level23 / druid-client

Druid php client for executing queries and more

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The goal of this project is to make it easy to select data from druid.

This project gives you an easy query builder to create the complex druid queries.

It also gives you a way to manage dataSources (tables) in druid and import new data from files.


This package only requires Guzzle as dependency. The PHP and Guzzle version requirements are listed below.

Druid Client Version PHP Requirements Guzzle Requirements Druid Requirements
4.* (current) PHP 8.2 or higher Version 7.0 >= 28.0.0
3.* PHP 8.2 or higher Version 7.0
2.* PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2. Version 6.2 or 7.*
1.* PHP version 7.2, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2. Version 6.2 or 7.*


To install this package, you can use composer:

composer require level23/druid-client

You can also download it as a ZIP file and include it in your project, as long as you have Guzzle also in your project.

ChangeLog and Upgrading

See CHANGELOG for changes in the different versions and how to upgrade to the latest version.

Laravel/Lumen support.

This package is Laravel/Lumen ready. It can be used in a Laravel/Lumen project, but it's not required.


For Laravel the package will be auto discovered.


If you are using a Lumen project, just include the service provider in bootstrap/app.php:

// Register the druid-client service provider

Laravel/Lumen Configuration:

You should also define the correct endpoint URL's in your .env in your Laravel/Lumen project:


If you are using a Druid Router process, you can also just set the router url, which then will be used for the broker, overlord and the coordinator:



  • Support for building metricSpec and DimensionSpec in CompactTaskBuilder
  • Implement hadoop based batch ingestion (indexing)
  • Implement Avro Stream and Avro OCF input formats.


There are several examples which are written on the single-server tutorial of druid. See this page for more information.

Table of Contents


Here is an example of how you can use this package.

Please see the inline comment for more information / feedback.



ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Level23\Druid\DruidClient;
use Level23\Druid\Types\Granularity;
use Level23\Druid\Filters\FilterBuilder;

$client = new DruidClient(['router_url' => 'https://router.url:8080']);

$response = $client->query('traffic-hits', Granularity::ALL)
    // REQUIRED: you have to select the interval where to select the data from.
    ->interval('now - 1 day', 'now')
    // Simple dimension select
    // Select a dimension with a different output name.
    ->select('country_iso', 'Country')
    // Alternative way to select a dimension with a different output name. 
    // If you want, you can select multiple dimensions at once.
    ->select(['mccmnc' => 'carrierCode'])
    // Select a dimension, but change its value using a lookup function.
    ->lookup('carrier_title', 'mccmnc', 'carrierName', 'Unknown')
    // Select a dimension, but use an expression to change the value.
    ->selectVirtual("timestamp_format(__time, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00')", 'hour')
    // Summing a metric.
    ->sum('hits', 'totalHits')
    // Sum hits which only occurred at night
    ->sum('hits', 'totalHitsNight', function(FilterBuilder $filter) {
        $filter->whereInterval('__time', ['yesterday 20:00/today 6:00']); 
    // Count the total number of rows (per the dimensions selected) and store it in totalNrRecords.
    // Count the number of dimensions. NOTE: Theta Sketch extension is required to run this aggregation.
    ->distinctCount('browser', 'numberOfBrowsers')
    // Build some filters.
    ->where('hits', '>', 1000)
    // When no operator is given, we assume an equals (=)
    ->where('browser', 'Yandex.Browser')
    ->orWhere('browser_version', '17.4.0')
    // Where filters using Closures are supported.
    ->orWhere(function (FilterBuilder $builder) {
        $builder->where('browser_version', '17.5.0');
        $builder->where('browser_version', '17.6.0');
    // Filter using an IN filter.
    ->whereIn('video_id', [1, 152, 919])
    // Filter using a between filter. It's an inclusive filter, like "age >= 18 and age <= 99".   
    ->whereBetween('age', 18, 99)
    // Limit the number of results.
    // Apply a having filter, this is applied after selecting the records. 
    ->having('totalHits', '>', 100)
    // Sort the results by this metric/dimension
    ->orderBy('totalHits', 'desc')
    // Execute the query. Optionally you can specify Query Context parameters.
    ->execute(['groupByIsSingleThreaded' => false, 'sortByDimsFirst' => true]);


The DruidClient class is the class where it all begins. You initiate an instance of the druid client, which holds the configuration of your instance.

The DruidClient constructor has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example ** Description**
array Required $config ['router_url' => 'http://my.url'] The configuration which is used for this DruidClient. This configuration contains the endpoints where we should send druid queries to.
GuzzleHttp\Client Optional $client See example below If given, we will this Guzzle Client for sending queries to your druid instance. This allows you to control the connection.

For a complete list of configuration settings take a look at the default values which are defined in the $config property in the DruidClient class.

This class supports some newer functions of Druid. To make sure your server supports these functions, it is recommended to supply the version config setting.

By default, we will use a guzzle client for handing the connection between your application and the druid server. If you want to change this, for example because you want to use a proxy, you can do this with a custom guzzle client.

Example of using a custom guzzle client:

// Create a custom guzzle client which uses an http proxy.
$guzzleClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
    'proxy' => 'tcp://localhost:8125',
    'timeout' => 30,
    'connect_timeout' => 10

// Create a new DruidClient, which uses our custom Guzzle Client 
$druidClient = new DruidClient(
    ['router_url' => 'http://druid.router.com'], 

// Query stuff here.... 

The DruidClient class gives you various methods. The most commonly used is the query() method, which allows you to build and execute a query.


If you have configured your Druid cluster with authentication, you can supply your username/password with this method. The username/password will be sent in the requests as HTTP Basic Auth parameters.

See also: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/operations/auth/

The auth() method has 2 parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $username "foo" The username used for authentication.
string Required $password "bar" The password used for authentication.

You can also overwrite the client and use your own mechanism. See DruidClient.


The query() method gives you a QueryBuilder instance, which allows you to build a query and then execute it.


$client = new DruidClient(['router_url' => 'https://router.url:8080']);

// retrieve our query builder, group the results per day.
$builder = $client->query('wikipedia', Granularity::DAY);

// Now build your query ....
// $builder->select( ... )->where( ... )->interval( ... );  

The query method has 2 parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Optional $dataSource "wikipedia" The name of the dataSource (table) which you want to query.
string Optional $granularity "all" The granularity which you want to use for this query. You can think of this like an extra "group by" per time window. The results will be grouped by this time window. By default we will use "all", which will return the resultSet in 1 set. Valid values are: all, none, second, minute, fifteen_minute, thirty_minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter and year

The QueryBuilder allows you to select dimensions, aggregate metric data, apply filters and having filters, etc.

When you do not specify the dataSource, you need to specify it later on your query builder. There are various methods to do this. See QueryBuilder: Data Sources

See the following chapters for more information about the query builder.


The cancelQuery() method gives you the ability to cancel a query. To cancel a query, you must know its unique identifier. When you execute a query, you can specify the unique identifier yourself in the query context.


$client = new DruidClient(['router_url' => 'https://router.url:8080']);

// For example, this returns my-query6148716d3772c
$queryId = uniqid('my-query');

// Please note: this will be blocking until we have got result from druid.
// So cancellation has to be done within another php process. 
$result = $client
    ->query('wikipedia', Granularity::DAY) 
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select(['namespace', 'page'])
    ->execute(['queryId' => $queryId]);

You can now cancel this query within another process. If you for example store the running queries somewhere, you can "stop" the running queries by executing this:


The query method has 1 parameter:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $identifier "myqueryid" The unique query identifier which was given in the query context.

If the cancellation fails, the method will throw an exception. Otherwise, it will not return any result.

See also: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/querying.html#query-cancellation


The compact() method returns a CompactTaskBuilder object which allows you to build a compact task.

For more information, see compact().


The compact() method returns a IndexTaskBuilder object which allows you to build a re-index task.

For more information, see reindex().


The taskStatus() method allows you to fetch the status of a task identifier.

For more information and an example, see reindex() or compact().


The pollTaskStatus() method allows you to wait until the status of a task is other than RUNNING.

For more information and an example, see reindex() or compact().


The metadata() method returns a MetadataBuilder object, which allows you to retrieve metadata from your druid instance. See for more information the Metadata chapter.

QueryBuilder: Generic Query Methods

Here we will describe some methods which are generic and can be used by (almost) all queries.


Because Druid is a TimeSeries database, you always need to specify between which times you want to query. With this method you can do just that.

The interval method is very flexible and supports various argument formats.

All these examples are valid:

// Select an interval with string values. Anything which can be parsed by the DateTime object
// can be given. Also, "yesterday" or "now" is valid.
$builder->interval('2019-12-23', '2019-12-24');

// When a string is given which contains a slash, we will split it for you and parse it as "begin/end".

// A "raw" interval as druid uses them is also allowed

// You can also give DateTime objects
$builder->interval(new DateTime('yesterday'), new DateTime('now'));

// Carbon is also supported, as it extends DateTime
$builder->interval(Carbon::now()->subDay(), Carbon::now());

// Timestamps are also supported:
$builder->interval(1570643085, 1570729485);

The start date should be before the end date. If not, an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

You can call this method multiple times to select from various data sets.

The interval() method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string/int/DateTime Required $start "now - 24 hours" The start date from where we will query. See the examples above which formats are allowed.
/string/int/DateTime/null Optional $stop "now" The stop date from where we will query. See the examples above which formats are allowed. When a string containing a slash is given as start date, the stop date can be left out.


The limit() method allows you to limit the result set of the query.

The Limit can be used for all query types. However, its mandatory for the TopN Query and the Select Query.

The $offset parameter only applies to GroupBy and Scan queries and is only supported since druid version 0.20.0.

Skip this many rows when returning results. Skipped rows will still need to be generated internally and then discarded, meaning that raising offsets to high values can cause queries to use additional resources.

Together, $limit and $offset can be used to implement pagination. However, note that if the underlying datasource is modified in between page fetches in ways that affect overall query results, then the different pages will not necessarily align with each other.


// Limit the result to 50 rows, but skipping the first 20 rows.
$builder->limit(50, 20);

The limit() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
int Required $limit 50 Limit the result to this given number of records.
int Optional $offset 10 Skip this many rows when returning results.


The orderBy() method allows you to order the result in a given way. This method only applies to GroupBy and TopN Queries. You should use orderByDirection().


  ->orderBy('deleted', OrderByDirection::DESC)

The orderBy() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimensionOrMetric "channel" The dimension or metric where you want to order by
string Optional $direction OrderByDirection::DESC The direction or your order. You can use an OrderByDirection constant, or a string like "asc" or "desc". Default "asc"
string Optional $sortingOrder SortingOrder::STRLEN This defines how the sorting is executed.

See for more information about SortingOrders this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/sorting-orders.html

Please note: this method differs per query type. Please read below how this method workers per Query Type.

GroupBy Query

You can call this method multiple times, adding an order-by to the query. The GroupBy Query only allows ordering the result if there is a limit is given. If you do not supply a limit, we will use a default limit of 999999.

TopN Query

For this query type it is mandatory to call this method. You should call this method with the dimension or metric where you want to order your result by.


The orderByDirection() method allows you to specify the direction of the order by. This method only applies to the TimeSeries, Select and Scan Queries. Use orderBy() For GroupBy and TopN Queries.


$response = $client->query('wikipedia', 'hour')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select('__time', 'datetime')

The orderByDirection() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $direction OrderByDirection::DESC The direction or your order. You can use an OrderByDirection constant, or a string like "asc" or "desc".


The pagingIdentifier() allows you to do paginating on the result set. This only works on SELECT queries.

When you execute a select query, you will return a paging identifier. To request the next "page", use this paging identifier in your next request.


// Build a select query
$builder = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select(['__time', 'channel', 'user', 'deleted', 'added'])    

// Execute the query for "page 1"
$response1 = $builder->selectQuery();

// Now, request "page 2".

// Execute the query for "page 2".
$response2 = $builder->selectQuery($context);

A paging identifier is an array and looks something like this:

  'wikipedia_2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z_2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z_2019-09-26T18:30:14.418Z' => 10,

The pagingIdentifier() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $pagingIdentifier See above. The paging identifier from your previous request.


The subtotals() method allows you to retrieve your aggregations over various dimensions in your query. This is quite similar to the WITH ROLLUP mysql logic.

NOTE:: This method only applies to groupBy queries!


