lhazlewood / scrapi

Simple CRyptography API for Java

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scrapi: Simple CRyptography API

scrapi (pronounced "scrappy") attempts to be the easiest to use and understand cryptography API for the JVM. It is intended to be a simpler - but just as feature rich - alternative to the JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture) APIs.


scrapi exists as an answer to one question:

What would Java security APIs look like if they were designed in 2024?

The JCA (and former JCE - Java Cryptography Extension) APIs were designed and built in a very different era in Java's history, before the strong advent of design patterns, generics, and functional interfaces. As a result, they largely:

  • are heavily procedural, and not very Object-Oriented
  • often ignore type-safety, using string names and concatenations to initialize objects instead of concrete data types
  • avoid generics and their associated conveniences
  • use heavyweight checked exceptions that are unnecessarily forceful and cumbersome
  • prefer concrete and abstract types instead of interface-driven design, making for difficult-to-maintain implementations
  • do not leverage JDK 8+ functional paradigms
  • do not often leverage design patterns (like builders, visitors, etc)
  • sometimes allow insecure usage patterns unless one is more deeply familiar with cryptographic concepts.

This is not to fault the JVM team at all however, their hands are largely tied for historical and legacy support reasons.


Scrapi aims to leapfrog these historical limitations in hopes of providing a modern, clean, and elegant security and cryptography API for the JVM platform. Scrapi's goals are to be:

  • Secure By Default: erroneous or insecure API usage should not be possible or rejected unless explicitly requested or overridden by an application developer. An application developer should not need to be a security expert requiring nuanced understanding of cryptographic algorithms to be able to use them safely.

  • Object-Oriented and less procedural.

  • Interface-driven: the large majority of APIs used by application developers should be interfaces, using builders and factory design patterns to eliminate tight coupling to implemenations.

  • Generic: leverage JDK 7+ generics where feasible.

  • Functional: leverage JDK 8+ functional paradigms where appropriate.

  • Runtime exception based: to allow application developers to determine if or when they wish to catch exceptions.

  • Fluent: use method chaining and builders where appropriate to help reduce lines of code written by application developers.

  • A JEP (JDK Enhancement Proposal) to become a new official JDK API if warranted and desired by the Java and JEP community.


It is an explicit design goal to not replace the JCA APIs, and instead 'sit on top of' or 'delegate' to them when feasible. This ensures Scrapi can be leveraged quickly and conveniently in existing JDK applications, as well as with existing JCA Provider and HSM (Hardware Security Module) implementations, like BouncyCastle.

It is better to 'sit on the shoulders of giants' instead of attempt to remove or replace them.


This project is experimental and still in initial design stages. There are no releases yet.

Design Tenets

Standard Taxonomy

Cryptographic primitives have a standard taxonomy used by cryptographers and mathematicians around the world, and it's important to retain that taxonomy (and name Java classes) accurately so APIs are as intuitive (and semantically correct) where possible. The existing JCA diverges from this philosophy enough, and that often causes problems and confusion for application developers.

For example, java.security.Signature is not actually a cryptographic signature. Instead, that class represents behaviors for an algorithm implementation that can be used to produce or verify signatures.

Similarly, java.security.MessageDigest is not actually a cryptographic digest. It represents algorithm operations that eventually produce an actual digest.

Conversely, scrapi has Algorithm implementations that do produce actual Digest instances, and like good OO design, those Digest instances can be inspected and interacted with as the primitives they represent.


A sufficient number of JCA classes (such as java.security.Signature, javax.crypto.Mac, java.security.MessageDigest) support base identical behaviors (consume some bytes, produce a result, or verify a previous result), but their APIs are completely different, they don't use the same (or parent) interface behaviors to ensure API consistency. Similar divergences occur with , or java.security.interfaces.XECKey and java.security.interfaces.EdECKey, etc.

An argument could be made that, by having different APIs that do the nearly identical things, the original JCA designers purposefully prevented polymorphic use to ensure application developers cannot accidentally use one where another should be used (which otherwise could weaken security). Instead, scrapi favors SOLID design principles, relying on other forms of API usage assertions (e.g. throwing an exception if an API is used incorrectly). This still affords security while having a cleaner, easier to maintain and understand API that is more readable and usable for developers of all experience levels.

