lholman / Pipeline2015

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Session Title: One of the below

  1. Continuously improving Continuous Delivery
  2. Continuously improving towards Continuous Delivery
  3. Assessing Continuous Delivery
  4. Applying Continuous Delivery
  5. Baby steps to Continuous Delivery
  6. Championing Continuous Delivery internally
  7. Is Continuous Delivery for you? The experiment!

###Brief Synopsis (c. 100 words):### To provide attendees with an insight in to a real life example of applying well known product management, agile and DevOps principles to realise Continuous Delivery, that is, the ability to always be able to deploy.

###Talk Details:###

####Set the scene#### Timing - 0-3 mins Purpose: Explain who I am, what this talk is about and what I mean by product management, Continuous Delivery (CD) and Agile principles i.e. a more personal synopsis

  • Intro: I'm Lloyd, I'm a freelance software engineer, I believe in #DevOps principles and strive to Continuously Deliver everything (even this talk..see https://github.com/Pipeline2015/Talk.MD). I've worked in many sectors including manufacturing, consultancy and eCommerce in support, operational, development and more recently (last 6 years) in a release/build/devops/consultancy capacity.

  • Continuous Delivery: The CXX test, always be capable of deploying. Strong Continuous Integration (CI) with visible notifications and high quality output tested automatically. Deployment automation and configuration management governance. Fail ideas early, get to market before the competition and realise Return on Investment (RoI) quickly. Make code (app or infrastructure) build, integrate and deployable from the first committed line.

  • Agile: I believe in the agile manifesto and many of the Scrum/Kanban/Xanban/XP principles and applying them to ones organisation. That said, the single most important point, I believe, is an organisations culture being truly agile, actively encouraging early failure, efficiency and striving to reduce release batch sizes and time frames, this is key for enabling Continuous Delivery.

  • Product Management: #NoProjects, let's think in the context of products by making our process, tooling and infrastructure first class citizens. Roadmap effectively, groom a product backlog and prioritise frequently and write valuable stories, even for seemingly "technical tasks". Build quality in.

####Continuous Delivery maturity assessment#### Timing - 4-8 mins

Purpose: Provide an example assessment of a team/organisations current capability to continuously deliver.

  • Introduce the maturity model, practices and maturity levels

  • How to perform a high-level assessment against all practices in the Continuous Delivery book maturity model.

    • Highlighters and print-outs: Invite team members and groups (dev, test, ops, product, support etc) to draw where they feel their maturity is Example filled out CD maturity model assessments, for larger teams it is sometimes necessary to challenge the assessment if there are conflicting statements.
    • Iterate and ask questions, "Where are current bottlenecks?", "What stops us getting to a particular maturity?", "Is there any Work In Progress (WIP) to improve maturity for a particular practice?"
    • Ensure everyone has a chance to give assessment on all practices, an outsiders view is often more accurate than an insiders.
  • Output

    • Simple, a dated and highlighted Continuous Delivery maturity model, combining everyone's assessments. Example combined CD maturity model assessment
    • Share this internally, pin it to walls, scan and email it, digitize it and add it to source control if you can.
  • Notes

    • Ensure that all team members/stakeholders have input.
    • Using the Continuous Delivery maturity model provides a common language for assessment and concrete terminology.
    • The Continuous Delivery maturity model is organisation agnostic so allows high-level comparison between departments/projects/organisations.
  • To do

####Identify the pain points#### Timing - 9-17 mins

Purpose: Review the completed maturity model assessment, identify next steps, give some concrete examples and methods for the audience to take away

  • Questions to ask of the filled out maturity model assessment

    • Where are you regressive and not repeatable?
    • If you were to move up a level in a practice, which would offer the highest business value?
    • Is there internal business pressure to become more mature in a particular practice over another?
  • Road-mapping

    • Using the GO Product Roadmap
  • Low hanging fruit vs significant wins

  • Manual vs automation

  • Process improvement

  • Applying agile principles

    • Story writing, satisfy client and business requirements, not just technical tasks.
  • To do

  • What next?

    • Extended maturity model with additional "Disaster Recovery" practice and split "Application Deployment" and "Infrastructure Deployment" practices.

####Re-assess and fail early#### Timing - 18-22 mins

Purpose: Reinforce how being agile is imperative, what does your re-assessment show you, referring to the GO Product Roadmap metrics.

####Wrap everything up#### Timing - 23-25 mins

Purpose: To summarise what we have talked about, the key points to takeaway, links to resources and where we could improve.

####A few notes####

####Length of talk: 25 mins####