// Build a groupBy query with subtotals
$response = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 20:00:00', '2015-09-12 22:00:00')
    ->selectVirtual("timestamp_format(__time, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00')", 'hour')
    // select all namespaces which begin with Draft.
    ->where('namespace', 'like', 'Draft%')
        ['hour', 'namespace'], // get the results per hour, namespace 
        ['hour'], // get the results per hour
        [] // get the results in total (everything together)

Example response (Note: result is converted to a table for better visibility):

| namespace  | hour                | added | edits | 
| Draft      | 2015-09-12 20:00:00 | 0     | 1     | 
| Draft talk | 2015-09-12 20:00:00 | 359   | 1     | 
| Draft      | 2015-09-12 21:00:00 | 656   | 1     |
|            | 2015-09-12 20:00:00 | 359   | 2     | 
|            | 2015-09-12 21:00:00 | 656   | 1     |
|            |                     | 1015  | 3     | 

As you can see, the first three records are our result per 'hour' and 'namespace'.
Then, two records are just per 'hour'.
Finally, the last record is the 'total'.

The subtotals() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $subtotals [ ['country', 'city'], ['country'], [] ] An array which contains array's with dimensions where you want to receive your totals for. See example above.


With the metrics() method you can specify which metrics you want to select when you are executing a selectQuery().

NOTE: This only applies to the select query type!


$result = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select(['__time', 'channel', 'user'])
    ->metrics(['deleted', 'added'])

The metrics() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $metrics ['added', 'deleted'] Array of metrics which you want to select in your select query.


With the dimensions() method you can specify which dimensions should be used for a Search Query.

NOTE: This only applies to the search query type! See also the Search query. This method should not be confused with selecting dimensions for your other query types. See Dimension Selections for more information about selecting dimensions for your query.

// Build a Search Query
$response = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->dimensions(['namespace', 'channel']) 

The dimensions() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $dimensions ['name', 'address'] Array of dimensions where you want to search in.


The toArray() method will try to build the query. We will try to auto-detect the best query type. After that, we will build the query and return the query as an array.


$builder = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select(['__time', 'channel', 'user', 'deleted', 'added'])    

// Show the query as an array

The toArray() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array/QueryContext Optional $context ['priority' => 75] Query context parameters.


The toJson() method will try to build the query. We will try to auto-detect the best query type. After that, we will build the query and return the query as a JSON string.


$builder = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select(['__time', 'channel', 'user', 'deleted', 'added'])    

// Show the query as an array

The toJson() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array/QueryContext Optional $context ['priority' => 75] Query context parameters.

QueryBuilder: Data Sources

By default, you will specify the dataSource where you want to select your data from with the query. For example:

$builder = $client->query('wikipedia');

In this chapter we will explain how to change it dynamically, or, for example, join other dataSources.


You can use this method to override / change the currently used dataSource (if any).

You can supply a string, which will be interpreted as a druid dataSource table. You can also specify an object which implements the DataSourceInterface.

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string/DataSourceInterface Required $dataSource hits The dataSource which you want to use to retrieve druid data from.
$builder = $client->query('hits_short');

// For example, use a different dataSource if the given date is older than one week.
if( Carbon::parse($date)->isBefore(Carbon::now()->subWeek()) ) {


Inline datasources allow you to query a small amount of data that is embedded in the query itself. They are useful when you want to write a query on a small amount of data without loading it first. They are also useful as inputs into a join.

Each row is an array that must be exactly as long as the list of columnNames. The first element in each row corresponds to the first column in columnNames, and so on.

See also: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/datasource.html#inline

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $columnNames ["country", "city"] The column names of the data you will supply.
array Required $rows [ ["United States", "San Francisco"], ["Canada", "Calgary"]] The rows of data which will be used. Each row has to have as much items as the number of names in $columnNames.
$builder = $client->query()->fromInline(
    ["country", "city"]
        ["United States", "San Francisco"], 
        ["Canada", "Calgary"]
)->select(["country", "city"]); // etc. 


With this method you can join another dataSource. This is available since druid version 0.23.0.

Please be aware that joins are executed as a subquery in Druid, which may have a substantial effect on the performance.


$builder = $client->query('users')
    ->interval('now - 1 week', 'now')
    ->join('departments', 'dep', 'dep.id = users.department_id')
    ->select([ /*...*/ ]);

You can also specify a sub-query as a join. For example:

$builder = $client->query('users')
    ->interval('now - 1 week', 'now')
    ->join(function(\Level23\Druid\Queries\QueryBuilder $subQuery) {
            ->where('name', '!=', 'Staff');
    }, 'dep', 'dep.id = users.department_id')
    ->select([ /*...*/ ]);

You can also specify another DataSource as value. For example, you can create a new JoinDataSource object and pass that as value. However, there are easy methods created for this (for example joinLookup()) so you probably do not have to use this. It might be usefully for whe you want to join with inline data (you can use the InlineDataSource)

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string/DataSourceInterface/Closure Required $dataSourceOrClosure countries The name of the dataSource which you want to join. You can also specify a Closure. Please see above.
string Required $as alias The alias name as this dataSource is accessible in your query.
Closure Required $condition alias.a = main.a Here you can specify the condition of the join
string Optional $joinType INNER The join type. This can either be INNER or LEFT.


This works the same as the join() method, but the joinType will always be LEFT.


This works the same as the join() method, but the joinType will always be INNER.


With this method you can join a lookup as a dataSource.

Lookup datasources are key-value oriented and always have exactly two columns: k (the key) and v (the value), and both are always strings.


$builder = $client->query('users')
    ->interval('now - 1 week', 'now')
    ->join('departments', 'dep', 'users.department_id = dep.k')
    ->select('dep.v', 'departmentName')

See: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/datasource.html#lookup

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $lookupName departments The name of the lookup which you want to join.
string Required $as alias The alias name as this dataSource is accessible in your query.
Closure Required $condition alias.a = main.a Here you can specify the condition of the join
string Optional $joinType INNER The join type. This can either be INNER or LEFT.


Unions allow you to treat two or more tables as a single datasource. In SQL, this is done with the UNION ALL operator applied directly to tables, called a "table-level union". In native queries, this is done with a "union" datasource.

With the native union datasource, the tables being unioned do not need to have identical schemas. If they do not fully match up, then columns that exist in one table but not another will be treated as if they contained all null values in the tables where they do not exist.

In either case, features like expressions, column aliasing, JOIN, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and so on cannot be used with table unions.

See: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/datasource.html#union


$builder = $client->query('hits_us')
    ->union(['hits_eu', 'hits_as'], true);

// This will result in a query on the dataSources: hits_us, hits_eu and hits_as.
// This is because the "append" argument is set to true.

$builder = $client->query('hits_us')
    ->union(['hits_eu', 'hits_as'], false);

// This will result in a query on the dataSources: hits_eu and hits_as.
// This is because the "append" argument is set to false. It will overwrite the current dataSource.

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string or array Required $dataSources ["hits_eu", "hits_us"] The name of the dataSources which you want to query. NOTE! The current dataSource is automatically added!
bool Optional $append true This controls if the currently used dataSource should be added to this list or not. This only works if the current dataSource is a table dataSource.

QueryBuilder: Dimension Selections

Dimensions are fields where you normally filter on, or Group data by. Typical examples are: Country, Name, City, etc.

To select a dimension, you can use one of the methods below:


This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string or array Required $dimension country_iso The dimension which you want to select
string Optional $as country The name where the result will be available by in the result set.
string Optional $outputType string The output type of the data. If left unspecified, we will use string.

This method allows you to select a dimension in various way's, as shown in the example above.

You can use:

Simple dimension selection:


Dimension selection with an alternative output name:

$builder->select('country_iso', 'Country');

Select various dimensions at once:

$builder->select(['browser', 'country_iso', 'age', 'gender']);

Select various dimensions with alternative output names at once:

    'browser'     => 'TheBrowser', 
    'country_iso' => 'CountryIso', 
    'age'         => 'Age',
    'gender'      => 'MaleOrFemale'

Change the output type of the dimension:

$builder->select('age', null, DataType::LONG);


This method allows you to look up a dimension using a registered lookup function. See more about registered lookup functions on these pages:

Lookups are a handy way to transform an ID value into a user readable name, like transforming a user_id into the username, without having to store the username in your dataset.

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $lookupFunction username_by_id The name of the lookup function which you want to use for this dimension.
string Required $dimension user_id The dimension which you want to transform.
string Optional $as username The name where the result will be available by in the result set.
bool/string Optional $keepMissingValue Unknown When the user_id dimension could not be found, what do you want to do? Use false for remove the value from the result, use true to keep the original dimension value (the user_id). Or, when a string is given, we will replace the value with the given string.


$builder->lookup('lookupUsername', 'user_id', 'username', 'Unknown'); 


This method allows you to look up a dimension using a predefined list.

Lookups are a handy way to transform an ID value into a user readable name, like transforming a category_id into the category, without having to store the category in your dataset.

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $map [1 => "IT", 2 => "Finance"] The list with key => value items, where the dimensions value will be used to find the value in the list.
string Required $dimension user_id The dimension which you want to transform.
string Optional $as username The name where the result will be available by in the result set.
bool/string Optional $keepMissingValue Unknown When the user_id dimension could not be found, what do you want to do? Use false for remove the value from the result, use true to keep the original dimension value (the user_id). Or, when a string is given, we will replace the value with the given string.
bool Optional $isOneToOne true Set to true if the key/value items are unique in the given map.


$departments = [
    1 => 'Administration',
    2 => 'Marketing',
    3 => 'Shipping',
    4 => 'IT',
    5 => 'Accounting',
    6 => 'Finance'

$builder->inlineLookup($departments, 'department_id', 'department', 'Unknown'); 


This dimension spec retains only the values that are present in the given list.


Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension tags The name of the dimension which contains multiple values.
array Required $values ['a', 'b', 'c'] Only use the values in the multi-value dimension which are present in this list.
string Optional $as myTags The name where the result will be available by in the result set.
string/DataType Optional $outputType DataType::STRING The data type of the dimension value.


$builder->multiValueListSelect('tags', ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'testTags', DataType::STRING); 


This dimension spec retains only the values matching a regex.


Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension tags The name of the dimension which contains multiple values.
string Required $regex "^ab" The java regex pattern for the values which should be used in the resultset.
string Optional $as myTags The name where the result will be available by in the result set.
string/DataType Optional $outputType DataType::STRING The data type of the dimension value.


$builder->multiValueRegexSelect('tags', '^test', 'testTags', DataType::STRING); 


This dimension spec retains only the values matching the given prefix.


Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension tags The name of the dimension which contains multiple values.
string Required $prefix test Return all multi-value items which start with this given prefix.
string Optional $as myTags The name where the result will be available by in the result set.
string/DataType Optional $outputType DataType::STRING The data type of the dimension value.


$builder->multiValuePrefixSelect('tags', 'test', 'testTags', DataType::STRING); 

QueryBuilder: Metric Aggregations

Metrics are fields which you normally aggregate, like summing the values of this field, Typical examples are:

  • Revenue
  • Hits
  • NrOfTimes Clicked / Watched / Bought
  • Conversions
  • PageViews
  • Counters

To aggregate a metric, you can use one of the methods below.

All the metrics aggregations do support a filter selection. If this is given, the metric aggregation will only be applied to the records where the filters match.


// count how many page views are done by kids
$builder->longSum('pageViews', 'pageViewsByKids', function(FilterBuilder $filter) {
    $filter->where('age', '<=', 16); 

See also this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/aggregations.html

This method uses the following arguments:


This aggregation will return the number of rows which match the filters.

Please note the count aggregator counts the number of Druid rows, which does not always reflect the number of raw events ingested. This is because Druid can be configured to roll up data at ingestion time. To count the number of ingested rows of data, include a count aggregator at ingestion time, and a longSum aggregator at query time.


Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as "nrOfRows" The size of the bucket where the numerical values are grouped in
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See example in the beginning of this chapter A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will only count the records which match with the given filter.


The sum() aggregation computes the sum of values as a 64-bit, signed integer.

Note: Alternatives are: longSum(), doubleSum() and floatSum(), which allow you to directly specify the output type by using the appropriate method name. These methods do not have the $type parameter.


$builder->sum('views', 'totalViews');

The sum() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $metric "views" The metric which you want to sum
string Optional $as "totalViews" The name which will be used in the output result
string/DataType Optional $type DataType::LONG The output type of the sum. This can either be long, float or double. See also the DataType enum
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See example in the beginning of this chapter A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will only sum the records which match with the given filter.


The min() aggregation computes the minimum of all metric values.

Note: Alternatives are: longMin(), doubleMin() and floatMin(), which allow you to directly specify the output type by using the appropriate method name. These methods do not have the $type parameter.


$builder->min('age', 'minAge');

The min() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $metric "views" The metric which you want to calculate the minimum value of.
string Optional $as "totalViews" The name which will be used in the output result
string/DataType Optional $type DataType::LONG The output type. This can either be long, float or double. See also the DataType enum
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See example in the beginning of this chapter A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will only calculate the minimum value of the records which match with the given filter.


The max() aggregation computes the maximum of all metric values.

