lex-em / zuul-springfox-swagger

Library for using springfox swagger UI under ZUUL proxy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Swagger addon for Spring Cloud ZUUL

Build StatusRelease


Repository contains library for using springfox swagger UI under ZUUL proxy


  • Gradle 5.x.
  • Java 8 or later

License information

Swagger addon for Spring Cloud ZUUL is open source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.



Plugin extends ZUUL configuration:

    prefix: /api
    default-swagger-url: v2/api-docs # additional path for swagger documentation, default: v2/api-docs
    default-protocol: http # default target service protocol, default: http
    default-swagger-resources-url: swagger-resources # API, that returns list of springfox swagger resources, default: swagger-resources
            path: /service-1/**
            serviceId: service1
            swaggerUri: api-documentation # additional custom path for swagger documentation, use zuul.default-swagger-url as default
            protocol: https:// # additional protocol info, default: http://
            allowedGroups: # springfox swagger groups filtering. if list not defined or empty - all groups are showed.
              - securityGroup 
            path: /shop/**
            url: http://${some-service-host}:${some-service-port}/api/shop # mapping for subset of API
            swaggerResourcesUri: swagger-resources # for services, that implement independent API for springfox swagger resources
            directSwaggerBaseUrl: http://${some-service-host}:${some-service-port}/ # in case when mapped only subset of API
                                                                                    # we need to say where the root of app
                                                                                    # otherwise swagger docs will requested from `url` as base
            directSwaggerPath: / # direct path to docs, that is relative from zuul.prefix in external calls (i.e. from /api/shop/)
            stripPrefix: false

To turn plugin on just put annotation @EnableZuulSpringfoxSwagger:

public class YourConfiguration {

Plugin will configure two RestTemplate, one is @LoadBalanced and one is pure.

Since 0.2.0 version plugin supports versioned api (and other with route transformations via ServiceRouteMapper). Any org.springframework.cloud.netflix.zuul.filters.discovery.ServiceRouteMapper bean will turn on this approach, but here some nuances, described in #3.

Since 0.3.0 version plugin supports swagger resources calls and groups (#6). Also since 0.3.0 supports proxied services via url, not service registry info (#5, look at url and direct* properties).


repositories {
    // or
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
    compile "ru.reliabletech:zuul-springfox-swagger:${zuulSpringfoxSwaggerVersion}"

Also available snapshots in jitpack version notation develop-SNAPSHOT:

repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
    compile "ru.reliabletech:zuul-springfox-swagger:develop-SNAPSHOT"


Gradle tasks may be running via gradle wrapper - gradlew from project root folder.

  • build: gradle clean build


Library for using springfox swagger UI under ZUUL proxy

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%