lexich / yandex-disk-webdav

Python wrapper to work with yandex disk using webdav Basic Auth

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PyPI version

Simple wrapper to work with yandex disk using webdav Basic Auth. Compatible python 2.6, 2.7, 3


pip install yandexwebdav


easy_install yandexwebdav

Or manual way

python setup.py install

Source code


Using API

conf = Config({
  "user":"<-- username -->",
  "password":"<-- password -->"

conf.list(u"/") # list files and folder in root folder at remote server

conf.sync(u"local folder", u"remote folder for upload files from local folder")

conf.mkdir(u"path to remote folder, which you need to create")

conf.download(u"path to remote file which your need to download") #function return file in bytearray

conf.downloadTo(u"path to remote file which your need to download", u"local path to save file"):

conf.delete(u"Delete remote file")

conf.upload(u"path to local file", u"remote path for uploading file")

Using interactive tool

$ ydw.py -h

Usage: ydw.py [options]


   -h, --help            show this help message and exit

   --list                list of files and directories at remote server

   --sync                synchronize folder

   --mkdir               create remote folder

   --download            Download file to localstorage

   --delete              Delete file from remote server

   --upload              Upload file from localpath to remote server

   -l LOCAL, --local=LOCAL   local path

   -r REMOTE, --remote=REMOTE  remote path


After first execution is appearead interactive configurator. You need to input your yandex name {username}@{ya.ru|yandex.ru} password, host {webdaw.yandex.ru} and limit of threads, which used in parralel folder's sync. Config saves in ~/.yandexwebdavconf

List remote dir

 $ ydw.py --list -r //
 05-12-13 00:43 - list /

 05-12-13 00:43 - list(0): /

 Folder: /test/

 File: /test.png

 File: /test.mp4

Sync local and remote folders

 $ ydw.py --sync -l /d/share/test -r //test

 05-12-13 00:49 - sync /test

 05-12-13 00:49 - sync: d:/share/test /test

 05-12-13 00:49 - list(0): /test

 05-12-13 00:49 - mkdir(0): /test

 05-12-13 00:49 - upload(0): d:/share/test\test.txt /test/test.txt

Create dir

 $ ydw.py --mkdir -r //test1

 05-12-13 00:49 - mkdir /test1

 05-12-13 00:49 - mkdir(0): /test1

Download file

 $ ydw.py --download -l /d/share/test/test1.txt -r //test/test.txt

 05-12-13 00:51 - download d:/share/test/test1.txt //test/test.txt

 05-12-13 00:51 - downloadTo(0): //test/test.txt d:/share/test/test1.txt

Delete file

 $ ydw.py --delete -r //test/test.txt

 05-12-13 00:52 - delete //test/test.txt

 05-12-13 00:52 - delete(0): //test/test.txt

Upload file

 $ ydw.py --upload -l /d/share/test/test.txt -r //test/test.txt

 05-12-13 00:53 - upload d:/share/test/test.txt //test/test.txt

 05-12-13 00:53 - upload(0): d:/share/test/test.txt //test/test.txt


Python wrapper to work with yandex disk using webdav Basic Auth

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%