Note: Alternatives are: longMax(), doubleMax() and floatMax(), which allow you to directly specify the output type by using the appropriate method name. These methods do not have the $type parameter.


$builder->max('age', 'maxAge');

The max() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $metric "views" The metric which you want to calculate the maximum value of.
string Optional $as "totalViews" The name which will be used in the output result
string/DataType Optional $type DataType::LONG The output type. This can either be long, float or double. See also the DataType enum
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See example in the beginning of this chapter A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will only calculate the maximum value of the records which match with the given filter.


The first() aggregation computes the metric value with the minimum timestamp or 0 if no row exist.

Note: Alternatives are: longFirst(), doubleFirst(), floatFirst() and stringFirst(), which allow you to directly specify the output type by using the appropriate method name. These methods do not have the $type parameter.



The first() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $metric "device" The metric which you want to compute the first value of.
string Optional $as "firstDevice" The name which will be used in the output result
string/DataType Optional $type DataType::LONG The output type. This can either be string, long, float or double. See also the DataType enum.
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See example in the beginning of this chapter A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will only compute the first value of the records which match with the given filter.


The last() aggregation computes the metric value with the maximum timestamp or 0 if no row exist.

Note that queries with last aggregators on a segment created with rollup enabled will return the rolled up value, and not the last value within the raw ingested data.

Note: Alternatives are: longLast(), doubleLast(), floatLast() and stringLast(), which allow you to directly specify the output type by using the appropriate method name. These methods do not have the $type parameter.



The last() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $metric "device" The metric which you want to compute the last value of.
string Optional $as "firstDevice" The name which will be used in the output result
string/DataType Optional $type DataType::LONG The output type. This can either be string, long, float or double. See also the DataType enum.
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See example in the beginning of this chapter A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will only compute the last value of the records which match with the given filter.


The any() aggregation will fetch any metric value. This can also be null.

Note: Alternatives are: longAny(), doubleAny(), floatAny() and stringAny(), which allow you to directly specify the output type by using the appropriate method name. These methods do not have the $type parameter.



The any() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $metric "device" The metric which you want to compute the last value of.
string Optional $as "anyDevice" The name which will be used in the output result
string/DataType Optional $type DataType::STRING The output type. This can either be string, long, float or double. See DataType enum
int Optional $maxStringBytes 2048 Then the type is string, you can specify here the max bytes of the string. Defaults to 1024.
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See example in the beginning of this chapter A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will only compute the last value of the records which match with the given filter.


The javascript() aggregation computes an arbitrary JavaScript function over a set of columns (both metrics and dimensions are allowed). Your JavaScript functions are expected to return floating-point values.

NOTE: JavaScript-based functionality is disabled by default. Please refer to the Druid JavaScript programming guide for guidelines about using Druid's JavaScript functionality, including instructions on how to enable it: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/javascript.html


    ['x', 'y'],
    "function(current, a, b)      { return current + (Math.log(a) * b); }",
    "function(partialA, partialB) { return partialA + partialB; }",
    "function()                   { return 10; }"

The javascript() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as "result" The name which will be used in the output result
array Required $fieldNames ["metric_field", "dimension_field"] The columns which will be given to the fnAggregate function. Both metrics and dimensions are allowed.
string Required $fnAggregate See example above. A javascript function which does the aggregation. This function will receive the "current" value as first parameter. The other parameters will be the values of the columns as given in the $fieldNames parameter.
string Required $fnCombine See example above. A function which can combine two aggregation results.
string Required $fnReset See example above. A function which will reset a value.
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See example in the beginning of this chapter A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will only apply the javascript function to the records which match with the given filter.


The hyperUnique() aggregation uses HyperLogLog to compute the estimated cardinality of a dimension that has been aggregated as a "hyperUnique" metric at indexing time.

Please note: use distinctCount() when the Theta Sketch extension is available, as it is much faster.

See this page for more information: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/hll-old.html#hyperunique-aggregator

This page also explains the usage of hyperUnique very well: https://cleanprogrammer.net/getting-unique-counts-from-druid-using-hyperloglog/


$builder->hyperUnique('dimension', 'myResult');

The hyperUnique() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $metric "dimension" The dimension that has been aggregated as a "hyperUnique" metric at indexing time.
string Required $as "myField" The name which will be used in the output result
bool Optional $round true TheHyperLogLog algorithm generates decimal estimates with some error. "round" can be set to true to round off estimated values to whole numbers. Note that even with rounding, the cardinality is still an estimate.
bool Optional $isInputHyperUnique false Only affects ingestion-time behavior, and is ignored at query-time. Set to true to index pre-computed HLL (Base64 encoded output from druid-hll is expected).


The cardinality() aggregation computes the cardinality of a set of Apache Druid (incubating) dimensions, using HyperLogLog to estimate the cardinality.

Please note: use distinctCount() when the Theta Sketch extension is available, as it is much faster. This aggregator will also be much slower than indexing a column with the hyperUnique() aggregator.

In general, we strongly recommend using the distinctCount() or hyperUnique() aggregator instead of the cardinality() aggregator if you do not care about the individual values of a dimension.

When setting $byRow to false (the default) it computes the cardinality of the set composed of the union of al dimension values for all the given dimensions. For a single dimension, this is equivalent to:

FROM <datasource>

For multiple dimensions, this is equivalent to something akin to

FROM (SELECT dim_1 as value
      FROM <datasource>
      SELECT dim_2 as value
      FROM <datasource>
      SELECT dim_3 as value
      FROM <datasource>)

When setting $byRow to true it computes the cardinality by row, i.e. the cardinality of distinct dimension combinations. This is equivalent to something akin to


For more information, see https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/hll-old.html#cardinality-aggregator.


$builder->cardinality( 'nrOfCategories', ['category_id']);    

You can also use a Closure function, which will receive a DimensionBuilder. In this way you can build more complex situations, for example:

    function(DimensionBuilder $dimensions) {
        // select the country name by its iso value.
        $dimensions->lookup('country_name', 'iso');        
    false, # byRow
    false # round

The cardinality() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as "distinctCount" The name which will be used in the output result
Closure/array Required $dimensionsOrDimensionBuilder See example above. An array with dimension(s) or a function which receives an instance of the DimensionBuilder class. You should select the dimensions which you want to use to calculate the cardinality over.
bool Optional $byRow false See above for more info.
bool Optional $round true TheHyperLogLog algorithm generates decimal estimates with some error. "round" can be set to true to round off estimated values to whole numbers. Note that even with rounding, the cardinality is still an estimate.


The distinctCount() aggregation function computes the distinct number of occurrences of the given dimension.

This method uses the Theta Sketch extension, and it should be enabled to make use of this aggregator.
For more information, see: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/extensions-core/datasketches-theta.html


// Count the distinct number of categories. 
$builder->distinctCount('category_id', 'categoryCount');

The distinctCount() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension "category_id" The dimension where you want to count the distinct values from.
string Optional $as "categoryCount" The name which will be used in the output result
int Optional $size 16384 Must be a power of 2. Internally, size refers to the maximum number of entries sketch object will retain. Higher size means higher accuracy but more space to store sketches.
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See example in the beginning of this chapter A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will only count the records which match with the given filter.


The doublesSketch() aggregation function will create a DoubleSketch data field which can be used by various post aggregation methods to do extra calculations over the collected data.

DoubleSketch is a mergeable streaming algorithm to estimate the distribution of values, and approximately answer queries about the rank of a value, probability mass function of the distribution (PMF) or histogram, cumulative distribution function (CDF), and quantiles (median, min, max, 95th percentile and such).

This method uses the datasketches extension, and it should be enabled to make use of this aggregator.
For more information, see: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/extensions-core/datasketches-quantiles.html


// Get the 95th percentile of the salaries per country.
$builder = $client->query('dataSource')
    ->interval('now - 1 hour', 'now')
    ->doublesSketch('salary', 'salaryData') // this collects the data 
    ->quantile('quantile95', 'salaryData', 0.95) // this uses the data which was collected 

To view more information about the doubleSketch data, see the sketchSummary() post aggregation method.

The doublesSketch() aggregation method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $metric "salary" The metric where you want to do calculations over.
string Optional $as "salaryData" The name which will be used in the output result.
int Optional $sizeAndAccuracy 128 Parameter that determines the accuracy and size of the sketch. Higher k means higher accuracy but more space to store sketches. Must be a power of 2 from 2 to 32768. See accuracy information in the DataSketches documentation for details.
int Optional $maxStreamLength 1000000000 This parameter is a temporary solution to avoid a known issue. It may be removed in a future release after the bug is fixed. This parameter defines the maximum number of items to store in each sketch. If a sketch reaches the limit, the query can throw IllegalStateException. To workaround this issue, increase the maximum stream length. See accuracy information in the DataSketches documentation for how many bytes are required per stream length.

QueryBuilder: Filters

With filters, you can filter on certain values. The following filters are available:


This is probably the most used filter. It is very flexible.

This method uses the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension "cityName" The dimension which you want to filter.
string Required $operator "=" The operator which you want to use to filter. See below for a complete list of supported operators.
mixed Optional $value "Auburn" The value which you want to use in your filter comparison. Set to null to match against NULL values.
string Optional $boolean "and" / "or" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".

The following $operator values are supported:

Operator Description
= Check if the dimension is equal to the given value.
!= Check if the dimension is not equal to the given value.
<> Same as !=
> Check if the dimension is greater than the given value.
>= Check if the dimension is greater than or equal to the given value.
< Check if the dimension is less than the given value.
<= Check if the dimension is less than or equal to the given value.
like Check if the dimension matches a SQL LIKE expression. Special characters supported are "%" (matches any number of characters) and "_" (matches any one character).
not like Same as like, only now the dimension should not match.
javascript Check if the dimension matches by using the given javascript function. The function takes a single argument, the dimension value, and returns either true or false.
not javascript Same as javascript, only now the dimension should not match.
regex Check if the dimension matches the given regular expression.
not regex Check if the dimension does not match the given regular expression.
search Check if the dimension partially matches the given string(s). When an array of values are given, we expect the dimension value contains all of the values specified in this search query spec.
not search Same as search, only now the dimension should not match.

This method supports a quick equals shorthand. Example:

$builder->where('name', 'John');

Is the same as

$builder->where('name', '=', 'John');

We also support using a Closure to group various filters in 1 filter. It will receive a FilterBuilder. For example:

$builder->where(function (FilterBuilder $filterBuilder) {
    $filterBuilder->orWhere('namespace', 'Talk');
    $filterBuilder->orWhere('namespace', 'Main');
$builder->where('channel', 'en');

This would be the same as an SQL equivalent: SELECT ... WHERE (namespace = 'Talk' OR 'namespace' = 'Main') AND 'channel' = 'en';

As last, you can also supply a raw filter object. For example:

$builder->where( new SelectorFilter('name', 'John') );

However, this is not recommended and should not be needed.


Same as where(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


With this filter you can build a filterset which should NOT match. It is thus inverted.


$builder->whereNot(function (FilterBuilder $filterBuilder) {
    $filterBuilder->orWhere('namespace', 'Talk');
    $filterBuilder->orWhere('namespace', 'Main');

You can use this in combination with all the other filters!

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
Closure Required $filterBuilder "flags" A closure function which will receive a FilterBuilder object. All applied filters will be inverted.
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


Same as whereNot(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


Druid has changed its NULL handling. You can now configure it to store NULL values by configuring druid.generic.useDefaultValueForNull=false.

If this is configured, you can filter on NULL values with this filter.

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $column "city" The column or virtual column which you want to filter on null values.
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


// filter on all places where city name is NULL.

// filter on all places where the country is NOT NULL!
$builder->whereNot(function (FilterBuilder $filterBuilder) {


Same as whereNull(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


With this method you can filter on records using multiple values.

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension country_iso The dimension which you want to filter
array Required $items ["it", "de", "au"] A list of values. We will return records where the dimension is in this list.
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


// filter where country in "it", "de" or "au".
$builder->whereIn('country_iso', ['it', 'de', 'au']); 


Same as whereIn(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


With this method you can filter if an array contains a given element.

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $column country_iso Input column or virtual column name to filter on.
int/string/float/null Required $value "it" Array element value to match. This value can be null.
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


$builder->whereArrayContains('features', 'myNewFeature'); 


Same as whereArrayContains(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


This filter will select records where the given dimension is greater than or equal to the given $minValue, and less than the given $maxValue.

The SQL equivalent would be: SELECT ... WHERE field >= $minValue AND field < $maxValue

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension year The dimension which you want to filter
int/float/string Required $minValue 1990 The minimum value where the dimension should match. It should be equal or greater than this value.
int/float/string Required $maxValue 2000 The maximum value where the dimension should match. It should be less than this value.
DataType Optional $valueType DataType::FLOAT This determines how druid will interprets the min and max values in comparison with the existing values. When not given we will auto detect it.
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


Same as whereBetween(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


The whereColumn() filter compares two dimensions with each other. Only records where the dimensions match will be returned.

