A system to allow small investors to make better decisions about their portfolio. One of the functionalities is to check the performance of a stock in the following scenarios:
- Current price
- Historical price
- Current price compared to other stocks
- Gain projection with purchase on a specific date.
- NodeJS
- ExpressJs
- Jest
- Swagger
- Typescript
- Joi
- Tsyringe
- in the server folder, run npm i
To run the app you'll need to get an api key and set the API_KEY var on the .env file The api has a 5 request per minute and a 100 request per day limit(it blocks your ip after you reach the 100 request max limit)
then run the app
npm run dev
Get Stock Quote
Description: Returns the current price of a specified stock.
Path: /stock/{stockName}/quote
Get Stock History
Description: Retrieves historical data for a stock within a specified date range.
Path: /stocks/{stockName}/history?from={date}&to={date}
Get Stock Gains Projection
Description: Calculates and returns the projection gains for a stock based on purchase details.
Path: /stocks/{stockName}/gains?purchasedAt={date}&purchasedAmount={amount}
Compare Stocks
Description: Compares a stock with other stocks based on name and provides insights.
Path: /stocks/{stockName}/compare?stocksToCompare[]={stock}&stocksToCompare[]={stock}
You can try the app at http://localhost:3001/api-docs
to run the tests
npm run test