Lifecycle API Separation

In many JCA APIs, object instances have lifecycle management methods combined with usage methods. Calling them out of order will always produce exceptions. For example, using javax.crypto.Mac, this is possible at compile time:

Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");

but clearly this code would fail at runtime because a Mac instance must be initialized with a SecretKey first before data can be consumed for mac calculation. Alternatively, an instance cannot be initialized after data is consumed.

Similarly, for a java.security.Signature:

import java.security.Signature;

Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");

Notice that signing and verification methods also exist on the same entity, when only one of the two may be used.

Ideally, the two code examples above should not even be possible because they are always wrong.

Scrapi instead separates instance creation and initialization APIs from instance usage APIs. Once an object is created and initialized, its API can only support operations that are 'legal' after creation.

For example, scrapi has a SignatureAlgorithm concept which can be configured, and that produces a Signer instance that can only be used to sign data, or a Verifier instance that can only be used to verify data. It is not possible to compile code with invalid API usages. For example:

SignatureAlgorithm alg = Digests.RS256; // SHA256WithRSA
Signer signer = alg.key(aPrivateKey); // 'signer' is fully initialized and can _only_ be used to sign data
Verifier<?> verifier = alg.key(aPublicKey) // 'verifier' can _only_ be used to verify a data signature



Unlike java.security.Key, scrapi.key.Key instances do not have getFormat() or getEncoded() methods; formatting and encoding/decoding key material is an orthogonal concern to key usage and such concepts should not be tightly coupled to a Key concept.

Consequently, key encoders/decoders should exist to handle such concerns.

Additionally, also unlike java.security.Key, scrapi.key.Key instances should not extend java.io.Serializable, which imposes an often-unnecessary implementation burden that many (most?) applications never need as long as the aforementioned Key encoders/decoders exist. PEM, DER, and JWK formats are better serialization mechanisms as they are IANA/IETF global standards and not Java-specific. Custom (even Java-specific) serializations can be implemented with custom encoders/decoders if desired.


Security keys are often validated by determining a key's size/length in bits, and then asserting if the size is strong enough for a given cryptographic algorithms.

java.security.Key does not provide a polymorphic way to discover a key's size/length in bits, instead forcing Java developers to engage in messy if-then-else conditionals. For example:

if (key instanceof SecretKey) {
    SecretKey sk = (SecretKey)key;
    String format = sk.getFormat();
    if ("RAW".equals(format)) {
        byte[] encoded = sk.getEncoded();
        if (encoded != null) {
            size = (encoded.length * 8);
            Arrays.fill(encoded, (byte)0)
} else if (key instanceof RSAKey) {
    RSAKey pubk = (RSAKey)key;
    size = pubk.getModulus().bitLength();
} else if (key instanceof ECKey) {
    ECKey pubk = (ECKey)key;
    size = pubk.getParams().getOrder().bitLength(); 
} else if (key instanceof DSAKey) {
    // ... etc ...

This both requires developers to know which specific key properties reflect size as well as how to extract it, and unnecessarily forces duplicate logic across any codebase that needs to perform similar behavior.

Additionally, even if a key's encoded bytes are not available (e.g. external in an HSM), various HSMs still are able to supply length metadata even without supplying the key material/encoded bytes, but java.security.Key and its sub-interfaces do not support such introspection.

Consequently, all scrapi.key.Key instances have a Optional<Integer> bitLength() method to ensure key size can be represented if possible, even if they key material may not be present.

Public Key derivation

java.security.PrivateKey instances have no capability to obtain or derive their corresponding public key, but this ability is inherent and implicit in all private key concepts, and should be supported as such. For example:


Even if a private key's material is not available (e.g. it resides externally from the JVM in an HSM), its associated public key is still valuable and often necessary, especially when validating untrusted material, such as within key exchange algorithms.

Having this capability may even make the concept of a key Pair extraneous and unnecessary.

Key Pairs

java.security.KeyPair is a concrete class and not generics-capable. scrapi.lang.Pair is a generics-capable interface and new instances can easily be created via Pair.of(a, b). This ensures public/private key subtypes are not lost when paired together.

Even so, the concept of a scrapi Key pair may not be necessary at all given that all scrapi private keys will be able to access their associated public key via privateKey.getPublicKey();


The JCA KeyFactory, KeyGenerator and KeyPairGenerator concepts are independent and often confusing to application developers when one vs the other should be used. Fluent and intuitive Builder concepts could likely replace both concepts.


Simple CRyptography API for Java

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 91.7%Language:Groovy 8.3%