The whereColumn() filter has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string/Closure Required $dimensionA "initials" The dimension which you want to compare, or a Closure which will receive a DimensionBuilder which allows you to select a dimension in a more advance way.
string/Closure Required $dimensionB "first_name" The dimension which you want to compare, or a Closure which will receive a DimensionBuilder which allows you to select a dimension in a more advance way.
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


Same as whereColumn(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


The Interval filter enables range filtering on columns that contain long millisecond values, with the boundaries specified as ISO 8601 time intervals. It is suitable for the __time column, long metric columns, and dimensions with values that can be parsed as long milliseconds.

This filter converts the ISO 8601 intervals to long millisecond start/end ranges. It will then use a between filter to see if the interval matches.

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension __time The dimension which you want to filter
array Required $intervals ['yesterday/now'] See below for more info
string Optional $boolean "and" / "or" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".

The $intervals array can contain the following:

  • an Interval object
  • a raw interval string as used in druid. For example: "2019-04-15T08:00:00.000Z/2019-04-15T09:00:00.000Z"
  • an interval string, separating the start and the stop with a / (for example "12-02-2019/13-02-2019")
  • an array which contains 2 elements, a start and stop date. These can be an DateTime object, a unix timestamp or anything which can be parsed by DateTime::__construct

See for more info also the interval() method.


$builder->whereInterval('__time', ['12-09-2019/13-09-2019', '19-09-2019/20-09-2019']);


Same as whereInterval(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


This filter allows you to filter on a dimension where the value should match against your filter using a bitwise AND comparison.

Support for 64-bit integers are supported.

Druid has support for bitwise flags since version 0.20.2. Before that, we have built our own variant, but then javascript support is required. To make use of the javascript variant, you should pass true as the 4th parameter of this method.

JavaScript-based functionality is disabled by default. Please refer to the Druid JavaScript programming guide for guidelines about using Druid's JavaScript functionality, including instructions on how to enable it: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/javascript.html


$client = new \Level23\Druid\DruidClient([
    'router_url' => 'https://router.url:8080',

    ->interval('now - 1 day', 'now')
    // Select records where the first and third bit are enabled (1 and 4)
    ->whereFlags('flags', (1 | 4));

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension "flags" The dimension where you want to filter on
int Required $flags 64 The flags which should match in the given dimension (comparing with a bitwise AND)
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".
boolean Optional $useJavascript true Older versions do not yet support the bitwiseAnd expression. Set this parameter to true to use an javacript alternative instead.


Same as whereFlags(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


This filter allows you to filter on a druid expression. See also: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/math-expr

This filter allows for more flexibility, but it might be less performant than a combination of the other filters on this page due to the fact that not all filter optimizations are in place yet.


$client = new \Level23\Druid\DruidClient([
    'router_url' => 'https://router.url:8080',

    ->interval('now - 1 day', 'now')
    ->whereExpression('((product_type == 42) && (!is_deleted))');

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $expression "((product_type == 42) && (!is_deleted))" The expression to use for your filter.
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


Same as whereExpression(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


This filter allows you to filter on your records where your spatial dimension is within the given rectangular shape.


$client = new \Level23\Druid\DruidClient([
    'router_url' => 'https://router.url:8080',

    ->interval('now - 1 day', 'now')
    ->whereSpatialRectangular('location', [0.350189, 51.248163], [-0.613861, 51.248163]);

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension "location" The expression to use for your filter.
array Required $minCoords [0.350189, 51.248163] List of minimum dimension coordinates for coordinates [x, y, z]
array Required $maxCoords [-0.613861, 51.248163] List of maximum dimension coordinates for coordinates [x, y, z]
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


Same as whereSpatialRectangular(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


This filter allows you to filter on your records where your spatial dimension is within radios of a given point.


$client = new \Level23\Druid\DruidClient([
    'router_url' => 'https://router.url:8080',

    ->interval('now - 1 day', 'now')
    ->whereSpatialRectangular('location', [0.350189, 51.248163], [-0.613861, 51.248163]);

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension "location" The expression to use for your filter.
array Required $minCoords [0.350189, 51.248163] List of minimum dimension coordinates for coordinates [x, y, z]
array Required $maxCoords [-0.613861, 51.248163] List of maximum dimension coordinates for coordinates [x, y, z]
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


Same as whereSpatialRadius(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.


This filter allows you to filter on your records where your spatial dimension is within a given polygon.


$client = new \Level23\Druid\DruidClient([
    'router_url' => 'https://router.url:8080',

    ->interval('now - 1 day', 'now')
    ->whereSpatialPolygon('location', [0.350189, 51.248163], [-0.613861, 51.248163]);

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dimension "location" The expression to use for your filter.
array Required $abscissa [0.350189, 51.248163] (The x axis) Horizontal coordinate for corners of the polygon
array Required $ordinate [-0.613861, 51.248163] (The y axis) Vertical coordinate for corners of the polygon
string Optional $boolean "and" This influences how this filter will be joined with previous added filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".


Same as orWhereSpatialPolygon(), but now we will join previous added filters with a or instead of an and.

QueryBuilder: Having Filters

With having filters, you can filter out records after the data has been retrieved. This allows you to filter on aggregated values.

See also this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/having.html

Below are all the having methods explained.


The having() filter is very similar to the where() filter. It is very flexible.

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $having "totalClicks" The metric which you want to filter.
string Required $operator ">" The operator which you want to use to filter. See below for a complete list of supported operators.
string/int Required $value 50 The value which you want to use in your filter comparison
string Optional $boolean "and" / "or" This influences how this having-filter will be joined with previous added having-filters. Should both filters apply ("and") or one or the other ("or") ? Default is "and".

The following $operator values are supported:

Operator Description
= Check if the metric is equal to the given value.
!= Check if the metric is not equal to the given value.
<> Same as !=
> Check if the metric is greater than the given value.
>= Check if the metric is greater than or equal to the given value.
< Check if the metric is less than the given value.
<= Check if the metric is less than or equal to the given value.
like Check if the metric matches a SQL LIKE expression. Special characters supported are "%" (matches any number of characters) and "_" (matches any one character).
not like Same as like, only now the metric should not match.

This method supports a quick equals shorthand. Example:

// select everybody with 2 kids
$builder->having('sumKids', 2);

Is the same as

$builder->having('sumKids', '=', 2);

We also support using a Closure to group various havings in 1 filter. It will receive a HavingBuilder. For example:

$builder->having(function (FilterBuilder $filterBuilder) {
    $filterBuilder->orHaving('sumKats', '>', 0);
    $filterBuilder->orHaving('sumDogs', '>', 0);
$builder->having('sumKids', '=', 0);

This would be the same as an SQL equivalent: SELECT ... HAVING (sumKats > 0 OR sumDogs > 0) AND sumKids = 0;

As last, you can also supply a raw filter or having-filter object. For example:

// example using a having filter
$builder->having( new GreaterThanHavingFilter('totalViews', 15) );

// example using a "normal" filter.
$builder->having( new SelectorFilter('totalViews', '15') );

However, this is not recommended and should not be needed.


Same as having(), but now we will join previous added having-filters with a or instead of an and.

QueryBuilder: Virtual Columns

Virtual columns allow you to create a new "virtual" column based on an expression. This is very powerful, but not well documented in the Druid Manual.

Druid expressions allow you to do various actions, like:

  • Execute a lookup and use the result
  • Execute mathematical operations on values
  • Use if, else expressions
  • Concat strings
  • Use a "case" statement
  • Etc.

For the full list of available expressions, see this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/math-expr

To use a virtual column, you should use the virtualColumn() method:


This method creates a virtual column based on the given expression.

Virtual columns are queryable column "views" created from a set of columns during a query.

A virtual column can potentially draw from multiple underlying columns, although a virtual column always presents itself as a single column.

Virtual columns can be used as dimensions or as inputs to aggregators.

NOTE: virtual columns are NOT automatically added to your output. You should select it separately if you want to add it also to your output. Use selectVirtual() to do both at once.


// Increase our reward with $2,00 if this sale was done by a promoter. 
$builder->virtualColumn('if(promo_id > 0, reward + 2, 0)', 'rewardWithPromoterPayout', 'double')
    // Now sum all our rewards with the promoter payouts included.
    ->doubleSum('rewardWithPromoterPayout', 'totalRewardWithPromoterPayout');

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $expression if( dimension > 0, 2, 1) The expression which you want to use to create this virtual column.
string Required $as "myVirtualColumn" The name of the virtual column created. You can use this name in a dimension (select it) or in an aggregation function.
string/DataType Optional $type DataType::STRING The output type of this virtual column. Possible values are: string, float, long and double. Default is string. See also the DataType enum.


This method creates a virtual column as the method virtualColumn() does, but this method also selects the virtual column in the output.


// Select the mobile device type as text, but only if isMobileDevice = 1 
    "if( isMobileDevice = 1, case_simple( mobileDeviceType, '1', 'samsung', '2', 'apple', '3', 'nokia', 'other'), 'no mobile device')", 

This method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $expression if( dimension > 0, 2, 1) The expression which you want to use to create this virtual column.
string Required $as "myVirtualColumn" The name of the virtual column created. You can use this name in a dimension (select it) or in an aggregation function.
string/DataType Optional $type DataType::STRING The output type of this virtual column. Possible values are: string, float, long and double. Default is string. See also the DataType enum.

QueryBuilder: Post Aggregations

Post aggregations are aggregations which are executed after the result is fetched from the druid database.


The fieldAccess() post aggregator method is not really an aggregation method itself, but you need it to access fields which are used in the other post aggregations.

For example, when you want to calculate the average salary per job function:

    ->doubleSum('salary', 'totalSalary')
    // avgSalary = totalSalary / nrOfEmployees   
    ->divide('avgSalary', function(PostAggregationsBuilder $builder) {

However, you can also use this shorthand, which will be converted to fieldAccess methods:

    ->doubleSum('salary', 'totalSalary')
    // avgSalary = totalSalary / nrOfEmployees   
    ->divide('avgSalary', ['totalSalary', 'nrOfEmployees']);

This is exactly the same. We will convert the given fields to fieldAccess() for you.

The fieldAccess() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $aggregatorOutputName totalRevenue This refers to the output name of the aggregator given in the aggregations portion of the query
string Required $as myField The output name as how we can access it
string Optional $finalizing false Set this to true if you want to return a finalized value, such as an estimated cardinality


The constant() post aggregator method allows you to define a constant which can be used in a post aggregation function.

For example, when you want to calculate the area of a circle based on the radius, you can use a formula like below:

Find the circle area based on the formula (radius x radius x pi).

    ->multiply('area', function(PostAggregationsBuilder $builder){
        $builder->multiply('r2', ['radius', 'radius']);
        $builder->constant('3.141592654', 'pi');

The constant() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
int/float Required $numericValue 3.14 This will be our static value
string Required $as pi The output name as how we can access it


The expression() post aggregator method allows you to supply a Native Druid expression which allows you to compute a result value.

Druid expressions allow you to do various actions, like:

  • Execute a lookup and use the result
  • Execute mathematical operations on values
  • Use if, else statements
  • Concat strings
  • Use a "case" statement
  • Etc.

For the full list of available expressions, see this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/math-expr


    ->sum('kids', 'totalKids')
    ->sum('adults', 'totalAdults')
    ->expression('totalHumans', 'totalKids + totalAdults', null, DataType::LONG)

The expression() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as pi The output name as how we can access it.
string Required $expression field1 + field2 The expression which you want to compute.
string Optional $ordering "numericFirst" If no ordering (or null) is specified, the "natural" ordering is used. numericFirst ordering always returns finite values first, followed by NaN, and infinite values last. If the expression produces array or complex types, specify ordering as null and use outputType instead to use the correct type native ordering.
DataType/string Optional $outputType DOUBLE Output type is optional, and can be any native Druid type. Use a string value for ARRAY types (e.g. ARRAY<LONG>), or COMPLEX types (e.g. COMPLEX<json>). If not specified, the output type will be inferred from the expression. If specified and ordering is null, the type native ordering will be used for sorting values. If the expression produces array or complex types, this value must be non-null to ensure the correct ordering is used. If outputType does not match the actual output type of the expression, the value will be attempted to coerced to the specified type, possibly failing if coercion is not possible.


The divide() post aggregator method divides the given fields. If a value is divided by 0, the result will always be 0.


    ->doubleSum('salary', 'totalSalary')
    // avgSalary = totalSalary / nrOfEmployees   
    ->divide('avgSalary', ['totalSalary', 'nrOfEmployees']);

The first parameter is the name as the result will be available in the output. The fields which you want to divide can be supplied in various ways. These ways are described below:

Method 1: array

You can supply the fields which you want to use in your division as an array. They will be converted to fieldAccess() calls for you.


