lhelontra / embedtool

Customize images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Script to help customization firmwares, uses the image of the environment / directory to crosscompiler. The premise is to use an image or directory with the system to make the crosscompiler / customization operations, and finally generate the desired image.

The structure of the embedtool is simple:

        config: File containing the guidelines to mount image / directory, boot size, type of each partition and format etc ...

        afterGenImg.sh: After being generated and formatted image, is called the script. It is used to handle the mounted image.

        afterCopyingData.sh: It is invoked after copying data to the image. It is used to manipulate the final image files.


    Usage: ./embedtool.sh [-l|--targetlist] [-v|--verbose] [-d|--appendpath] [-t|--target <target>] [-s|--shared <shared diretory>] [options]
    -l, --targetlist                                                             lists the supported targets.
    -v, --verbose                                                                enable verbose.
    -ap, --appendpath                                                            Append target path.
    -t, --target <machine>                                                       load target config file. (default     target: Null | default: config diretory: ./targets/)
    -m, --mount <imgfile|device> <mount_point_dir>                               mount source to mount point diretory.
    -u, --umount <mount_point_dir>                                               umount image mounted.
    -cp,--copy <device|image> <device destination|destination diretory>          copy data sorce to destination.
    -bimg, --buildimg <system diretory> <imagename>                              build image for target using diretory.
    -c, --chroot <imgfile|diretory> ["cmd"]                                      chroot in image or diretory and mount shared diretory and/or execute command using image enviroment. Use with in shared diretory.
    -s, --shared <shared diretory>                                               shared diretory for using with --chroot. Mount inside chroot image/diretory.


On a Debian-based system, make sure that the following packages are installed:

apt-get install qemu qemu-user-static binfmt-support rsync kpartx


mount image:

    # ./embedtool.sh -v -t rpi -m 2015-11-12-jessie-minibian.img /mnt/rpi/
    [info] Loading target config: rpi.
    [info] Mounting image / at /mnt/rpi//.
    [info] Sector offset 125056 - Byte offset 64028672.
    [info] Sector offset 16 - Byte offset 8192.
    [info] Mounting image /boot at /mnt/rpi/boot.

mount sdcard:

    # ./embedtool.sh -v -t rpi -m /dev/sdb /mnt/rpi/
    [info] Loading target config: rpi.
    [info] Mounting /dev/sdb2 at /mnt/rpi/.
    [info] Mounting /dev/sdb1 at /mnt/rpi/boot.

umount sdcard/image:

    # ./embedtool.sh -v -t rpi -u /mnt/rpi/
    [info] Loading target config: rpi.
    [info] Umounting: /mnt/rpi/boot.
    [info] Umounting: /mnt/rpi/.

Copy the data from the memory card to a folder:

    # ./embedtool.sh -v -t rpi --copy /dev/sdb sdcard
    [info] Loading target config: rpi.
    [info] Mounting /dev/sdb2 at /tmp/.embedtool3782.
    [info] Mounting /dev/sdb1 at /tmp/.embedtool3782//boot.
    [info] copying /dev/sdb to sdcard.
    [info] Umounting: /tmp/.embedtool3782//boot.
    [info] Umounting: /tmp/.embedtool3782.
    [info] done.

Copy an image to the memory card:

    # ./embedtool.sh -v -t rpi --copy 2015-11-12-jessie-minibian.img /dev/sdb
    [info] Loading target config: rpi.
    [info] recording 2015-11-12-jessie-minibian.img to /dev/sdb.
    [info] done.

Using chroot in image:

    # ./embedtool.sh -v -t rpi -s /home/leonardo/ -c 2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie-lite.img 
    [info] Loading target config: rpi.
    [info] Mounting image / at /tmp/.embedtool28911/.
    [info] Sector offset 131072 - Byte offset 67108864.
    [info] Sector offset 8192 - Byte offset 4194304.
    [info] Mounting image /boot at /tmp/.embedtool28911//boot.
    [info] Mounting shared diretory at /mnt.
    [info] Disable /tmp/.embedtool28911/etc/ld.so.preload ....
    [info] copying qemu-arm-static ...
    root@QemuArm-armv7l ~ #: uname -a
    Linux notebookPc 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u2 (2016-01-02) armv7l GNU/Linux

    Compiling a program in C, I did a test in /tmp:
    pico /tmp/testing.c
    #include <stdio.h>

    int main(void) {
                    return 0;

    # ./embedtool.sh -v -t rpi -s /tmp -c 2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie-lite.img "gcc testing.c -o testing"
    [info] Loading target config: rpi.
    [info] Mounting image / at /tmp/.embedtool25639/.
    [info] Sector offset 131072 - Byte offset 67108864.
    [info] Sector offset 8192 - Byte offset 4194304.
    [info] Mounting image /boot at /tmp/.embedtool25639//boot.
    [info] Mounting shared diretory at /mnt.
    [info] Disable /tmp/.embedtool25639/etc/ld.so.preload ....
    [info] copying qemu-arm-static ...
    [info] Launching command: gcc testing.c -o testing.
    [info] Reactivate /tmp/.embedtool25639/etc/ld.so.preload ....
    [info] Removing qemu-arm-static.
    [info] Umounting shared diretory: /tmp/.embedtool25639//mnt.
    [info] Umounting: /tmp/.embedtool25639//boot.
    [info] Umounting: /tmp/.embedtool25639.

    # file /tmp/testing
    /tmp/testing: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter       
    /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=6d9ee3266693f1e9d69d5486a957f7cdc4447b67, not stripped

    # ldd /tmp/testing
    libc.so.6 => /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6 (0xf6689000)
    /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 (0xf6fcf000)

Building a custom image from a directory that contains the system:

    # ./embedtool.sh -v -t rpi -bimg sdcard/ jessie-minibian-modified.img
    [info] Loading target config: rpi.
    [info] Target image: jessie-minibian-modified.img | Target diretory: sdcard/.
    [info] Creating jessie-minibian-modified.img with boot size: 64MB | root size: 1091MB | Reserved blocks: 5%.
    [info] Partitiong image...
    [info] Mapping devices....
    [info] Formating /dev/mapper/loop0p1.
    [info] Formating /dev/mapper/loop0p2.
    [info] executing afterGenImg.sh.
    [info] Creating /tmp/.embedtool8342...
    [info] Mounting /dev/mapper/loop0p2 at /tmp/.embedtool8342.
    [info] Mounting /dev/mapper/loop0p1 at /tmp/.embedtool8342//boot.
    [info] Copying sdcard/ to /tmp/.embedtool8342.
    [info] executing afterCopyingData.sh.
    [info] Umounting /tmp/.embedtool8342...
    [info] Deleting loop devices...
    [info] jessie-minibian-modified.img generated.


Customize images


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