letitbeat / fit-tracker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Technologies used in the project

How to Build and Run the Project

This project uses the Gradle build system, you can build the project locally just by typing the following in the console:

./gradlew build

On Windows use gradlew.bat instead of ./gradlew.

The output of the Gradle build is located in the build/ directory.

To run the project deploy the war-File in the build/libs directory to the application server of your choice. Alternatively, you can use the Gradle Jetty plugin:

./gradlew jettyRun


Browse to the application root for API documentation:


All REST endpoints can be tested locally with the Swagger UI frontend.

How to Extend the Project

If you want to import the project in an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA then Gradle provides a way to generate all the necessary project files.

Generate Eclipse project:

./gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse

Generate IntelliJ IDEA project:

./gradlew cleanIdea idea

Alternatively, with IntelliJ IDEA you can also import the project from the Gradle model, just follow this guide.

Functionalities included

  1. Exercise CRUD:

    • Persist new exercises:
      • Insert new exercises.
      • Update exercise.
      • All exercise fields should be mandatory for inserting (except the id) and updating.
      • Use an appropriate HTTP status code if the input is invalid.
      • Check if the provided description has a valid syntax (only alphnum + spaces) by using a simple regular expression.
      • During exercise persisting it should be checked that there is no other exercise already present for the user id, in the period (start + duration) where the new exercise will take place. If this is the case return an HTTP status code Conflict with appropriate error message.
      • While updating an exercise, the user id and type shouldn't change.
    • Delete an existing exercise by a given exercise id.
    • List all existing exercises for a given user id.
      • Add the ability to filter them by type and/or by date.
  2. Included REST end point in the ExerciseService with the following: - Rank a list of user ids by the users' points: - the points are calculated as follows: - A user gets points for each exercise he has completed in the past 4 weeks. - A user gets one point per minute of the duration of the exercise plus the burnt kilo calories. - Each time a user performs the same type of exercise again it is worth 10% less (Make sure to look at the newest exercises first). Example: A user ran 4 times in the past 4 weeks (let's say once per week). This weeks run is worth 100%. The oldest run is worth only 70% of the calculated points for the exercise. - An exercise can't count for less than 0 points. - Each exercise type has a multiplication factor for the point calculation: - RUNNING - 2 - CYCLING - 2 - SWIMMING - 3 - ROWING - 2 - WALKING - 1 - CIRCUIT_TRAINING - 4 - STRENGTH_TRAINING - 3 - FITNESS_COURSE - 2 - SPORTS - 3 - OTHER - 1 - It returns an ordered list of user ids according to the users' points in descending order.

  3. REST endpoint in the ExerciseService which returns a map containing the times a user has completed each exercise based on the exercise type in the past 4 weeks. If there is an exercise the user has not done, it will return 0 for that type as the number of times.



Language:JavaScript 94.1%Language:CSS 3.4%Language:Java 2.3%Language:HTML 0.2%