$builder->divide('avgSalary', ['totalSalary', 'nrOfEmployees']);

Method 2: Variable-length argument lists

You can supply the fields which you want to use in your division as extra arguments in the method call. They will be converted to fieldAccess() calls for you.


// This will become: avgSalary = totalSalary / nrOfEmployees / totalBonus
$builder->divide('avgSalary', 'totalSalary', 'nrOfEmployees', 'totalBonus');

Method 3: Closure

You can also supply a closure, which allows you to build more advance math calculations.


// This will become: avgSalary = totalSalary / nrOfEmployees / ( bonus + tips )
$builder->divide('avgSalary', function(PostAggregationsBuilder $builder){    

    $builder->add('totalBonus', ['bonus', 'tips']);    

The divide() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as pi The output name as how we can access it
array/Closure/...string Required $fieldOrClosure ['totalSalary', 'nrOfEmployees'] The fields which you want to divide. See above for more information.


The multiply() post aggregator method multiply the given fields.


$builder->multiply('volume', ['width', 'height', 'depth']);

The multiply() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as pi The output name as how we can access it
array/Closure/...string Required $fieldOrClosure ['totalSalary', 'nrOfEmployees'] The fields which you want to multiply. See the divide() method for more info.


The subtract() post aggregator method subtract the given fields.


$builder->subtract('total', ['revenue', 'taxes']);

The subtract() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as pi The output name as how we can access it
array/Closure/...string Required $fieldOrClosure ['totalSalary', 'nrOfEmployees'] The fields which you want to subtract. See the divide() method for more info.


The add() post aggregator method add the given fields.


$builder->add('total', ['salary', 'bonus']);

The add() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as pi The output name as how we can access it
array/Closure/...string Required $fieldOrClosure ['totalSalary', 'nrOfEmployees'] The fields which you want to add. See the divide() method for more info.


The quotient() post aggregator method will calculate the quotient over the given field values. The quotient division behaves like regular floating point division.


// for example: quotient = 15 / 4 = 3 (e.g., how much times fits 4 into 15?)
$builder->quotient('quotient', ['dividend', 'divisor']);

The add() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as pi The output name as how we can access it
array/Closure/...string Required $fieldOrClosure ['totalSalary', 'nrOfEmployees'] The fields which you want to quotient. See the divide() method for more info.

longGreatest() and doubleGreatest()

The longGreatest() and doubleGreatest() post aggregation methods computes the maximum of all fields.

The difference between the doubleMax() aggregator and the doubleGreatest() post-aggregator is that doubleMax returns the highest value of all rows for one specific column while doubleGreatest returns the highest value of multiple columns in one row. These are similar to the SQL MAX and GREATEST functions.


  ->longSum('a', 'totalA')
  ->longSum('b', 'totalB')
  ->longSum('c', 'totalC')
  ->longGreatest('highestABC', ['a', 'b', 'c']);    

The longGreatest() and doubleGreatest() post aggregator have the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as "highestValue" The name which will be used in the output result
Closure/array Required $fieldOrClosure See example above. The fields where you want to select the greatest value over. This can be done in multiple ways. See the divide() method for more info.

longLeast() and doubleLeast()

The longLeast() and doubleLeast() post aggregation methods computes the maximum of all fields.

The difference between the doubleMin() aggregator and the doubleLeast() post-aggregator is that doubleMin returns the lowest value of all rows for one specific column while doubleLeast returns the lowest value of multiple columns in one row. These are similar to the SQL MIN and LEAST functions.


  ->longSum('a', 'totalA')
  ->longSum('b', 'totalB')
  ->longSum('c', 'totalC')
  ->longLeast('lowestABC', ['a', 'b', 'c']);    

The longLeast() and doubleLeast() post aggregator have the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as "lowestValue" The name which will be used in the output result
Closure/array Required $fieldOrClosure See example above. The fields where you want to select the lowest value over. This can be done in multiple ways. See the divide() method for more info.


The postJavascript() post aggregation method allows you to apply the given javascript function over the given fields. Fields are passed as arguments to the JavaScript function in the given order.

NOTE: JavaScript-based functionality is disabled by default. Please refer to the Druid JavaScript programming guide for guidelines about using Druid's JavaScript functionality, including instructions on how to enable it: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/javascript.html


    'function(delta, total) { return 100 * Math.abs(delta) / total; }',
    ['delta', 'total']

The postJavascript() post aggregation method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as "highestValue" The name which will be used in the output result
string Required $function See example above. A string containing the javascript function which will be applied to the given fields.
Closure/array Required $fieldOrClosure See example above. The fields where you want to apply the given javascript function over. This can be supplied in multiple ways. See the divide() method for more info.


The hyperUniqueCardinality() post aggregator is used to wrap a hyperUnique object such that it can be used in post aggregations.


  ->hyperUnique('unique_users', 'uniques')
  ->divide('averageUsersPerRow', function(PostAggregationsBuilder $builder){    

The hyperUniqueCardinality() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $hyperUniqueField myField The name of the hyperUnique field where you want to retrieve the cardinality from.
string Optional $as myResult The name which will be used in the output result.


The quantile() post aggregator is used to return an approximation to the value that would be preceded by a given fraction of a hypothetical sorted version of the input stream.

This method uses the Apache DataSketches library, and it should be enabled to make use of this post aggregator.
For more information, see: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/extensions-core/datasketches-theta.html


// Get the 95th percentile of the salaries per country.
$builder = $client->query('dataSource')
    ->interval('now - 1 hour', 'now')
    ->doublesSketch('salary', 'salaryData') // this collects the data 
    ->quantile('quantile95', 'salaryData', 0.95) // this uses the data which was collected 

The quantile() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as myResult The name which will be used in the output result.
string/Closure Required $fieldOrClosure myField Field which will be used that refers to a DoublesSketch (fieldAccess or another post aggregator). When a string is given, we assume that it refers to another field in the query. If you give a closure, it will receive an instance of the PostAggregationsBuilder. With this builder you can build another post-aggregation or use constants as input for this method.
float Required $fraction 0.95 Fractional position in the hypothetical sorted stream, number from 0 to 1 inclusive


The quantiles() post aggregator returns an array of quantiles corresponding to a given array of fractions.

This method uses the Apache DataSketches library, and it should be enabled to make use of this post aggregator.
For more information, see: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/extensions-core/datasketches-theta.html


// Get the 95th percentile of the salaries per country.
$builder = $client->query('dataSource')
    ->interval('now - 1 hour', 'now')
    ->doublesSketch('salary', 'salaryData') // this collects the data 
    ->quantiles('quantile95', 'salaryData', [0.8, 0.95]) // this uses the data which was collected 

The quantiles() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as myResult The name which will be used in the output result.
string/Closure Required $fieldOrClosure myField Field which will be used that refers to a DoublesSketch (fieldAccess or another post aggregator). When a string is given, we assume that it refers to another field in the query. If you give a closure, it will receive an instance of the PostAggregationsBuilder. With this builder you can build another post-aggregation or use constants as input for this method.
array Required $fraction [0.8, 0.95] Array of fractional positions in the hypothetical sorted stream, number from 0 to 1 inclusive


The histogram() post aggregator returns an approximation to the histogram given an array of split points that define the histogram bins or a number of bins (not both). An array of m unique, monotonically increasing split points divide the real number line into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals. The definition of an interval is inclusive of the left split point and exclusive of the right split point. If the number of bins is specified instead of split points, the interval between the minimum and maximum values is divided into the given number of equally-spaced bins.

This method uses the Apache DataSketches library, and it should be enabled to make use of this post aggregator.
For more information, see: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/extensions-core/datasketches-theta.html


// Create our builder
$builder = $client->query('dataSource')
    ->interval('now - 1 hour', 'now')
    ->doublesSketch('salary', 'salaryData') // this collects the data 
    // This would spit the data in "buckets". 
    // It will return an array with the number of people earning, 1000 or less, 
    // the number of people earning 1001 to 1500, etc.
    ->histogram('salaryGroups', 'salaryData', [1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500]);  

The histogram() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as myResult The name which will be used in the output result.
string/Closure Required $fieldOrClosure myField Field which will be used that refers to a DoublesSketch (fieldAccess or another post aggregator). When a string is given, we assume that it refers to another field in the query. If you give a closure, it will receive an instance of the PostAggregationsBuilder. With this builder you can build another post-aggregation or use constants as input for this method.
array Optional $splitPoints [0.8, 0.95] An array of m unique, monotonically increasing split points divide the real number line into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals.
int Optional $numBins 10 When no $splitPoints as defined, you can set the number of bins and the interval between the minimum and maximum values is divided into the given number of equally-spaced bins.

The parameters $splitPoints and $numBins are mutually exclusive.


The rank() post aggregator returns an approximation to the rank of a given value that is the fraction of the distribution less than that value.

This method uses the Apache DataSketches library, and it should be enabled to make use of this post aggregator.
For more information, see: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/extensions-core/datasketches-theta.html


// Create our builder
$builder = $client->query('dataSource')
    ->interval('now - 1 hour', 'now')
    ->doublesSketch('salary', 'salaryData') // this collects the data 
    // This will get the ranking of the value 2500 compared to all available "salary" values in the resultset.
    // The result will be a float between 0 and 1.
    ->rank('mySalaryRank', 'salaryData', 2500);  

The rank() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as myResult The name which will be used in the output result.
string/Closure Required $fieldOrClosure myField Field which will be used that refers to a DoublesSketch (fieldAccess or another post aggregator). When a string is given, we assume that it refers to another field in the query. If you give a closure, it will receive an instance of the PostAggregationsBuilder. With this builder you can build another post-aggregation or use constants as input for this method.
array Optional $splitPoints [0.8, 0.95] An array of m unique, monotonically increasing split points divide the real number line into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals.
int Optional $numBins 10 When no $splitPoints as defined, you can set the number of bins and the interval between the minimum and maximum values is divided into the given number of equally-spaced bins.

The parameters $splitPoints and $numBins are mutually exclusive.


CDF stands for Cumulative Distribution Function.

The cdf() post aggregator returns an approximation to the Cumulative Distribution Function given an array of split points that define the edges of the bins. An array of m unique, monotonically increasing split points divide the real number line into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals. The definition of an interval is inclusive of the left split point and exclusive of the right split point. The resulting array of fractions can be viewed as ranks of each split point with one additional rank that is always 1.

This method uses the Apache DataSketches library, and it should be enabled to make use of this post aggregator.
For more information, see: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/extensions-core/datasketches-theta.html


// Create our builder
$builder = $client->query('dataSource')
    ->interval('now - 1 hour', 'now')
    ->doublesSketch('salary', 'salaryData') // this collects the data 
    ->cdf('salaryGroups', 'salaryData', [1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500]);

The cdf() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as myResult The name which will be used in the output result.
string/Closure Required $fieldOrClosure myField Field which will be used that refers to a DoublesSketch (fieldAccess or another post aggregator). When a string is given, we assume that it refers to another field in the query. If you give a closure, it will receive an instance of the PostAggregationsBuilder. With this builder you can build another post-aggregation or use constants as input for this method.
array Optional $splitPoints [0.8, 0.95] An array of m unique, monotonically increasing split points divide the real number line into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals.


CDF stands for Cumulative Distribution Function.

The sketchSummary() post aggregator returns a summary of the sketch that can be used for debugging. This is the result of calling toString() method.

This method uses the Apache DataSketches library, and it should be enabled to make use of this post aggregator.
For more information, see: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/development/extensions-core/datasketches-theta.html


// Create our builder
$builder = $client->query('dataSource')
    ->interval('now - 1 hour', 'now')
    ->doublesSketch('salary', 'salaryData') // this collects the data 
    ->sketchSummary('debug', 'salaryData');

The sketchSummary() post aggregator has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $as myResult The name which will be used in the output result.
string/Closure Required $fieldOrClosure myField Field which will be used that refers to a DoublesSketch (fieldAccess or another post aggregator). When a string is given, we assume that it refers to another field in the query. If you give a closure, it will receive an instance of the PostAggregationsBuilder. With this builder you can build another post-aggregation or use constants as input for this method.

Example output:

### Quantiles HeapUpdateDoublesSketch SUMMARY: 
   Empty                        : false
   Direct, Capacity bytes       : false, 
   Estimation Mode              : true
   K                            : 128
   N                            : 28,025
   Levels (Needed, Total, Valid): 7, 7, 5
   Level Bit Pattern            : 1101101
   BaseBufferCount              : 121
   Combined Buffer Capacity     : 1,152
   Retained Items               : 761
   Compact Storage Bytes        : 6,120
   Updatable Storage Bytes      : 9,248
   Normalized Rank Error        : 1.406%
   Normalized Rank Error (PMF)  : 1.711%
   Min Value                    : 0.000000e+00
   Max Value                    : 8.000000e-03

QueryBuilder: Search Filters

Search filters are filters which are only used for a search query. They allow you to specify which filter should be applied to the given dimensions.

