieval. TRECVID 2018
  • [Markatopoulou et al. ICMR'17] F. Markatopoulou, D. Galanopoulos, V. Mezaris, and I. Patras. Query and Keyframe Representations for Ad-hoc Video Search. ICMR 2017
  • [Markatopoulou et al. TRECVID'16] F. Markatopoulou, A.Moumtzidou, D.Galanopoulos, T.Mironidis, V.Kaltsa, A. Ioannidou, S. Symeonidis, K. Avgerinakis, S. Andreadis, et al. ITI-CERTH Participation in TRECVID 2016. TRECVID 2016
  • [Snoek et al. TRECVID'17] C. G. M. Snoek, X. Li, C. Xu, and D. C. Koelma. University of Amsterdam and Renmin University at TRECVID 2017: Searching Video, Detecting Events and Describing Video. TRECVID 2017


Deep Learning for Video Retrieval by Natural Language