lgs / nym-docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mainnet Mixnode docker

The mainnet release 1.0.0 don't have a binary at this moment. init-mixnode will not work

You have to compile the branch release/1.0.0 manually in order to use the mainnet docker image

Sandbox Mixnode docker

  1. Execute ./init-mixnode <nymt address>
  2. Execute sudo ufw allow 1789,1790,8000,22,80,443/tcp
  3. Start by docker-compose up -d
  4. Bond it with nym-wallet
  5. Check your node Nym testnet explorer

For more information https://nymtech.net/docs/stable/run-nym-nodes/nodes/mixnodes

Sandbox Gateway docker

  1. Execute ./init-gateway <nymt address>
  2. Execute sudo ufw allow 1789,9000,22,80,443/tcp
  3. Start by docker-compose up -d
  4. Bond it with nym-wallet
  5. Check your node Nym testnet explorer

For more information https://nymtech.net/docs/stable/run-nym-nodes/nodes/gateways



Language:Shell 84.7%Language:Dockerfile 15.3%