There are a few different filters available:


The searchContains() method allows you to filter on dimensions where the dimension contains your given value. You can specify if the match should be case-sensitive or not.


// Build a Search Query using a "contains" filter
$response = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->searchContains('Wikipedia', true) // case sensitive!

The searchContains() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $value "wikipedia" Rows will be returned if the dimension(s) contain this value.
bool Optional $caseSensitive true Set to true for case sensitive matching, false for case insensitive matching.


The searchFragment() method allows you to filter on dimensions where the dimension contains ALL the given string values. You can specify if the match should be case-sensitive or not.


// Build a Search Query using a "fragment" filter.
$response = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->searchFragment(['United', 'States'], true) // case sensitive!     

The searchFragment() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $values ["wiki", "pedia"] An array with strings. Only dimensions which contain ALL of the given values are returned.
bool Optional $caseSensitive true Set to true for case sensitive matching, false for case insensitive matching.


The searchRegex() method allows you to filter on dimensions where the dimension matches the given regular expression.

See this page for more information about regular expressions: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html


// Build a Search Query using a "regex" filter.
$response = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')

The searchRegex() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $pattern "^Wiki" A regular expression where the dimension should match against.

QueryBuilder: Execute The Query

The following methods allow you to execute the query which you have build using the other methods. There are various query types available, or you can use the execute() method which tries to detect the best query type for your query.


This method will analyse the data which you have supplied in the query builder, and try to use the best suitable query type for you. If you do not want to use the "internal logic", you should use one of the methods below.

$response = $builder
  ->orderBy('deleted', OrderByDirection::DESC)

The execute() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array/QueryContext Optional $context ['priority' => 75] Query context parameters.

You can supply an array with context parameters, or use a QueryContext object (or any context object which is related to the query type of your choice, like a ScanQueryContext). For more information about query specific context, see the query descriptions below.

The QueryContext() object contains context properties which apply to all queries.


The response of this method is dependent of the query which is executed. Each query has its own response object. However, all query responses are extended of the QueryResponse object. Each query response has therefor a $response->raw() method which will return an array with the raw data returned by druid. There is also an $response->data() method which returns the data in a "normalized" way so that it can be directly used.


The groupBy() method will execute your build query as a GroupBy query.

This the most commonly used query type. However, it is not the quickest. If you are doing aggregations with time as your only grouping, or an ordered groupBy over a single dimension, consider Timeseries and TopN queries as well as groupBy.

For more information, see this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/groupbyquery.html

With the GroupBy query you can aggregate metrics and group by the dimensions which you have selected.


$builder = $client->query('wikipedia', Granularity::HOUR);

$result = $builder 
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select(['namespace', 'page'])    
    ->where('isRobot', 'false')

The groupBy() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array/QueryContext Optional $context ['priority' => 75] Query context parameters. See below for more information.


The groupBy() method accepts 1 parameter, the query context. This can be given as an array with key => value pairs, or an GroupByQueryContext object.

Example using query context:

$builder = $client->query('wikipedia', Granularity::HOUR);

    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select(['namespace', 'page'])    
    ->where('isRobot', 'false');

// Create the query context 
$context = new GroupByQueryContext();

// Execute the query using the query context.
$result = $builder->groupBy($context);


The response of this query will be an GroupByQueryResponse (this applies for both query strategies).
The $response->raw() method will return an array with the raw data returned by druid.
The $response->data() method returns the data as an array in a "normalized" way so that it can be directly used.


The topN() method will execute your query as an TopN query. TopN queries return a sorted set of results for the values in a given dimension according to some criteria.

For more information about topN queries, see this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/topnquery.html


$response = $client->query('wikipedia', Granularity::ALL)
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->orderBy('edited', 'desc')

The topN() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array/QueryContext Optional $context ['priority' => 75] Query context parameters. See below for more information.


The topN() method receives 1 parameter, the query context. The query context is either an array with key => value pairs, or an TopNQueryContext object. The context allows you to change the behaviour of the query execution.


$builder = $client->query('wikipedia', Granularity::ALL)
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->orderBy('edited', 'desc');

// Create specific query context for our query
$context = new TopNQueryContext();

// Execute the query
$response = $builder->topN($context);


The response of this query will be an TopNQueryResponse.
The $response->raw() method will return an array with the raw data returned by druid.
The $response->data() method returns the data as an array in a "normalized" way so that it can be directly used.


The selectQuery() method will execute your query as a select query. It's important to not mix up this method with the select() method, which will select dimensions for your query.

The selectQuery() returns raw druid data. It does not allow you to aggregate metrics. It does support pagination.

However, it is encouraged to use the Scan query type rather than Select whenever possible. In situations involving larger numbers of segments, the Select query can have very high memory and performance overhead. The Scan query does not have this issue. The major difference between the two is that the Scan query does not support pagination. However, the Scan query type is able to return a virtually unlimited number of results even without pagination, making it unnecessary in many cases.

For more information, see: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/select-query.html


// Build a select query
$builder = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select(['__time', 'channel', 'user', 'deleted', 'added'])

// Execute the query.
$response = $builder->selectQuery($context);

// ... Use your response (page 1) here! ...

// echo "Identifier for page 2: " . var_export($response->pagingIdentifier(), true) . "\n\n";

// Now, request "page 2".

// Execute the query.
$response = $builder->selectQuery($context);

// ... Use your response (page 2) here! ...

The selectQuery() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array/QueryContext Optional $context ['priority' => 75] Query context parameters. See below for more information.


The selectQuery() method receives 1 parameter, the query context. The query context is either an array with key => value pairs, or an QueryContext object. There is no SelectQueryContext, as there are no context parameters specific for this query type. The context allows you to change the behaviour of the query execution.


// Example of setting query context. It can also be supplied as an array in the selectQuery() method call.
$context = new QueryContext();

// Execute the query.
$response = $builder->selectQuery($context);


The response of this query will be an SelectQueryResponse.
The $response->raw() method will return an array with the raw data returned by druid.
The $response->data() method returns the data as an array in a "normalized" way so that it can be directly used.
The $response->pagingIdentifier() method returns paging identifier. The paging identifier will be something like this:

    'wikipedia_2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z_2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z_2019-09-12T14:15:44.694Z' => 19


The scan() method will execute your query as a scan query. The Scan query returns raw Apache Druid (incubating) rows in streaming mode. The biggest difference between the Select query and the Scan query is that the Scan query does not retain all the returned rows in memory before they are returned to the client. The Select query will retain the rows in memory, causing memory pressure if too many rows are returned. The Scan query can return all the rows without issuing another pagination query.

For more information see this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/scan-query.html


// Build a scan query
$builder = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select(['__time', 'channel', 'user', 'deleted', 'added'])

// Execute the query.
$response = $builder->scan();

the scan() method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array/QueryContext Optional $context ['priority' => 75] Query context parameters. See below for more information.
int Optional $rowBatchSize 20480 How many rows buffered before return to client. Default is 20480
bool Optional $legacy false Return results consistent with the legacy "scan-query" contrib extension. Defaults to the value set by druid.query.scan.legacy, which in turn defaults to false. See Legacy mode for details.
string Optional $resultFormat ScanQueryResultFormat::NORMAL_LIST Result Format. Use one of the ScanQueryResultFormat::* constants.


The first parameter of the scan() method is the query context. The query context is either an array with key => value pairs, or an ScanQueryContext object. The context allows you to change the behaviour of the query execution.


// Example of setting query context. It can also be supplied as an array in the scan() method call.
$context = new ScanQueryContext();

// Execute the query.
$response = $builder->scan($context);


The response of this query will be an ScanQueryResponse.
The $response->raw() method will return an array with the raw data returned by druid.
The $response->data() method returns the data as an array in a "normalized" way so that it can be directly used.


You can specify two result formats:

Format Description
ScanQueryResultFormat::NORMAL_LIST This will return the data including the field names.
ScanQueryResultFormat::COMPACTED_LIST This will return the data, but without the fieldnames.

Example $response->data() for ScanQueryResultFormat::NORMAL_LIST:

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'timestamp' => '2015-09-12T23:59:59.200Z',
    '__time' => 1442102399200,
    'channel' => '#en.wikipedia',
    'user' => 'Eva.pascoe',
    'deleted' => 0,
    'added' => 182,

Example $response->data() for ScanQueryResultFormat::COMPACTED_LIST:

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    0 => '2015-09-12T23:59:59.200Z',
    1 => 1442102399200,
    2 => '#en.wikipedia',
    3 => 'Eva.pascoe',
    4 => 0,
    5 => 182,


The timeseries() method executes your query as a TimeSeries query. It will return the data grouped by the given time granularity.

For more information about the TimeSeries query, see this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/timeseriesquery.html


// Build a TimeSeries query
$builder = $client->query('wikipedia', Granularity::HOUR)
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->select('__time', 'datetime')

// Execute the query.
$response = $builder->timeseries();

The timeseries() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array/QueryContext Optional $context ['priority' => 75] Query context parameters. See below for more information.


The timeseries() method receives 1 parameter, the query context. The query context is either an array with key => value pairs, or an TimeSeriesQueryContext object. The context allows you to change the behaviour of the query execution.


// Example of setting query context. It can also be supplied as an array in the timeseries() method call.
$context = new TimeSeriesQueryContext();

// Execute the query.
$response = $builder->timeseries($context);


The response of this query will be an TimeSeriesQueryResponse.
The $response->raw() method will return an array with the raw data returned by druid.
The $response->data() method returns the data as an array in a "normalized" way so that it can be directly used.


The search() method executes your query as a Search Query. A Search Query will return the unique values of a dimension which matches a specific search selection. The response will be containing the dimension which matched your search criteria, the value of your dimension and the number of occurrences.

For more information about the Search Query, see this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/searchquery.html

See the Search Filters for examples how to specify your search filter.


// Build a Search Query
$builder = $client->query('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12 00:00:00', '2015-09-13 00:00:00')
    ->dimensions(['namespace']) // If left out, all dimensions are searched

// Execute the query, sorting by String Length (shortest first).
$response = $builder->search([], SortingOrder::STRLEN);

The search() method has the following arguments:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array/QueryContext Optional $context ['priority' => 75] Query context parameters. See below for more information.
string/SortingOrder Optional $sortingOrder SortingOrder::STRLEN This defines how the sorting is executed.


The search() method receives as first parameter the query context. The query context is either an array with key => value pairs, or an QueryContext object. The context allows you to change the behaviour of the query execution.


// Example of setting query context. It can also be supplied as an array in the search() method call.
$context = new QueryContext();

// Execute the query.
$response = $builder->search($context);


The response of this query will be an SearchQueryResponse.
The $response->raw() method will return an array with the raw data returned by druid.
The $response->data() method returns the data as an array in a "normalized" way so that it can be directly used.


Besides querying data, the DruidClient class also allows you to extract metadata from your druid setup.

The metadata() method returns a MetadataBuilder instance. With this instance you can retrieve various metadata information about your druid setup.

Below we have described the most common used methods.


The intervals() method returns all intervals for the given $dataSource.


$intervals = $client->metadata()->intervals('wikipedia');

The intervals() method has 1 parameter:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dataSource "wikipedia" The name of the dataSource (table) which you want to retrieve the intervals from.

It will return the response like this:

  "2019-08-19T14:00:00.000Z/2019-08-19T15:00:00.000Z" => [ "size" => 75208,  "count" => 4 ],
  "2019-08-19T13:00:00.000Z/2019-08-19T14:00:00.000Z" => [ "size" => 161870, "count" => 8 ],


The interval() method on the MetadataBuilder will return all details regarding the given interval.


// retrieve the details regarding the given interval.
$response = $client->metadata()->interval('wikipedia', '2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z/2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z');

The interval() method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dataSource "wikipedia" The name of the dataSource (table) which you want to retrieve interval information from.
string Required $interval "2019-08-19T14:00:00.000Z/2019-08-19T15:00:00.000Z" The "raw" interval where you want to retrieve details for.

