lfkdsk / SICP-Magical-Book

Magical Book The book uses dialects Scheme in the programming language Lisp to explain the core concepts of computer science, including abstraction, recursion, interpreters, and metalinguistic abstraction. Specific and micro-macroscopical to microcosmic to give a clear outline and context.

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SICP 的魔法

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计算机科学的内容包罗万象,其中的经典的课程也是不胜枚举。但是在这其中SICP(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)绝对是其中的经典和翘楚,在2008年以前SICP的MIT6.001课程历来是CS相关专业必修入门课程。

SICP的核心内容是什么呢?众说纷云,有人说是一本有关Lisp/Scheme的书主要讲函数式编程的**,有的说是一本有关解释器构造的入门书籍,和我们学过的龙书挂钩,但就我个人而言,SICP作为一本入门书更多的不是担负起介绍某一方面具体的知识的重任,而是从多个角度去教一个初学者从程序抽象、理解工程架构、学习DSL的构建方法......,不单纯介绍一方面的知识而是完备的形成一个闭环的去像你介绍什么是Computer Science。相比于这些当初选用MIT Scheme现在使用Python,不过是最大程度上减小编程语言本身的复杂度对学生理解的影响,个人觉得无足挂怀。


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License File


Magical Book The book uses dialects Scheme in the programming language Lisp to explain the core concepts of computer science, including abstraction, recursion, interpreters, and metalinguistic abstraction. Specific and micro-macroscopical to microcosmic to give a clear outline and context.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Racket 100.0%