levibostian / DigitalGarden

My personal site

Home Page:https://levi.earth

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My personal site.

Requirements for a personal site

  • Not a pain to update. I know myself and when sites are a pain to update, I don't update them. Make the site as simple to update as possible to prevent human laziness.
  • As fast as possible. No one likes slow sites and I take pride in small, fast sites.
  • Static with no javascript required. This is a small one that's not a deal breaker but for a personal site, I do enjoy not requiring javascript.
  • Generate a RSS feed link
  • The ability to generate static pages. Some personal site building tools are made to only create blog posts but I want to be able to create /about as well as /blog/*
  • A menu on the site so I can link to certain things I care about: an about me page, github repo, etc.
  • On mobile, I prefer not to have a hamburger icon for navigation.
  • Way to tag blog posts. That way I can easily list out all of my gardening blog posts, for example.


  • Install hugo CLI.
  • hugo serve -D for development server

Update theme

git submodule update --remote --merge

Check the branch that the submodule (theme) is set to pull from:

cat .gitmodules

Change the branch the submodule is pulling:

git submodule set-branch --branch <branch-name> themes/DigitalGarden


My personal site


License:MIT License