It will return an array as below:

$response = [
    '2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z/2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z' =>
            'wikipedia_2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z_2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z_2019-09-26T18:30:14.418Z' =>
                    'metadata' =>
                            'dataSource'    => 'wikipedia',
                            'interval'      => '2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z/2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z',
                            'version'       => '2019-09-26T18:30:14.418Z',
                            'loadSpec'      =>
                                    'type' => 'local',
                                    'path' => '/etc/apache-druid-0.15.1-incubating/var/druid/segments/wikipedia/2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z_2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z/2019-09-26T18:30:14.418Z/0/index.zip',
                            'dimensions'    => 'added,channel,cityName,comment,countryIsoCode,countryName,deleted,delta,isAnonymous,isMinor,isNew,isRobot,isUnpatrolled,metroCode,namespace,page,regionIsoCode,regionName,user',
                            'metrics'       => '',
                            'shardSpec'     =>
                                    'type'         => 'numbered',
                                    'partitionNum' => 0,
                                    'partitions'   => 0,
                            'binaryVersion' => 9,
                            'size'          => 4817636,
                            'identifier'    => 'wikipedia_2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z_2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z_2019-09-26T18:30:14.418Z',
                    'servers'  =>
                            0 => 'localhost:8083',


The structure() method creates a Structure object which represents the structure for the given dataSource. It will retrieve the structure for the last known interval, or for the interval which you supply.


// Retrieve the strucutre of our dataSource
$structure = $client->metadata()->structure('wikipedia');

The structure() method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dataSource "wikipedia" The name of the dataSource (table) which you want to retrieve interval information from.
string Optional $structure "last" The interval where we read the structure data from. You can use "first", "last" or a raw interval string like "2019-08-19T14:00:00.000Z/2019-08-19T15:00:00.000Z"

Example response:

Level23\Druid\Metadata\Structure Object
    [dataSource] => wikipedia
    [dimensions] => Array
            [channel] => STRING
            [cityName] => STRING
            [comment] => STRING
            [countryIsoCode] => STRING
            [countryName] => STRING                        
            [isAnonymous] => STRING
            [isMinor] => STRING
            [isNew] => STRING
            [isRobot] => STRING
            [isUnpatrolled] => STRING            
            [namespace] => STRING
            [page] => STRING
            [regionIsoCode] => STRING
            [regionName] => STRING
            [user] => STRING

    [metrics] => Array
            [added] => LONG
            [deleted] => LONG
            [delta] => LONG
            [metroCode] => LONG 


The timeBoundary() method returns the time boundary for the given dataSource. It finds the first and/or last occurrence of a record in the given dataSource.

Optionally, you can also apply a filter. For example, to only see when the first and/or last occurrence was for a record where a specific condition was met.

The return type varies per given $bound. If TimeBound::BOTH was given (or null, which is the same), we will return an array with the minTime and maxTime:

 'minTime' => \DateTime object,
 'maxTime' => \DateTime object

If only one time was requested with either TimeBound::MIN_TIME or TimeBound::MAX_TIME, we will return a DateTime object.

The timeBoundary() method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string/DataSourceInterface Required $dataSource "wikipedia" The name of the dataSource (table) where you want the boundary from. This can also be a DataSource object.
null/ string/TimeBound Optional $bound TimeBound::BOTH Set to TimeBound::MAX_TIME or TimeBound::MIN_TIME ( or "maxTime"/"minTime") to return only the latest or earliest timestamp. Default to returning both if not set (null)
Closure Optional $filterBuilder See below A closure which receives a FilterBuilder. When given, we will get the bound(s) for the records which match with the given filter.
Context Optional $context ['timeout' => 1000] Query context parameters.


// Example of only retrieving the MAX time
$response = $client->metadata()->timeBoundary('wikipedia', TimeBound::MAX_TIME, function(FilterBuilder $builder) {
    $builder->where('channel', '!=', '#vi.wikipedia');

echo $response->format('d-m-Y H:i:s');

// Example of only retrieving BOTH times
$response = $client->metadata()->timeBoundary('wikipedia', TimeBound::BOTH);

echo $response['minTime']->format('d-m-Y H:i:s') .' / '. $response['maxTime']->format('d-m-Y H:i:s');


This method will return all dataSources as an array.


// Retrieve all data sources
$dataSources = $client->metadata()->dataSources();

foreach($dataSources as $dataSource) { 
    // ...


Retrieve the number of rows for the given dataSource and interval.

The rowCount() method has the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $dataSource "wikipedia" The name of the dataSource (table) where you want to count the rows for.
string/int/DateTime Required $start "now - 24 hours" The start date to retrieve the row count for. See interval() for all allowed formats.
/string/int/DateTime/null Optional $stop "now" The stop date to retrieve the row count for. See interval() for all allowed formats. When a string containing a slash is given as start date, the stop date can be left out.


// Retrieve the total records for the past week.
$numRows = $client->metadata()->rowCount("wikipedia", "now - 1 week", "now");

Reindex / compact data / kill

Druid stores data in segments. When you want to update some data, you have to rebuild the whole segment. Therefore, we use smaller segments when the data is still "fresh". In our experience, if data needs to be updated (rebuild), it is most of the time fresh data. By keeping fresh data in smaller segments, we only need to rebuild 1 hour of data, instead for a whole month or such.

We use for example hour segments for "today" and "yesterday", and we have some processes which will change this data into bigger segments after that.

Reindexing and compacting data is therefor very important to us. Here we show you how you can use this.

Note: when you re-index data, druid will collect the data and put it in a new segment. The old segments are not deleted, but marked as unused. This is the same principle as Laravel soft-deletes. To permanently delete the unused segments you should use the kill task. See below for an example.

By default, we have added a check to make sure that you have selected a complete interval. This prevents a lot of issues. If you do not want this, we have added a special context setting named skipIntervalValidation. When you set this to true, we will not validate the given intervals for the compact() or reindex() methods.


// Build our compact task.
$taskId = $client->compact('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z/2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z ')
    ->execute([ 'skipIntervalValidation' => true ]); // Ignore interval validation. 


With the compact() method you can create a compaction task. A compact task can be used to change the segment size of your existing data.
A compaction task internally generates an index task for performing compaction work with some fixed parameters.

See for more information this page: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/ingestion/data-management.html#compact


$client = new DruidClient(['router_url' => '']);

// Build our compact task.
$taskId = $client->compact('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z/2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z ')
    ->segmentGranularity(Granularity::DAY) // set our new segment size (it was for example "hour")

echo "Inserted task with id: " . $taskId . "\n";

// Start polling task status.
while (true) {
    $status = $client->taskStatus($taskId);
    echo $status->getId() . ': ' . $status->getStatus() . "\n";

    if ($status->getStatus() != 'RUNNING') {

// Or, simply use:
// $status = $client->pollTaskStatus($taskId);

echo "Final status: \n";

The compact method will return a CompactTaskBuilder object which allows you to specify the rest of the required data.

NOTE: We currently do not have support for building metricSpec and DimensionSpec yet.


With the reindex() method you can re-index data which is already in a druid dataSource. You can do a bit more than with the compact() method.

For example, you can filter or transform existing data or change the query granularity:

$client = new DruidClient(['router_url' => '']);

// Create our custom input source.
$source = new DruidInputSource('wikipedia');
$source->where('namespace', 'not like', '%Draft%');

// Build our reindex task
$taskId = $client->reindex('wikipedia-new')
    ->interval('2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z/2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z ')
    // Here we overwrite our "source" data, we define our own source data.
    ->transform(function (\Level23\Druid\Transforms\TransformBuilder $builder) {
        $builder->transform('"true"', 'isRobot');
        $builder->where('comment', 'like', '%Robot%');

echo "Inserted task with id: " . $taskId . "\n";

// Start polling task status.
while (true) {
    $status = $client->taskStatus($taskId);
    echo $status->getId() . ': ' . $status->getStatus() . "\n";

    if ($status->getStatus() != 'RUNNING') {

// Or, simply use:
// $status = $client->pollTaskStatus($taskId);

echo "Final status: \n";

The reindex method will return a IndexTaskBuilder object which allows you to specify the rest of the required data. By default, we will use a DruidInputSource to ingest data from an existing data source.

If you want you can change the data source where the data is read from using the inputSource() method. See the Input Sources chapter for other input sources.


The kill() method will return a KillTaskBuilder object. This allows you to specify the interval and optionally the task ID for your task. You can then execute it.

The kill task will delete all unused segments which match with your given interval. If you often re-index your data you probably want to also use this task a lot, otherwise you will also store all old versions of your data.

If you want to remove segments which are not yet marked as unused, you can use the markAsUnused() method:


$client = new DruidClient(['router_url' => '']);

// Build our kill task and execute it.
$taskId = $client->kill('wikipedia')
    ->interval('2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z/2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z ')
    ->markAsUnused() // mark segments as unused

echo "Kill task inserted with id: " . $taskId . "\n";

// Start polling task status.
while (true) {
    $status = $client->taskStatus($taskId);
    echo $status->getId() . ': ' . $status->getStatus() . "\n";

    if ($status->getStatus() != 'RUNNING') {

// Or, simply use:
// $status = $client->pollTaskStatus($taskId);

echo "Final status: \n";

Importing data using a batch index job

When you want to manually import data into druid, you can do this with a simple index task. When you want to import data, you will have to specify an input source. The input source is where the data is read from.

There are various input sources, for example a Local file, an HTTP endpoint or data retrieved from an SQL source. Below we will describe all available input sources, but first we will explain how an index task is created.

The $client->index(...) method returns an IndexTaskBuilder object, which allows you to specify your index task.

It is important to understand that druid will replace your SEGMENTS by default! So, for example, of you stored your data in DAY segments, then you have to import your data for that whole segment in one task. Otherwise, the second task will replace the previous data.

To solve this, you can use appendToExisting(), which will allow you to append to an existing segment without removing the previous imported data.

For more methods on the IndexTaskBuilder, see the example below. Above each method call we have added some comment as explanation:

$client = new DruidClient(['router_url' => '']);

// First, define your inputSource. 
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\HttpInputSource([

# Now, build and execute our index task
$taskId = $client->index('myTableName', $inputSource)
    // specify the date range which will be imported.
    ->interval('now - 1 week', 'now')
    // Specify that we want to "rollup" our data 
    // We want to make segment files of 1 week of data
    // We want to be able to query at minimum level of HOUR data.
    // Process the input source parallel (like multithreaded instead of 1 thread).
    // By default, an INDEX task will OVERWRITE _segments_. If you want to APPEND, use this: 
    // Set a unique id for this task.
    // Specify your "time" column in your input source
    ->timestamp('time', 'posix')
    // Now we will add some dimensions which we want to add to our data-source.
    // These are the field names to read from input records, as well as the column name stored in generated segments.
    ->dimension('country', 'string')
    ->dimension('age', 'long')
    ->dimension('version', 'float')
    // You can also import spatial dimensions (x,y(,z)) coordinates
    ->spatialDimension('location', ['lat', 'long'])
    // Import multi-value dimensions
    ->multiValueDimension('tags', 'string')
    // Add the metrics which we want to ingest from our input source. (only when rollup is enabled!)
    ->sum('clicks', 'totalClicks', 'long')
    ->sum('visits', 'totalVisits', 'long')
    ->sum('revenue', 'profit', 'float')
    // Execute the task
// If you want to stop your task (for whatever reason), you can call:    
// $client->cancelQuery($taskId);    
// Now poll for our final status    
$status = $client->pollTaskStatus($taskId);

echo "Final status: \n";

Input Sources

To index data, you need to specify where the data is read from. You can do this with an


The AzureInputSource reads data from your Azure Blob store or Azure Data Lake sources.

Important! You need to include the druid-azure-extensions as an extension to use the Azure input source.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Optional $uris ["azure://<container>/<path-to-file>", ...] Array of URIs where the Azure objects to be ingested are located.
array Optional $prefixes ["azure://<container>/<prefix>", ...] Array of URI prefixes for the locations of Azure objects to ingest. Empty objects starting with one of the given prefixes are skipped.
array Optional $objects [ ["bucket" => "container", "path" => "path/file1.json"], ["bucket" => "container", "path" => "path/file2.json"]] Array of Azure objects to ingest.

Either one of these parameters is required. When you execute your index task in parallel, each task will process one (or more) of the objects given.


// First, define your inputSource. 
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\AzureInputSource([

# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called azureData) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('azureData', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...


The GoogleCloudInputSource reads data from your Azure Blob store or Azure Data Lake sources.

Important! You need to include the druid-google-extensions as an extension to use the Google Cloud Storage input source.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Optional $uris ["gs://<container>/<path-to-file>", ...] Array of URIs where the Google Cloud Storage to be ingested are located.
array Optional $prefixes ["gs://<container>/<prefix>", ...] Array of URI prefixes for the locations of Google Cloud Storage to ingest. Empty objects starting with one of the given prefixes are skipped.
array Optional $objects [ ["bucket" => "container", "path" => "path/file1.json"], ["bucket" => "container", "path" => "path/file2.json"]] Array of Google Cloud Storage to ingest.

Either one of these parameters is required. When you execute your index task in parallel, each task will process one (or more) of the objects given.


