lguychard / loispy

My toy lisp

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is my toy lisp learning project.

Name stands for LOic's lISp in PYthon.

The foundations of the code are heavily inspired by Abelsson, Sussman & Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) & Peter Norvig's blogs, lis.py & lispy.py. I also sprinkled in some Clojure-like things, the implementation how-to of which intrigued me.

Mostly though, this will be a laboratory for me to conduct godawful experiments in lisp dialects interpretation.

Syntax and Datatypes


>> (=> my-proc (x) ())
>> my-proc
<Procedure my-proc>

Procedure call syntax is like any lisp:

>> (my-proc 2)

Procedures are first-class objects:

>> (map my-proc `(1 2 3 4 5))
(2 4 6 8 10)

Omitting the name in the procedure definition syntax returns an anonymous procedure ('lambda')

>> (map (=> (x) (* x 2)) `(1 2 3 4 5))
(2 4 6 8 10)

A clojure-like lambda shorthand syntax is provided:

>> #(* _ _)
>> (reduce #(+ _1 _2) (map #(* _ _) (range 100)))

Variable definition and assignment

>> ($ x 2)
>> x
>> (set! x 4)
>> x

Booleans & NoneType

>> ($ t #t)
>> (true? #t)
>> (not #t)


Strings are scheme-like, delimited by double quotes.

>> ($ x "hello")
>> (string? x)
>> (+ "J" (all-but-first (upper x)))


Loispy lists are Python lists.

>> `(1 2 a "a" 3.0 #t)
(1 2 a "a" 3.0 #t)

They can be declared using quotations, or the list built-in procedure.

>> ($ my-list (list 1 2))
>> my-list
(1 2)
>> (list? my-list)


Loispy dicts are python dicts. Implementation is currently very rough, awful & buggy.

>> {:hello "world" :this `is-cool :hi 5 :dat #t}
{:hello "world" :this `is-cool :hi 5 :dat #t}


Loispy provides scheme-like macros, defined using the macro=> keyword. Macros can only be defined at top-level, or within a begin block that is itself at top-level. macro-expand`-like procedure is yet to be implemented, but definitely will be (most of the stuff is there...)

Some of the loisp syntax (cond, switch, let*) is implemented using loisp macros. Here is, for instance, the macrodef for let*:

(macro=> let* (vars body...)
  ;; Implements a special form for sequential variable binding.
  (=> expand (clauses body)
    (let ((first-clause (first clauses))
          (rest-clauses (all-but-first clauses)))
         (if (empty? rest-clauses)
             `(let (,first-clause) ,@body)
             `(let (,first-clause) ,(expand rest-clauses body)))))
  (expand vars body))

>> (let* ((a 1) (b a)) b)


Loispy should probably include a test suite, but it currently doesn't.


Loispy is made publicly available under the terms of the MIT License.


My toy lisp

License:MIT License


Language:Python 52.7%Language:JavaScript 47.2%Language:Perl 0.1%