// First, define your inputSource. 
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\GoogleCloudInputSource([

# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called googleData) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('googleData', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...


The S3InputSource reads data from Amazon S3.

Important! You need to include the druid-s3-extensions as an extension to use the S3 input source.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Optional $uris ["s3://<bucket>/<path-to-file>", ...] Array of URIs where S3 objects to be ingested are located.
array Optional $prefixes ["s3://<bucket>/<prefix>", ...] Array of URI prefixes for the locations of S3 objects to be ingested. Empty objects starting with one of the given prefixes will be skipped.
array Optional $objects [ ["bucket" => "container", "path" => "path/file1.json"], ["bucket" => "container", "path" => "path/file2.json"]] Array of S3 Objects to be ingested.
array Optional $properties ["accessKeyId" => "KLJ78979SDFdS2", ... ] Properties array for overriding the default S3 configuration. See below for more information.

Either one of these parameters is required. When you execute your index task in parallel, each task will process one (or more) of the objects given.


// First, define your inputSource. 
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\S3InputSource(
    [], // no prefixes
    [], // no objects
        "accessKeyId" => "KLJ78979SDFdS2", 
        "secretAccessKey" => "KLS89s98sKJHKJKJH8721lljkd", 
        "assumeRoleArn" => "arn:aws:iam::2981002874992:role/role-s3",

# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called awsS3Data) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('awsS3Data', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...


The HdfsInputSource reads files directly from HDFS storage.

Important! You need to include the druid-hdfs-storage as an extension to use the HDFS input source.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $paths ["hdfs://namenode_host/foo/bar/file.json", "hdfs://namenode_host/bar/foo/file2.json"] HDFS paths. Can be either a JSON array or comma-separated string of paths. Wildcards like * are supported in these paths. Empty files located under one of the given paths will be skipped.

When you execute your index task in parallel, each task will process one (or more) of the files given.


// First, define your inputSource. 
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\HdfsInputSource(
    ["hdfs://namenode_host/foo/bar/file.json", "hdfs://namenode_host/bar/foo/file2.json"]

# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called hdfsData) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('hdfsData', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...


The HttpInputSource reads files directly from remote sites via HTTP.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $uris ["http://example.com/uri1", "http://example2.com/uri2"] URIs of the input files.
string Optional $username "john" Username to use for authentication with specified URIs. Can be optionally used if the URIs specified in the spec require a Basic Authentication Header.
string/array Optional $password "isTheBest" Password or PasswordProvider to use with specified URIs. Can be optionally used if the URIs specified in the spec require a Basic Authentication Header.

When you execute your index task in parallel, each task will process one (or more) of the files (uris) given.


// First, define your inputSource. 

// Example 1. Without Basic Authentication 
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\HttpInputSource(
    ["http://example.com/uri1", "http://example2.com/uri2"]

// Example 2. In this example we have a plain username-password combination. 
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\HttpInputSource(
    ["http://example.com/uri1", "http://example2.com/uri2"],

// Example 3. In this example we use the password provider. 
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\HttpInputSource(
    ["http://example.com/uri1", "http://example2.com/uri2"],
        "type" => "environment",
        "variable" => "HTTP_INPUT_SOURCE_PW"

# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called httpData) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('httpData', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...


The InlineInputSource reads the data directly from what is given. It can be used for demos or for quickly testing out parsing and schema.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $data [["row1", 16, 9.18], ["row2", 12, 9.22], ...] Array with rows which contain the data.


// First, define your inputSource. 
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\InlineInputSource([
    ["row1", 16, 9.18], 
    ["row2", 12, 9.22],
    // ...

# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called inlineData) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('inlineData', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...


The LocalInputSource reads files directly from local storage.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required without $baseDir $files ["/bar/foo", "/foo/bar"] File paths to ingest. Some files can be ignored to avoid ingesting duplicate files if they are located under the specified baseDir. Empty files will be skipped.
string Required without $files $baseDir "/data/directory" Directory to search recursively for files to be ingested. Empty files under the baseDir will be skipped.
string Required with $baseDir $filter "*.csv" A wildcard filter for files.


// First, define your inputSource. 

// Example 1, specify the files to ingest
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\LocalInputSource([
    ["/bar/foo/file.json", "/foo/bar/file.json"]

// Example 2, specify a dir and wildcard for files to ingest
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\LocalInputSource([

# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called inlineData) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('inlineData', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...


The DruidInputSource reads data directly from existing druid segments.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $dataSource ["/bar/foo", "/foo/bar"] The datasource where you want to read data from.
IntervalInterface Optional $inteval new Interval('now - 1 day', 'now') The interval which will be used for reading data from your datasource. Only records within this interval will be read.
FilterInterface Optional $filter (See below) A filter which will be used to select records which will be read. Only records matching this filter will be used.


// First, define your inputSource. 

// Example 1, specify the files to ingest
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\DruidInputSource('hits');

// only process records from a week ago until now.
$inputSource->interval('now - 1 week', 'now');

// only process records matching these filters.
$inputSource->where('browser', 'Android');
$inputSource->whereIn('version', ['8', '9', '10']);
// etc.

# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called androidHits) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('androidHits', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...


The SqlInputSource reads records directly from a database using queries which you will specify. In parallel mode, each task will process one or more queries.

Note: If you want to use mysql as source, you must have enabled the extension mysql-metadata-storage in druid. If you want to use postgresql as source, you must have enabled the extension postgresql-metadata-storage in druid.

Since this input source has a fixed input format for reading events, no inputFormat field needs to be specified in the ingestion spec when using this input source. Please refer to the Recommended practices section below before using this input source.

See https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/ingestion/native-batch.html#sql-input-source for more information.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
string Required $connectURI "jdbc:mysql://host:port/schema" The connection URI to connect with your database.
string Required $username "user" The username used for authentication.
string Required $password "password" The password used for authentication.
array Required $sqls ["select * from table where type = 'a'", "select * from table where type = 'b'"] A list of queries which will be executed to retrieve the data which you want to import.
boolean Optional $foldCase true Toggle case folding of database column names. This may be enabled in cases where the database returns case insensitive column names in query results. Default is false


// First, define your inputSource. 

// Example 1, specify the files to ingest
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\SqlInputSource(
        "select * from table where type = 'a'", 
        "select * from table where type = 'b'"
# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called mysqlData) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('mysqlData', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...


The CombiningInputSource allows you to retrieve data from multiple locations. It combines various input source methods.

This input source should be only used if all the delegate input sources are splittable and can be used by the Parallel task. This input source will identify the splits from its delegates and each split will be processed by a worker task. Similar to other input sources, this input source supports a single inputFormat. Therefore, please note that delegate input sources requiring an inputFormat must have the same format for input data.

The constructor allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $inputSources [new HttpInputSource(...), new S3InputSource(...)] List with other import sources which should be processed all together.


// First, define your inputSource. 

// Example 1, specify the files to ingest
$inputSource = new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\CombiningInputSource([
    new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\HttpInputSource(['']),
    new \Level23\Druid\InputSources\S3InputSource(['s3://bucket/file2.json'])

# Now, start building your task (import it into a datasource called combinedData) 
$indexTaskBuilder = $client->index('combinedData', $inputSource);
// $indexTaskBuilder-> ...

Input Formats

For most input sources you also need to specify the format of the incoming data. You can do this with an input format. You can choose several input formats in your TaskBuilder. Below they are explained.


The csvFormat() allows you to specify how your csv data is build.

This method allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $columns ["name", "age"] Specifies the columns of the data. The columns should be in the same order with the columns of your data.
string Optional $listDelimiter "$" A custom delimiter for multi-value dimensions.
boolean Optional $findColumnsFromHeader true If this is set, the task will find the column names from the header row.
int Optional $skipHeaderRows 2 If this is set, the task will skip the first skipHeaderRows rows.

Note that skipHeaderRows will be applied before finding column names from the header. For example, if you set skipHeaderRows to 2 and findColumnsFromHeader to true, the task will skip the first two lines and then extract column information from the third line.


$inputSource = new HttpInputSource( /*...*/ );

$builder = $client->index('data', $inputSource)
    ->csvFormat(['name', 'age'], null, true, 2)
    //-> ....


The tsvFormat() allows you to specify how your tsv data is build.

This method allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Required $columns ["name", "age"] Specifies the columns of the data. The columns should be in the same order with the columns of your data.
string Optional $delimiter "\t" A custom delimiter for data values (default is a tab \t).
string Optional $listDelimiter "$" A custom delimiter for multi-value dimensions.
boolean Optional $findColumnsFromHeader true If this is set, the task will find the column names from the header row.
int Optional $skipHeaderRows 2 If this is set, the task will skip the first skipHeaderRows rows.

Be sure to change the delimiter to the appropriate delimiter for your data. Like CSV, you must specify the columns and which subset of the columns you want indexed.

Note that skipHeaderRows will be applied before finding column names from the header. For example, if you set skipHeaderRows to 2 and findColumnsFromHeader to true, the task will skip the first two lines and then extract column information from the third line.


$inputSource = new HttpInputSource( /*...*/ );

$builder = $client->index('data', $inputSource)
    ->tsvFormat(['name', 'age'], "|", null, true, 2)
    //-> ....


The jsonFormat() allows you to specify how the data is formatted.

See also:

This method allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
FlattenSpec Optional $flattenSpec (see below) Specifies flattening configuration for nested JSON data. See below for more info.
array Optional $features "\t" List the features which apply for this json input format.

The flattenSpec object bridges the gap between potentially nested input data, such as JSON or Avro, and Druid's flat data model. It is an object within the inputFormat object.

$inputSource = new HttpInputSource( /*...*/ );

// Here we define how our fields are "read" from the input source. 
$spec = new FlattenSpec(true);
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::ROOT, 'baz');
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::JQ, 'foo_bar', '$.foo.bar');
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::PATH, 'first_food', '.thing.food[1]');

$builder = $client->index('data', $inputSource)
    ->jsonFormat($spec, ['ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES' => true, 'ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES' => true])
    //-> ....


The orcFormat() allows you to specify the ORC input format. However, to make use of this input source, you should have added the druid-orc-extensions to druid.


This method allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
FlattenSpec Optional $flattenSpec (see below) Specifies flattening configuration for nested JSON data. See below for more info.
boolean Optional $binaryAsString true Specifies if the binary orc column which is not logically marked as a string should be treated as a UTF-8 encoded string. Default is false.

The flattenSpec object bridges the gap between potentially nested input data, and Druid's flat data model. It is an object within the inputFormat object.

$inputSource = new HttpInputSource( /*...*/ );

// Here we define how our fields are "read" from the input source. 
$spec = new FlattenSpec(true);
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::ROOT, 'baz');
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::JQ, 'foo_bar', '$.foo.bar');
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::PATH, 'first_food', '.thing.food[1]');

$builder = $client->index('data', $inputSource)
    ->orcFormat($spec, true)
    //-> ....


The parquetFormat() allows you to specify the Parquet input format. However, to make use of this input source, you should have added the druid-parquet-extensions to druid.


This method allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
FlattenSpec Optional $flattenSpec (see below) Specifies flattening configuration for nested JSON data. See below for more info.
boolean Optional $binaryAsString true Specifies if the bytes parquet column which is not logically marked as a string or enum type should be treated as a UTF-8 encoded string. Default is false.

The flattenSpec object bridges the gap between potentially nested input data, and Druid's flat data model. It is an object within the inputFormat object.

$inputSource = new HttpInputSource( /*...*/ );

// Here we define how our fields are "read" from the input source. 
$spec = new FlattenSpec(true);
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::ROOT, 'baz');
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::PATH, 'nested', '$.path.to.nested');

$builder = $client->index('data', $inputSource)
    ->parquetFormat($spec, true)
    //-> ....


The parquetFormat() allows you to specify the Protobuf input format. However, to make use of this input source, you should have added the druid-protobuf-extensions to druid.


This method allows you to specify the following parameters:

Type Optional/Required Argument Example Description
array Optional $protoBytesDecoder (see below) Specifies how to decode bytes to Protobuf record.
FlattenSpec Optional $flattenSpec (see below) Specifies flattening configuration for nested JSON data. See below for more info.

The flattenSpec object bridges the gap between potentially nested input data, and Druid's flat data model. It is an object within the inputFormat object.

$inputSource = new HttpInputSource( /*...*/ );

// Here we define how our fields are "read" from the input source. 
$spec = new FlattenSpec(true);
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::ROOT, 'baz');
$spec->field(FlattenFieldType::PATH, 'someRecord_subInt', '$.someRecord.subInt');

$builder = $client->index('data', $inputSource)
        "type" => "file",
        "descriptor" => "file:///tmp/metrics.desc",
        "protoMessageType" => "Metrics"
    ], $spec)
    //-> ....


Druid php client for executing queries and more



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